
# EasyRpc

This library help developer easy to wrap a remote procedure call (rpc, library uses Erlang `:erpc` module).

EasyRpc supports some basic features for wrapping rpc: retry, timeout, error_handling.
Each function can has seperated options or use global options (config for all function in a module).

## Installation

Adding `easy_rpc` library to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:easy_rpc, "~> 0.3.0"}

## Usage - Config way

This is an example for declare by config in config.exs file.
For this way you need to work with config than module.

Follow steps

### Add config to config.exs

Put config to config.exs file, and use it in your module by using RpcWrapper.
User need separate config for each wrapper, and put it in config.exs

config :app_name, :wrapper_name,
  nodes: [:"test1@test.local"], # or using function like nodes: {Module, Fun, Args}
  error_handling: true,
  select_mode: :random,
  module: TargetApp.Interface.Api,
  functions: [
    # {function_name, arity, options}
    {:get_data, 1},
    {:put_data, 1, error_handling: false},
    {:clear, 2, new_name: :clear_data, retry: 3},
    {:clear_all, 0, new_name: :clear_all, private: true}, # wrap to private function.

### Wrap to local module

by using `use EasyRpc.RpcWrapper` in your module, you can call remote functions as local functions.

defmodule DataHelper do
  use EasyRpc.RpcWrapper,
    otp_app: :app_name,
    config_name: :account_wrapper

  def process_remote() do
    # call rpc like a local function.
    case get_data("key") do
      {:ok, data} ->
        # do something with data

      {:error, reason} ->
        # handle error

# Or call from other module like
{:ok, result} = DataHelper.get_data("my_key")

## Usage - defrpc

### Add Configs

config :simple_example, :remote_defrpc,
  nodes: [:"remote@"],  # or {ClusterHelper, :get_nodes, [:remote_api]},
  select_mode: :round_robin

### Declare functions

defmodule Remote
  use EasyRpc.DefRpc,
    otp_app: :simple_example,
    config_name: :remote_defrpc,
    # Remote module name
    module: RemoteNode.Interface,
    timeout: 1000

  defrpc :get_data
  defrpc :put_data, args: 1
  defrpc :clear, args: 2, as: :clear_data, private: true
  defrpc :put_data, args: [:name], new_name: :put_with_retry, retry: 3, timeout: 1000

For more details please go to module's docs.

## Example

You can go to example folder to see how EasyRpc work, check config & run and see.

Go to [lib_examples on Github]( and follow the README in sub folders.