# ecron [![GitHub Actions](]( [![CodeCov](]( [![Hex](]( [![Tag](]( [![License](]( [![Hex Docs](](

A lightweight and efficient cron-like job scheduling library for Erlang.

# Overview
Ecron is designed to manage scheduled jobs within a single gen_server process, similar to the standard library's [stdlib's timer]( It uses an ordered_set ETS table to organize jobs by the next run time, ensuring efficient execution. Unlike traditional cron, Ecoron does not poll the system every second, which reduces message overhead and process usage.

## Key Features

- Supports both cron-like and interval-based scheduling.
- Well-tested with [PropTest]( [![codecov](](
- Utilizes gen_server timeout mechanism for precise timing.
- Efficient process management, avoiding high memory usage.

## Installation

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### Erlang

  %% rebar.config
  {deps, [ecron]}
### Elixir

  # mix.exs
  def deps do
    [{:ecron, "~> 1.0.1"}]

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## Basic Usage 

Configure Ecoron in your sys.config file with timezone and job specifications:

%% sys.config
   {ecron, [      
      {time_zone, local}, %% local or utc
      {local_jobs, [
         %% {JobName, CrontabSpec, {M, F, A}}
         %% {JobName, CrontabSpec, {M, F, A}, StartDateTime, EndDateTime}
         %% CrontabSpec
            %%  1. "Minute Hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek"
            %%  2. "Second Minute Hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek"
            %%  3. @yearly | @annually | @monthly | @weekly | @daily | @midnight | @hourly
            %%  4. @every 1h2m3s
         {crontab_job, "*/15 * * * *", {io, format, ["Runs on 0, 15, 30, 45 minutes~n"]}},
         {extend_crontab_job, "0 0 1-6/2,18 * * *", {io, format, ["Runs on 1,3,6,18 o'clock:~n"]}},
         {alphabet_job, "@hourly", {io, format, ["Runs every(0-23) o'clock~n"]}},    
         {fixed_interval_job, "@every 30m", {io, format, ["Runs every 30 minutes"]}},
         %% Runs every 15 minutes between {8,20,0} and {23, 59, 59}.
         %% {limit_time_job, "*/15 * * * *", {io, format, ["Runs 0, 15, 30, 45 minutes after 8:20am~n"]}, {8,20,0}, unlimited}
         %% parallel job         
         {no_singleton_job, "@minutely", {timer, sleep, [61000]}, unlimited, unlimited, [{singleton, false}]}            
     {global_jobs, []}, %% Global Spec has the same format as local_jobs.
     {global_quorum_size, 1} %%  Minimum number of nodes which run ecron. Global_jobs only run on majority cluster when it > ClusterNode/2.

* Default `time_zone` is `local`, the current datetime is [calendar:local_time()](
* The current datetime is [calendar:universal_time()]( when `{time_zone, utc}`.
* The job will be auto remove at `EndDateTime`, the default value of `EndDateTime` is `unlimited`. 
* Default job is singleton, Each task cannot be executed concurrently. 
* If the system clock suddenly alter a lot(such as sleep your laptop for two hours or modify system time manually),
  it will skip the tasks which are supposed be running during the sudden lapse of time,
  then recalculate the next running time by the latest system time.
  You can also reload task manually by `ecron:reload().` when the system time is manually modified.
* Global jobs depend on [global](, only allowed to be added statically, [check this for more detail](

## Supervisor Tree Usage
Ecron can be integrated into your application's supervision tree for better control over its lifecycle:

[{your_app, [{crontab_jobs, [
   {crontab_job, "*/15 * * * *", {stateless_cron, inspect, ["Runs on 0, 15, 30, 45 minutes"]}}

%% src/your_app_sup.erl

init(_Args) ->
    Jobs = application:get_env(your_app, crontab_jobs, []),
    SupFlags = #{
        strategy => one_for_one,
        intensity => 100,
        period => 30
    Name = 'uniqueName',
    CronSpec = #{
        id => Name,
        start => {ecron, start_link, [Name, Jobs]},
        restart => permanent,
        shutdown => 1000,
        type => worker
    {ok, {SupFlags, [CronSpec]}}.

## Advanced Usage 

Ecron allows for advanced scheduling and manipulation of cron jobs:

%% Same as: Spec = "0 * 0-5,18 * * 0-5", 
Spec = #{second => [0], 
       minute => '*',   
       hour => [{0,5}, 18], %% same as [0,1,2,3,4,5,18]
       month => '*',
       day_of_month => '*',
       day_of_week => [{0,5}]},
CronMFA = {io, format, ["Runs on 0-5,18 o'clock between Sunday and Firday.~n"]},
%% with name crontab  
{ok, _} = ecron:add(crontabUniqueName, Spec, CronMFA),
%% or
{ok, _} = ecron:add(crontabUniqueName, "0 * 0-5,18 * * 0-5", CronMFA),   
ok = ecron:delete(crontabuniqueName),
%% crontab with startTime and endTime
StartDateTime = {{2019,9,19},{0,0,0}},
EndDateTime = {{2020,9,19},{0,0,0}},
{ok, _} = ecron:add(crontabUniqueName, Spec, CronMFA, StartDateTime, EndDateTime),
%% crontab without name
{ok, JobName} = ecron:add(Spec, CronMFA, StartDateTime, EndDateTime), 
ok = ecron:delete(crontabuniqueName),
%% Runs every 120 second (fixed interval)
EveryMFA = {io, format, ["Runs every 120 second.~n"]},
{ok, _} = ecron:add(everyUniqueName, 120, EveryMFA),

You can find a collection of general practices in [Full Erlang Examples]( and [Full Elixir Examples](

## Debug Support

Ecron provides functions to assist with debugging:

1> ecron:deactivate(CrontabName).

