defmodule Ecto.Schema do
@moduledoc ~S"""
An Ecto schema maps external data into Elixir structs.
The definition of the schema is possible through two main APIs:
`schema/2` and `embedded_schema/1`.
`schema/2` is typically used to map data from a persisted source,
usually a database table, into Elixir structs and vice-versa. For
this reason, the first argument of `schema/2` is the source (table)
name. Structs defined with `schema/2` also contain a `__meta__` field
with metadata holding the status of the struct, for example, if it
has been built, loaded or deleted.
On the other hand, `embedded_schema/1` is used for defining schemas
that are embedded in other schemas or only exist in-memory. For example,
you can use such schemas to receive data from a command line interface
and validate it, without ever persisting it elsewhere. Such structs
do not contain a `__meta__` field, as they are never persisted.
Besides working as data mappers, `embedded_schema/1` and `schema/2` can
also be used together to decouple how the data is represented in your
applications from the database. Let's see some examples.
## Example
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer, default: 0
field :password, :string, redact: true
has_many :posts, Post
By default, a schema will automatically generate a primary key which is named
`id` and of type `:integer`. The `field` macro defines a field in the schema
with given name and type. `has_many` associates many posts with the user
schema. Schemas are regular structs and can be created and manipulated directly
using Elixir's struct API:
iex> user = %User{name: "jane"}
iex> %{user | age: 30}
However, most commonly, structs are cast, validated and manipulated with the
`Ecto.Changeset` module.
Note that the name of the database table does not need to correlate to your
module name. For example, if you are working with a legacy database, you can
reference the table name when you define your schema:
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "legacy_users" do
# ... fields ...
Source-based schemas are queryable by default, which means we can pass them
to `Ecto.Repo` modules and also build queries:
MyRepo.all(from u in User, where: == 13)
The repository will then run the query against the source/table.
Embedded schemas are defined similarly to source-based schemas. For example,
you can use an embedded schema to represent your UI, mapping and validating
its inputs, and then you convert such embedded schema to other schemas that
are persisted to the database:
defmodule SignUp do
use Ecto.Schema
embedded_schema do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer
field :email, :string
field :accepts_conditions, :boolean
defmodule Profile do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "profiles" do
field :name
field :age
belongs_to :account, Account
defmodule Account do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "accounts" do
field :email
The `SignUp` schema can be cast and validated with the help of the
`Ecto.Changeset` module, and afterwards, you can copy its data to
the `Profile` and `Account` structs that will be persisted to the
database with the help of `Ecto.Repo`. On the other hand, embedded
schemas cannot be queried directly (they are not queryable).
> #### `use Ecto.Schema` {: .info}
> When you `use Ecto.Schema`, it will:
> - import `Ecto.Schema` macros `schema/2` and `embedded_schema/1`
> - register default values for module attributes that can be overridden, such as
> `@primary_key` and `@timestamps_opts`
> - define reflection functions such as `__schema__/1` and `__changeset__/1`
> We detail those throughout the module documentation.
## Redacting fields
A field marked with `redact: true` will display a value of `**redacted**`
when inspected in changes inside a `Ecto.Changeset` and be excluded from
inspect on the schema unless the schema module is tagged with
the option `@ecto_derive_inspect_for_redacted_fields false`.
## Schema attributes
Supported attributes for configuring the defined schema. They must
be set after the `use Ecto.Schema` call and before the `schema/2`
These attributes are:
* `@primary_key` - configures the schema primary key. It expects
a tuple `{field_name, type, options}` with the primary key field
name, type (typically `:id` or `:binary_id`, but can be any type) and
options. It also accepts `false` to disable the generation of a primary
key field. Defaults to `{:id, :id, autogenerate: true}`.
* `@schema_prefix` - configures the schema prefix. Defaults to `nil`,
which generates structs and queries without prefix. When set, the
prefix will be used by every built struct and on queries whenever
the schema is used in a `from` or a `join`. In PostgreSQL, the prefix
is called "SCHEMA" (typically set via Postgres' `search_path`).
In MySQL the prefix points to databases.
* `@schema_context` - configures the schema context. Defaults to `nil`,
which generates structs and queries without context. Context are not used
by the built-in SQL adapters.
