# econfig - simple Erlang config handler using INI files #
Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Benoît Chesneau.
__Version:__ 0.5.0
# econfig
econfig is a simple Erlang config handler to manage a config from INI
econfig can be use to read and update INI files. Values are cached in an
ETS table and you can manage multiple configuration profiles. A process
can also subscribe to config updates events.
Autoreload of the config when an INI file is updated is supported, you can even
manage changes from a full config directory.
See the [NEWS](http://github.com/benoitc/econfig/blob/master/NEWS.md)
for last changes.
#### Useful modules are:
- [`econfig`](http://github.com/benoitc/econfig/blob/master/doc/econfig.md): main module. It contains all the API.
## Examples
Quick usage example:
1> application:ensure_all_started(econfig).
2> econfig:register_config(test, ["test/fixtures/test.ini", "test/fixtures/test2.ini"], [autoreload]).
3> econfig:subscribe(test).
4> econfig:get_value(test, "section1").
[{"key 3","value 3"},
{"key2","value 2"},
{"key4","value 4"},
5> econfig:set_value(test, "section1", "key6", "value6").
6> flush().
Shell got {config_updated,test,{set,{"section1","key6"}}}
## Specific features
### on_change hook
Some application may want to handle changes without suscribing to change. This change allows a user to pass a change function when registering the configuation. This function will be called each time a change happen.
For issues, comments or feedback please [create an issue!] [1]
[1]: http://github.com/benoitc/econfig/issues "econfig issues"