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# DynamoMigration

**Simple version management tool for migration file of DynamoDB.**

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `:dynamo_migration` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` along with your preferred JSON codec, HTTP client and ExAwsDynamo.

def deps do
    {:dynamo_migration, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:ex_aws_dynamo, "~> 4.0"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.0"},
    {:hackney, "~> 1.9"}

**ExAws** uses [Jason]( as its default JSON codec - if you intend to use a different codec, see [ex_aws]( for more information about setting a custom `:json_codec`.

**See also [ExAwsDynamo](**

## Usage

### 1. dynamo.setup

First of all, you need to create a migration table for version management.
Type this in your console.

$ mix dynamo.setup

### 2. dynamo.gen.migration

Then create a file for management and add your changes.

$ mix dynamo.gen.migration create_tests_table --table tests -e

| option       | alias | type    | effect                                               |
| ------------ | ----- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| --table      | -t    | string  | table name for management ★ Required.                |
| --env_prefix | -e    | boolean | Mix.env () is added to the prefix of the table name. |

# priv/dynamo/migrations/20220130083004_create_tests_table.exs
defmodule Dynamo.Migrations.CreateTestsTable do
  @table_name "#{Mix.env()}.test"
  def table_name, do: @table_name
  def change do
    # Rewrite any changes.
    # Examples.
      [id: :hash],
      %{id: :number},
      1,Create migrations tabl
    |> ExAws.request!()

### 3. dynamo.migrate

You can run the migration file.
And it's managed by a version table so it won't be duplicated.
It is also useful as an operation history for DynamoDB.

# Executes `priv/dynamo/migrations/*` if there had not migrated.
$ mix dynamo.migrate


### 4. dynamo.reset

In a test environment, you would like to reset migration every time I run it.
You can use `mix dynamo.reset`.

| option       | alias | type    | effect                                                                                                                                    |
| ------------ | ----- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --prefix     | -p    | string  | Executes only for table changes that include the specified prefix.                                                                        |
| --env_prefix | -e    | boolean | Execute only for tables to which Mix.env () is applied as prefix.</br>It is recommended to use the -e option of `gen.migration` together. |

## Bugs and Feature requests

Feel free to open an issues or a PR to contribute to the project.