* `@foreign_key_type` - configures the default foreign key type
used by `belongs_to` associations. It must be set in the same
module that defines the `belongs_to`. Defaults to `:id`;
* `@timestamps_opts` - configures the default timestamps type
used by `timestamps`. Defaults to `[type: :naive_datetime]`;
* `@derive` - the same as `@derive` available in `Kernel.defstruct/1`
as the schema defines a struct behind the scenes;
* `@field_source_mapper` - a function that receives the current field name
and returns the mapping of this field name in the underlying source.
In other words, it is a mechanism to automatically generate the `:source`
option for the `field` macro. It defaults to `fn x -> x end`, where no
field transformation is done;
The advantage of configuring the schema via those attributes is
that they can be set with a macro to configure application wide
For example, if your database does not support autoincrementing
primary keys and requires something like UUID or a RecordID, you
can configure and use `:binary_id` as your primary key type as follows:
# Define a module to be used as base
defmodule MyApp.Schema do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
# Now use MyApp.Schema to define new schemas
defmodule MyApp.Comment do
use MyApp.Schema
schema "comments" do
belongs_to :post, MyApp.Post
Any schemas using `MyApp.Schema` will get the `:id` field with type
`:binary_id` as the primary key. We explain what the `:binary_id` type
entails in the next section.
The `belongs_to` association on `MyApp.Comment` will also define
a `:post_id` field with `:binary_id` type that references the `:id`
field of the `MyApp.Post` schema.
## Primary keys
Ecto supports two ID types, called `:id` and `:binary_id`, which are
often used as the type for primary keys and associations.
The `:id` type is used when the primary key is an integer while the
`:binary_id` is used for primary keys in particular binary formats,
which may be `Ecto.UUID` for databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL,
or some specific ObjectID or RecordID often imposed by NoSQL databases.
In both cases, both types have their semantics specified by the
underlying adapter/database. If you use the `:id` type with
`:autogenerate`, it means the database will be responsible for
auto-generation of the id. This is often the case for primary keys
in relational databases which are auto-incremented.
There are two ways to define primary keys in Ecto: using the `@primary_key`
module attribute and using `primary_key: true` as option for `field/3` in
your schema definition. They are not mutually exclusive and can be used
Using `@primary_key` should be preferred for single field primary keys and
sharing primary key definitions between multiple schemas using macros.
Setting `@primary_key` also automatically configures the reference types
for `has_one` and `has_many` associations.
Ecto also supports composite primary keys, which is where you need to use
`primary_key: true` for the fields in your schema. This usually goes along
with setting `@primary_key false` to disable generation of additional
primary key fields.
Besides `:id` and `:binary_id`, which are often used by primary
and foreign keys, Ecto provides a huge variety of types to be used
by any field.
## Types and casting
When defining the schema, types need to be given. Types are split
into two categories, primitive types and custom types.
### Primitive types
The primitive types are:
Ecto type | Elixir type | Literal syntax in query
:---------------------- | :---------------------- | :---------------------
`:id` | `integer` | 1, 2, 3
`:binary_id` | `binary` | `<<int, int, int, ...>>`
`:integer` | `integer` | 1, 2, 3
`:float` | `float` | 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
`:boolean` | `boolean` | true, false
`:string` | UTF-8 encoded `string` | "hello"
`:binary` | `binary` | `<<int, int, int, ...>>`
`{:array, inner_type}` | `list` | `[value, value, value, ...]`
`:map` | `map` |
`{:map, inner_type}` | `map` |
`:decimal` | [`Decimal`]( |
`:date` | `Date` |
`:time` | `Time` |
`:time_usec` | `Time` |
`:naive_datetime` | `NaiveDateTime` |
`:naive_datetime_usec` | `NaiveDateTime` |
`:utc_datetime` | `DateTime` |
`:utc_datetime_usec` | `DateTime` |
* When using database migrations provided by "Ecto SQL", you can pass
your Ecto type as the column type. However, note the same Ecto type
may support multiple database types. For example, all of `:varchar`,
`:text`, `:bytea`, etc. translate to Ecto's `:string`. Similarly,
Ecto's `:decimal` can be used for `:numeric` and other database
types. For more information, see [all migration types](
* For the `{:array, inner_type}` and `{:map, inner_type}` type,
replace `inner_type` with one of the valid types, such as `:string`.
* For the `:decimal` type, `+Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN` values
are not supported, even though the `Decimal` library handles them.
To support them, you can create a custom type.
* For calendar types with and without microseconds, the precision is
enforced when persisting to the DB. For example, casting `~T[09:00:00]`
as `:time_usec` will succeed and result in `~T[09:00:00.000000]`, but
persisting a type without microseconds as `:time_usec` will fail.
