
Simple [Captcha]( image generator for Erlang.

Zero dependencies! Pixels are generated by tiny C NIF. GIF and PNG encoders are pure-Erlang.

Flexible additional effects, multiple fonts, arbitrary colors, latin alphanumerics set of characters.

Covered by property-based tests. No segfaults, no memory-leaks.

Based on [Ivan Tikhonov's captcha library](


Add `ecaptcha` as a dependency to your project's rebar.config:

{deps, [ecaptcha]}.

Then use one of the API functions to generate the image and short random text:

{Phrase, PNGImage} = ecaptcha:png(
    #{effects => [line, blur, filter, dots, reverse_dots],
      color => black,
      alphabet => latin_uppercase,
      font => <<"dejavusans">>}

`PNGImage` can be sent to the user with `Content-Type: image/png` and user have to guess
the 5-letter `Phrase` which is printed on the image.

`effects` option defines a set of different effects, which suppose to make it more difficult to
recognize the text with OCR systems:

* `line` - draws a curved horisontal line on top of the text
* `blur` - blurs the image (averages each pixel's color with it's neighbours)
* `filter` - makes letters hollow
* `dots` - draws 100 random 2x2 white dots on top of the image, effectively removing small patches
  from it
* `reverse_dots` - draws 20 random dots of a randomized size from 1 to 3px using a color opposite
  to the current color (so, reversing the color - black becomes white, white becomes black)

The more effects you apply, the more difficult it is to recognize the text on the image (for both
human and OCR).

`color` option defines the image's color. It doesn't affect Captcha strength, but can be used to match
your website / app style. You can select from a set of predefined colors: `black`, `red`, `orange`,
`blue`, `pink` or `purple`, or it can be provided as a 3-tuple `{Red, Green, Blue}`, `0..255`.

`alphabet` defines the set of characters that can be printed on the image. It can be one of the
predefined sets: `numbers` for 0-9, `latin_lowercase` for a-z, `latin_uppercase` for A-Z or it
can be a binary containing all the allowed characters (duplicates are ok), eg `<<"1234abcd">>`.

`font` binary name of one of the supported fonts. Function `fonts/0` can be used to get the list of
available fonts. Fonts are pre-rendered at NIF compile-time, see the `c_src/fonts.h` and
`FONTS` parameter in `c_src/Makefile`.

All the options are optional.


Same as `ecaptcha:png/2`, but returns the image encoded in GIF format. `Content-Type: image/gif`.

{Phrase, Pixels} = ecaptcha:pixels(5, #{font => <<"ubuntu-r">>, alphabet => numbers}).
`Phrase` is the same as above, but `Pixels` is a `200x70 = 14000` bytes binary of greyscale
pixels, from top-left to bottom-right, line-by-line. It can be used to, eg, display pixels with
JavaScript on a `<canvas>` etc. Options are the same as for `gif/2` or `png/2`, but `color` key
is obviously ignored.


Returns a list of tuples containing information about each available font. Currently it's a 2-tuple
where 1st element is binary font name and 2nd element is binary containing all the characters of
the alphabet available for this font.

Image encoders

This library also contains pure-erlang PNG and GIF image format encoders.
See [ecaptcha_gif.erl](src/ecaptcha_gif.erl) and [ecaptcha_png.erl](src/ecaptcha_png.erl).
Their current API is not really a generic-purpose, but the implementation is quite flexible, so,
code can be adopted to encode arbitrary images, not only Captchas.