2> ecron:activate(CrontabName).

3> ecron:statistic(CrontabName).
  #{crontab =>
      #{day_of_month => '*',
       day_of_week => [{1,5}],hour => [1,13],
       minute => [0],month => '*',second => [0]},
       start_time => unlimited,end_time => unlimited,
       failed => 0,mfa => {io,format,["ddd"]},
       name => test,status => activate,type => cron,
       ok => 1,results => [ok],run_microsecond => [12],       
       opts => [{singleton,true}], node => 'test@',
       next =>

4> ecron:parse_spec("0 0 1,13 * * 1-5", 5).
#{crontab =>
      #{day_of_month => '*',
        day_of_week => [{1,5}],
        hour => [1,13],
        minute => [0],
        month => '*',
        second => [0]},
  next =>
  type => cron}
## Implementation

Ecron uses an efficient approach to manage job execution times and intervals:

1. The top supervisor `ecron_sup` starts firstly.
2. then `ecron_sup` starts a child `ecron`(gen_server worker).
3. `ecron` will look for configuration `{local_jobs, Jobs}` at initialization.
4. For each crontab job found, determine the next time in the future that each command must run.
5. Place those commands on the ordered_set ets with their `{NextCorrespondingTime, Name}` to run as key.
6. Enter `ecron`'s main loop:
    * Examine the task entry at the head of the ets, compute how far in the future it must run.
    * Sleep for that period of time by gen_server timeout feature.
    * On awakening and after verifying the correct time, execute the task at the head of the ets (spawn in background).
    * Delete old key in ets.
    * Determine the next time in the future to run this command and place it back on the ets at that time value.
Additionally, you can use `ecron:statistic(Name)` to see the job's latest 16 results and execute times.
                   |------| ets:new(timer, [ordered_set])
                   | init | ets:insert(timer, [{{NextTriggeredTime,Name}...])
             |     |------| {NextTriggeredTime,Name} = OldKey = ets:first(timer)
             |     |      | sleep(NextTriggeredTime - current_time())
             |     | loop | spawn a process to execute MFA
             |     |      | ets:delete(timer, OldKey)
             |     |------| ets:insert(timer, {{NewTriggeredTime,Name}...])

[Check this for global_jobs workflow](global.html#Implementation).       

## CRON Expression Guide

### Basic Format

A cron expression consists of 5-6 fields representing time units:

# ┌────────────── second (optional)
# │ ┌──────────── minute
# │ │ ┌────────── hour
# │ │ │ ┌──────── day of month
# │ │ │ │ ┌────── month
# │ │ │ │ │ ┌──── day of week
# │ │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │ │
# 0 * * * * *

### Field Values

Field | Required | Values | Special Characters
Second | No | 0-59 | `* / , -`
Minute | Yes | 0-59 | `* / , -`
Hour | Yes | 0-23 | `* / , -`
Day of Month | Yes | 1-31 | `* / , -`
Month | Yes | 1-12 or JAN-DEC | `* / , -`
Day of Week | Yes | 0-6 or SUN-SAT | `* / , -`

> **Note**: Month and Day-of-week values are case-insensitive.

### Special Characters

- `*` - Any value
- `/` - Step values (e.g., `*/15` - every 15 units)
- `,` - Value list (e.g., `1,3,5`)
- `-` - Range (e.g., `1-5`)

### Predefined Schedules

Expression | Description | Equivalent
`@yearly` | Once a year (midnight, Jan 1) | `0 0 0 1 1 *`
`@monthly` | Once a month (midnight, first day) | `0 0 0 1 * *`
`@weekly` | Once a week (midnight, Sunday) | `0 0 0 * * 0`
`@daily` | Once a day (midnight) | `0 0 0 * * *`
`@hourly` | Once an hour | `0 0 * * * *`
`@minutely` | Once a minute | `0 * * * * *`

### Fixed Intervals

For simpler scheduling needs, use `@every` with a duration:

% Run every 30 minutes
"@every 30m"

% Run every 1 hour and 30 minutes
"@every 1h30m"

Duration units: `d`(days), `h`(hours), `m`(minutes), `s`(seconds)

### Error Handling

- Failed jobs don't affect other jobs
- Execution results and timing are stored (last 16 runs)
- Jobs can be configured as singleton or parallel
- System time changes are handled gracefully

## Best Practices

1. **Job Names**
   - Use descriptive, unique names
   - Consider adding prefixes for different job types

2. **Time Windows**
   - Use start/end times for temporary jobs
   - Consider time zone implications

3. **Error Handling**
   - Implement proper error handling in job functions
   - Monitor job execution through telemetry

4. **Resource Management**
   - Group related jobs under same supervisor
   - Use `singleton: false` only when needed

5. **Testing**
   - Validate cron expressions before deployment
   - Test jobs with different time scenarios

## Test

This command will run property-based tests, common tests, and generate a coverage report with verbose output.

  $ rebar3 do proper -c, ct -c, cover -v