Similarly, casting `~T[09:00:00.000000]` as `:time` will succeed, but
persisting will not. This is the same behaviour as seen in other types,
where casting has to be done explicitly and is never performed
implicitly when loading from or dumping to the database.
### Custom types
Besides providing primitive types, Ecto allows custom types to be
implemented by developers, allowing Ecto behaviour to be extended.
A custom type is a module that implements one of the `Ecto.Type`
or `Ecto.ParameterizedType` behaviours. By default, Ecto provides
the following custom types:
Custom type | Database type | Elixir type
:---------------------- | :---------------------- | :---------------------
`Ecto.UUID` | `:uuid` (as a binary) | `string()` (as a UUID)
`Ecto.Enum` | `:string` | `atom()`
Finally, schemas can also have virtual fields by passing the
`virtual: true` option. These fields are not persisted to the database
and can optionally not be type checked by declaring type `:any`.
### The datetime types
Four different datetime primitive types are available:
* `naive_datetime` - has a precision of seconds and casts values
to Elixir's `NaiveDateTime` struct which has no timezone information.
* `naive_datetime_usec` - has a default precision of microseconds and
also casts values to `NaiveDateTime` with no timezone information.
* `utc_datetime` - has a precision of seconds and casts values to
Elixir's `DateTime` struct and expects the time zone to be set to UTC.
* `utc_datetime_usec` has a default precision of microseconds and also
casts values to `DateTime` expecting the time zone be set to UTC.
All of those types are represented by the same timestamp/datetime in the
underlying data storage, the difference are in their precision and how the
data is loaded into Elixir.
Having different precisions allows developers to choose a type that will
be compatible with the database and your project's precision requirements.
For example, some older versions of MySQL do not support microseconds in
datetime fields.
When choosing what datetime type to work with, keep in mind that Elixir
functions like `NaiveDateTime.utc_now/0` have a default precision of 6.
Casting a value with a precision greater than 0 to a non-`usec` type will
truncate all microseconds and set the precision to 0.
### The map type
The map type allows developers to store an Elixir map directly
in the database:
# In your migration
create table(:users) do
add :data, :map
# In your schema
field :data, :map
# Now in your code
user = Repo.insert! %User{data: %{"foo" => "bar"}}
Keep in mind that we advise the map keys to be strings or integers
instead of atoms. Atoms may be accepted depending on how maps are
serialized but the database will always convert atom keys to strings
due to security reasons.
In order to support maps, different databases may employ different
techniques. For example, PostgreSQL will store those values in jsonb
fields, allowing you to just query parts of it. MSSQL, on
the other hand, does not yet provide a JSON type, so the value will be
stored in a text field.
For maps to work in such databases, Ecto will need a JSON library.
By default Ecto will use [Jason](
which needs to be added to your deps in `mix.exs`:
{:jason, "~> 1.0"}
You can however configure the adapter to use another library. For example,
if using Postgres:
config :postgrex, :json_library, YourLibraryOfChoice
Or if using MySQL:
config :mariaex, :json_library, YourLibraryOfChoice
If changing the JSON library, remember to recompile the adapter afterwards
by cleaning the current build:
mix deps.clean --build postgrex
### Casting
When directly manipulating the struct, it is the responsibility of
the developer to ensure the field values have the proper type. For
example, you can create a user struct with an invalid value
for `age`:
iex> user = %User{age: "0"}
iex> user.age
However, if you attempt to persist the struct above, an error will
be raised since Ecto validates the types when sending them to the
Therefore, when working with and manipulating external data, it is
recommended to use `Ecto.Changeset`'s that are able to filter
and properly cast external data:
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.cast(%User{}, %{"age" => "0"}, [:age])
user = Repo.insert!(changeset)
**You can use Ecto schemas and changesets to cast and validate any kind
of data, regardless if the data will be persisted to an Ecto repository
or not**.
