# EarmarkTagCloud

It has been generated from a template by Extractly (
and any changes you make in this file will most likely be lost

  An [Earmark]( Plugin to easily create tag clouds inside Markdown Documents.

  In its default configuration it translates a list of lines containing keywords with three metric values to html, here
  is a simple example

  If the plugin lines are

      $$ ruby 10 100 4
      $$ elixir 40 800 12

  Earmark would pass in these lines as the `doc` array in the following doctest

      iex> doc = [
      ...> { "ruby 10 100 4", 1},
      ...> { "elixir 40 800 12", 2},
      ...> ]
      ...> EarmarkTagCloud.as_html(doc)
      {[ "<div class=\"earmark-tag-cloud\">\n",
         "  <span style=\"color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 100;\">ruby</span>\n",
         "  <span style=\"color: #000000; font-size: 40pt; font-weight: 800;\">elixir</span>\n",
      ], []}

  As we can see from the example above the three numeric values above are specifiying

  * font size in pts

  * font weight

  * and a gray scale value between 0 (white) and 12 (black) that matches to 13 gamma corrected
    shades of gray (you can change the settings to more grades, even 50, if you want.
    c.f. Parameterization)

  We can also set parameters like the font-family, or the div-classes

      iex> doc = [
      ...> { "set font-family Times", 1},
      ...> { "set div-classes my-tags", 2},
      ...> { "ruby 10 100 4", 3},
      ...> { "elixir 40 800 12", 4},
      ...> ]
      ...> EarmarkTagCloud.as_html(doc)
      {[ "<div class=\"my-tags\" style=\"font-family: Times;\">\n",
         "  <span style=\"color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 100;\">ruby</span>\n",
         "  <span style=\"color: #000000; font-size: 40pt; font-weight: 800;\">elixir</span>\n",
      ], []}


  Apache 2 License

  Copyright © 2016,7,8,9 RobertDober,

  See file `LICENSE` for details.

## Installation

[Available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `earmark_tag_cloud` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:earmark_tag_cloud, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `earmark_tag_cloud` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:earmark_tag_cloud]]