defmodule Ecto.Adapter.Storage do
@moduledoc """
Specifies the adapter storage API.
@doc """
Creates the storage given by options.
Returns `:ok` if it was created successfully.
Returns `{:error, :already_up}` if the storage has already been created or
`{:error, term}` in case anything else goes wrong.
## Examples
storage_up(username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
@callback storage_up(options :: Keyword.t) :: :ok | {:error, :already_up} | {:error, term}
@doc """
Drops the storage given by options.
Returns `:ok` if it was dropped successfully.
Returns `{:error, :already_down}` if the storage has already been dropped or
`{:error, term}` in case anything else goes wrong.
## Examples
storage_down(username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
@callback storage_down(options :: Keyword.t) :: :ok | {:error, :already_down} | {:error, term}
@doc """
Returns the status of a storage given by options.
Can return `:up`, `:down` or `{:error, term}` in case anything goes wrong.
## Examples
storage_status(username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
@callback storage_status(options :: Keyword.t()) :: :up | :down | {:error, term()}