## Reflection
Any schema module will generate the `__schema__` function that can be
used for runtime introspection of the schema:
* `__schema__(:source)` - Returns the source as given to `schema/2`;
* `__schema__(:prefix)` - Returns optional prefix for source provided by
`@schema_prefix` schema attribute;
* `__schema__(:primary_key)` - Returns a list of primary key fields (empty if there is none);
* `__schema__(:fields)` - Returns a list of all non-virtual field names;
* `__schema__(:virtual_fields)` - Returns a list of all virtual field names;
* `__schema__(:field_source, field)` - Returns the alias of the given field;
* `__schema__(:type, field)` - Returns the type of the given non-virtual field;
* `__schema__(:virtual_type, field)` - Returns the type of the given virtual field;
* `__schema__(:associations)` - Returns a list of all association field names;
* `__schema__(:association, assoc)` - Returns the association reflection of the given assoc;
* `__schema__(:embeds)` - Returns a list of all embedded field names;
* `__schema__(:embed, embed)` - Returns the embedding reflection of the given embed;
* `__schema__(:read_after_writes)` - Non-virtual fields that must be read back
from the database after every write (insert or update);
* `__schema__(:autogenerate_id)` - Primary key that is auto generated on insert;
* `__schema__(:autogenerate_fields)` - Returns a list of fields names that are auto
generated on insert, except for the primary key;
* `__schema__(:redact_fields)` - Returns a list of redacted field names;
Furthermore, both `__struct__` and `__changeset__` functions are
defined so structs and changeset functionalities are available.
## Working with typespecs
Generating typespecs for schemas is out of the scope of `Ecto.Schema`.
In order to be able to use types such as `User.t()`, `t/0` has to be defined manually:
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
name: String.t(),
age: non_neg_integer()
# ... schema ...
Defining the type of each field is not mandatory, but it is preferable.
alias Ecto.Schema.Metadata
@type source :: String.t()
@type prefix :: String.t() | nil
@type schema :: %{optional(atom) => any, __struct__: atom, __meta__: Metadata.t()}
@type embedded_schema :: %{optional(atom) => any, __struct__: atom}
@type t :: schema | embedded_schema
@type belongs_to(t) :: t | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t()
@type has_one(t) :: t | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t()
@type has_many(t) :: [t] | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t()
@type many_to_many(t) :: [t] | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t()
@type embeds_one(t) :: t
@type embeds_many(t) :: [t]
@doc false
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
import Ecto.Schema, only: [schema: 2, embedded_schema: 1]
@primary_key nil
@timestamps_opts []
@foreign_key_type :id
@schema_prefix nil
@schema_context nil
@field_source_mapper fn x -> x end
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_primary_keys, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_fields, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_virtual_fields, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_query_fields, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_field_sources, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_assocs, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_embeds, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_raw, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_autogenerate, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_autoupdate, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_redact_fields, accumulate: true)
Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_derive_inspect_for_redacted_fields, true)
Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_autogenerate_id, nil)
@field_opts [
@doc """
Defines an embedded schema with the given field definitions.
An embedded schema is either embedded into another
schema or kept exclusively in memory. For this reason,
an embedded schema does not require a source name and
it does not include a metadata field.
Embedded schemas by default set the primary key type
to `:binary_id` but such can be configured with the
`@primary_key` attribute.
defmacro embedded_schema(do: block) do
schema(__CALLER__, nil, false, :binary_id, block)
@doc """
Defines a schema struct with a source name and field definitions.
An additional field called `__meta__` is added to the struct for storing
internal Ecto state. This field always has a `Ecto.Schema.Metadata` struct
as value and can be manipulated with the `Ecto.put_meta/2` function.
defmacro schema(source, do: block) do
schema(__CALLER__, source, true, :id, block)
defp schema(caller, source, meta?, type, block) do
prelude =
quote do
if line = Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_schema_defined) do
raise "schema already defined for #{inspect(__MODULE__)} on line #{line}"
@ecto_schema_defined unquote(caller.line)
@after_compile Ecto.Schema
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_changeset_fields, accumulate: true)
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_struct_fields, accumulate: true)
meta? = unquote(meta?)
source = unquote(source)
