## ecoap - simple coap encode/decode library
CoAP stands for Constrained Application Protocol, which is a Request/Response oriented
binary protocol meant to be used with embedded devices with limited memory (usually KiloBytes,
not Gigabytes).
See [RFC7252](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7252) for further details.
## example usage
1> {ok, Packet} = ecoap:decode(<<68,2,62,111,119,104,82,128,177,49,1,50,1,51,255,100,97,116,97>>).
{ok,#{code => post,msg_id => 15983,
options =>
[{uri_path,<<"1">>},{uri_path,<<"2">>},{uri_path,<<"3">>}], % full path /1/2/3
payload => <<"data">>,
token => <<119,104,82,128>>,
type => confirmable}}
2> ecoap:encode(Packet).