# DynamicEnv

This provides a way to store environment variables into AWS SSM keystore
backed by KMS encryption. Then you can invoke a function that will update
your environment variables without recompiling or restarting your application.

Be sure that you have your aws configuration variables set: 

config :dynamic_env, :aws_secret_key, System.get_env("AWS_SECRET_KEY")
config :dynamic_env, :aws_secret_access_key, System.get_env("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")

First you need to generate a KMS key. You do that via:

iex> DynamicEnv.AWS.Util.generate_kms_key_id("my secret key name")

The output of that command will need to be part of the environment *before*
starting the web server. The environment variable will need to be set as

AWS_KMS_KEY="the value of my secret key"

From there you can use EnvConfig to set and update your environment

In your config.exs

config :my_app, :sample_var, {:system, "FOO_KEY"}

Keys can be set and fetched by a namespace (eg your environment)

iex> alias DynamicEnv.Environment
iex> Environment.put_param("my_app_staging", "FOO", "BAR")
iex> Environment.get_param("my_app_staging", "FOO")

Then you can refresh your environment and fetch via env_config

iex> Environment.refresh_environment("my_app_staging")

iex> EnvConfig.get(:my_app, :sample_var)

When you want to update your environment variables you'll need 
to refresh once again

iex> Environment.put_param("my_app_staging", "FOO", "KABOOM")
iex> EnvConfig.get(:my_app, :sample_var)
iex> Environment.refresh_environment("my_app_staging")
iex> EnvConfig.get(:my_app, :sample_var)

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `dynamic_env` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:dynamic_env, "~> 0.1.0"}]

and be sure to add it to your applications

def applications do
  [applications: [:dynamic_env]]

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