prefix = @schema_prefix
context = @schema_context
# Those module attributes are accessed only dynamically
# so we explicitly reference them here to avoid warnings.
_ = @foreign_key_type
_ = @timestamps_opts
if meta? do
unless is_binary(source) do
raise ArgumentError, "schema source must be a string, got: #{inspect(source)}"
meta = %Metadata{
state: :built,
source: source,
prefix: prefix,
context: context,
schema: __MODULE__
Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :ecto_struct_fields, {:__meta__, meta})
if @primary_key == nil do
@primary_key {:id, unquote(type), autogenerate: true}
primary_key_fields =
case @primary_key do
false ->
{name, type, opts} ->
Ecto.Schema.__field__(__MODULE__, name, type, [primary_key: true] ++ opts)
other ->
raise ArgumentError, "@primary_key must be false or {name, type, opts}"
try do
import Ecto.Schema
postlude =
quote unquote: false do
primary_key_fields = @ecto_primary_keys |> Enum.reverse()
autogenerate = @ecto_autogenerate |> Enum.reverse()
autoupdate = @ecto_autoupdate |> Enum.reverse()
fields = @ecto_fields |> Enum.reverse()
query_fields = @ecto_query_fields |> Enum.reverse()
virtual_fields = @ecto_virtual_fields |> Enum.reverse()
field_sources = @ecto_field_sources |> Enum.reverse()
assocs = @ecto_assocs |> Enum.reverse()
embeds = @ecto_embeds |> Enum.reverse()
redacted_fields = @ecto_redact_fields
loaded = Ecto.Schema.__loaded__(__MODULE__, @ecto_struct_fields)
if redacted_fields != [] and not List.keymember?(@derive, Inspect, 0) and
@ecto_derive_inspect_for_redacted_fields do
@derive {Inspect, except: @ecto_redact_fields}
defstruct Enum.reverse(@ecto_struct_fields)
def __changeset__ do
def __schema__(:prefix), do: unquote(prefix)
def __schema__(:source), do: unquote(source)
def __schema__(:fields), do: unquote(, &elem(&1, 0)))
def __schema__(:query_fields), do: unquote(, &elem(&1, 0)))
def __schema__(:primary_key), do: unquote(primary_key_fields)
def __schema__(:hash), do: unquote(:erlang.phash2({primary_key_fields, query_fields}))
def __schema__(:read_after_writes), do: unquote(Enum.reverse(@ecto_raw))
def __schema__(:autogenerate_id), do: unquote(Macro.escape(@ecto_autogenerate_id))
def __schema__(:autogenerate), do: unquote(Macro.escape(autogenerate))
def __schema__(:autoupdate), do: unquote(Macro.escape(autoupdate))
def __schema__(:loaded), do: unquote(Macro.escape(loaded))
def __schema__(:redact_fields), do: unquote(redacted_fields)
def __schema__(:virtual_fields), do: unquote(, &elem(&1, 0)))
def __schema__(:autogenerate_fields),
do: unquote(Enum.flat_map(autogenerate, &elem(&1, 0)))
def __schema__(:query) do
from: %Ecto.Query.FromExpr{
source: {unquote(source), __MODULE__},
prefix: unquote(prefix)
for clauses <-
Ecto.Schema.__schema__(fields, field_sources, assocs, embeds, virtual_fields),
{args, body} <- clauses do
def __schema__(unquote_splicing(args)), do: unquote(body)
quote do
## API
@doc """
Defines a field on the schema with given name and type.
The field name will be used as is to read and write to the database
by all of the built-in adapters unless overridden with the `:source`
## Options
* `:default` - Sets the default value on the schema and the struct.
The default value is calculated at compilation time, so don't use
expressions like `DateTime.utc_now` or `Ecto.UUID.generate` as
they would then be the same for all records: in this scenario you can use
the `:autogenerate` option to generate at insertion time.
The default value is validated against the field's type at compilation time
and it will raise an ArgumentError if there is a type mismatch. If you cannot
infer the field's type at compilation time, you can use the
`:skip_default_validation` option on the field to skip validations.
Once a default value is set, if you send changes to the changeset that
contains the same value defined as default, validations will not be performed
since there are no changes after all.
* `:source` - Defines the name that is to be used in the database for this field.
This is useful when attaching to an existing database. The value should be
an atom. This is a last minute translation before the query goes to the database.
All references within your Elixir code must still be to the field name,
such as in association foreign keys.
* `:autogenerate` - a `{module, function, args}` tuple for a function
to call to generate the field value before insertion if value is not set.
A shorthand value of `true` is equivalent to `{type, :autogenerate, []}`.
* `:read_after_writes` - When true, the field is always read back
from the database after insert and updates.
For relational databases, this means the RETURNING option of those
statements is used. For this reason, MySQL does not support this
option and will raise an error if a schema is inserted/updated with
read after writes fields.
* `:virtual` - When true, the field is not persisted to the database.
Notice virtual fields do not support `:autogenerate` nor
* `:primary_key` - When true, the field is used as part of the
composite primary key.
