# Eavesdropper
## Motivation
We wanted the ability for a node to join a cluster and monitor the logs of all the nodes in the cluster without adding anything as a dependency.
## Installation
It's [available on Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/eavesdropper), the package can be installed as:
### Installing and configuring the receiving application
1. add `:eavesdropper` to your dependencies
def deps do
{:eavesdropper, "~> 0.0.1"}
2. add to the application tree
{Eavesdropper.Receiver, []},
{Eavesdropper.LogForwarder, []}
3. Add configs
config :eavesdropper,
receiving_node: "earth@", # name of the node that will receive the logs
min_level: :error, # The minimum level of logs to be forwarded
truncate: 4096 # max of logs (default is what Logger is defaulted to)
4. Once connected to a node run `Eavesdropper.start_eavesdropping(node_name)` to start seeing the logs from the target node
5. To stop eavesdropping on a target node run `Eavesdropper.stop_eavesdropping(node_name)`