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# Earmark—A Pure Elixir Markdown Processor

## Usage

    html_doc = Earmark.to_html(markdown)

    html_doc = Earmark.to_html(markdown, options)

## Limitations

* Nested block-level HTML is correctly handled only if each HTML
  tag appears on its own line. So


  will work. However. the following won't


* John Gruber's tests contain an ambiguity when it comes to 
  lines that might be the start of a list inside paragraphs.
  One test says that

        This is the text
        * of a paragraph
        that I wrote

  is a single paragraph. The "*" is not significant. However, another
  test has

        *   A list item
            * an another

  and expects this to be a nested list. But, in reality, the second could just
  be the continuation of a paragraph.

  I've chosen always to use the second interpretation—a line that looks like
  a list item will always be a list item.

## Author

Copyright © 2014 Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers  

Licensed under the same terms as Elixir.

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# Details
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Given a markdown document (as either a list of lines or 
a string containing newlines), return an HTML representation.

The options are a `%Earmark.Options{}` structure:

* `renderer`: ModuleName

  The module used to render the final document. Defaults to 

* `gfm`: boolean

  True by default. Turns on Github Flavored Markdown extensions

* `breaks`: boolean

  Only applicable if `gfm` is enabled. Makes all line breaks
  significant (so every line in the input is a new line in the

* `smartypants`: boolean

  Turns on smartypants processing, so quotes become curly, two
  or three hyphens become en and em dashes, and so on. True by

So, to format the document in `original` and disable smartypants,
you'd call

    alias Earmark.Options
    result = Earmark.to_html(original, %Options{smartypants: false})

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