# [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/am-kantox/easy_ets.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/am-kantox/easy_ets) EasyETS
The very simple [`:ets`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html) wrapper simplifying
cross-process [`:ets`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html) handling
(like [`Agent`](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/master/Agent.html),
but [`:ets`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html)).
## Intro
`EasyETS` is a very thin simple ETS wrapper, simplifying the trivial usage of ETS
as key-value store. It is not intended to replicate `:ets` module functionality
by any mean. It might be used as a drop-in to avoid process-based `Agent` as
key-value store.
It exposes _only_ `CRUD` functionality of _ETS_, alongside with `Access` behaviour.
Built on top of `:ets`, it’s not distributed. Tables created are sets; `public`
and `named` by default. This might be changed by passing `{table_name, options}`
tuple instead of just table name to the initializer (see below.)
## Usage
There are two ways `EasyETS` might be used: as a standalone module,
or as a module extension.
### Standalone usage
iex> EasyETS.new(MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated)
iex> MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated.ets_put(:foo, 42)
%MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated{table: MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated}
iex> MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated.ets_get(:foo, 42)
iex> term = %{data: MyApp.MyModuleToBeGenerated.ets_put(:value, 42)}
iex> update_in(term, [:data, :value], fn _ -> "👍" end)
iex> get_in(term, [:data, :value])
The table is actually managed by the `EasyETS` application,
so it won’t be destroyed if the process called `EasyETS.new/1` exits.
### Module
defmodule MyApp.MyModuleBackedByTable do
use EasyETS
One might override `EasyETS.ets_table_name/0` in the module to change
the name of the table.
## Interface exported
`EasyETS` exports the simplest possible interface for `CRUD` on purpose.
Whether one needs more sophisticated `:ets` operations, it’s still possible
through `%MyApp.MyModuleBackedByTable{}.table` (yes, it’s a struct underneath.)
The latter holds the reference to the respective `:ets` table.
@doc "Updates the value in the table under the key passed"
@spec ets_put(key :: term(), value :: term()) :: EasyETS.t()
@doc "Retrieves the value from the table stored under the key passed"
@spec ets_get(key :: term(), default :: any()) :: term()
@doc "Deletes the value from the table stored under the key passed"
@spec ets_del(key :: term()) :: EasyETS.t()
@doc "Returns all the values from the table"
@spec ets_all() :: list()
## `Access` behaviour
Modules produced / updated by `EasyETS` do support `Access` behaviour.
## `Envío` support
Modules produced / updated by `EasyETS` do send broadcast messages
on both `:update` and `:delete` actions. See [`Envío`](https://hexdocs.pm/envio/envio.html#creating-a-subscriber) documentation on how to subscribe to them.
Each message is sent to two channels: `:all` (all the updates managed by `NimbleCSV`)
and the channel with the name equal to the name of the table updated.
## Installation
def deps do
{:easy_ets, "~> 0.1"}
## [Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/easy_ets).