![Erlang CI](https://github.com/oskardrums/ebpf/workflows/Erlang%20CI/badge.svg)
Erlang eBPF library
`ebpf` is an Erlang library for creating and interacting with eBPF programs.
The following modules are currently included:
* `ebpf_user`: load eBPF programs and use loaded programs
* `ebpf_kern`: generate eBPF instructions according to different parameters
* `ebpf_asm`: eBPF assembly and disassembly routines
* `ebpf_maps`: userspace API to eBPF maps, mimics the Erlang/OTP `maps` interface with eBPF maps
$ rebar3 edoc
The documentation for the latest release can be browsed on [hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/ebpf/).
Documentation for the `main` branch is also available [here](https://oskardrums.github.io/ebpf/).
Checkout the [examples](examples/).
A minimal example is given below:
% Drop all packets
BinProg = ebpf_asm:assemble(ebpf_kern:return(0)),
{ok, FilterProg} = ebpf_user:load(socket_filter, BinProg),
{ok, Sock} = socket:open(inet, stream, {raw, 0}),
ok = ebpf_user:attach(Sock, FilterProg), % All new input to Sock is dropped
ok = ebpf_user:detach_socket_filter(Sock), % Sock is back to normal and FilterProg can be
ok = ebpf_user:close(FilterProg), % FilterProg is unloaded from the kernel
{ok, XdpProg} = ebpf_user:load(xdp, BinProg),
ok = ebpf_user:attach("lo", XdpProg), % Try pinging, go ahead
ok = ebpf_user:detach_xdp("lo"), % Now, that's better :)
ok = ebpf_user:close(XdpProg).
For projects that build with `rebar3`, add `ebpf` as a dependency in `rebar.config`:
% From hex
{deps, [ebpf]}.
% Or from github
{deps, [{ebpf, {git, "https://github.com/oskardrums/ebpf.git", "main"}}]}.
$ rebar3 compile
$ rebar3 do ct, proper
Are welcome :)
Feel free to open an issue or a PR if you encounter any problem or have an idea for an improvement.