* `:load_in_query` - When false, the field will not be loaded when
selecting the whole struct in a query, such as `from p in Post, select: p`.
Defaults to `true`.
* `:redact` - When true, it will display a value of `**redacted**`
when inspected in changes inside a `Ecto.Changeset` and be excluded
from inspect on the schema. Defaults to `false`.
* `:skip_default_validation` - When true, it will skip the type validation
step at compile time.
defmacro field(name, type \\ :string, opts \\ []) do
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__field__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(type), unquote(opts))
@doc """
Generates `:inserted_at` and `:updated_at` timestamp fields.
The fields generated by this macro will automatically be set to
the current time when inserting and updating values in a repository.
## Options
* `:inserted_at` - the Ecto schema name of the field for insertion times or `false`
* `:updated_at` - the Ecto schema name of the field for update times or `false`
* `:inserted_at_source` - the name of the database column for insertion times or `false`
* `:updated_at_source` - the name of the database column for update times or `false`
* `:type` - the timestamps type, defaults to `:naive_datetime`.
* `:autogenerate` - a module-function-args tuple used for generating
both `inserted_at` and `updated_at` timestamps
All options can be pre-configured by setting `@timestamps_opts`.
defmacro timestamps(opts \\ []) do
quote bind_quoted: binding() do
Ecto.Schema.__define_timestamps__(__MODULE__, Keyword.merge(@timestamps_opts, opts))
@doc ~S"""
Indicates a one-to-many association with another schema.
The current schema has zero or more records of the other schema. The other
schema often has a `belongs_to` field with the reverse association.
## Options
* `:foreign_key` - Sets the foreign key, this should map to a field on the
other schema, defaults to the underscored name of the current schema
suffixed by `_id`
* `:references` - Sets the key on the current schema to be used for the
association, defaults to the primary key on the schema
* `:through` - Allow this association to be defined in terms of existing
associations. Read the section on `:through` associations for more info
* `:on_delete` - The action taken on associations when parent record
is deleted. May be `:nothing` (default), `:nilify_all` and `:delete_all`.
Using this option is DISCOURAGED for most relational databases. Instead,
in your migration, set `references(:parent_id, on_delete: :delete_all)`.
Opposite to the migration option, this option cannot guarantee integrity
and it is only triggered for `c:Ecto.Repo.delete/2` (and not on
`c:Ecto.Repo.delete_all/2`) and it never cascades. If posts has many comments,
which has many tags, and you delete a post, only comments will be deleted.
If your database does not support references, cascading can be manually
implemented by using `Ecto.Multi` or `Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes/2`.
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the record is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, `:nilify`, `:delete` or
`:delete_if_exists`. See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section about `:on_replace` for
more info.
* `:defaults` - Default values to use when building the association.
It may be a keyword list of options that override the association schema
or an `atom`/`{module, function, args}` that receives the association struct
and the owner struct as arguments. For example, if you set
`Post.has_many :comments, defaults: [public: true]`,
then when using `Ecto.build_assoc(post, :comments)`, the comment will have
`comment.public == true`. Alternatively, you can set it to
`Post.has_many :comments, defaults: :update_comment`, which will invoke
`Post.update_comment(comment, post)`, or set it to a MFA tuple such as
`{Mod, fun, [arg3, arg4]}`, which will invoke `, post, arg3, arg4)`
* `:where` - A filter for the association. See "Filtering associations" below.
It does not apply to `:through` associations.
* `:preload_order` - Sets the default `order_by` of the association.
It is used when the association is preloaded.
For example, if you set `Post.has_many :comments, preload_order: [asc: :content]`,
whenever the `:comments` associations is preloaded,
the comments will be order by the `:content` field.
See `Ecto.Query.order_by/3` for more examples.
## Examples
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
has_many :comments, Comment
# Get all comments for a given post
post = Repo.get(Post, 42)
comments = Repo.all assoc(post, :comments)
# The comments can come preloaded on the post struct
[post] = Repo.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42, preload: :comments))
post.comments #=> [%Comment{...}, ...]
`has_many` can be used to define hierarchical relationships within a single
schema, for example threaded comments.
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "comments" do
field :content, :string
field :parent_id, :integer
belongs_to :parent, Comment, foreign_key: :parent_id, references: :id, define_field: false
has_many :children, Comment, foreign_key: :parent_id, references: :id
## Filtering associations
It is possible to specify a `:where` option that will filter the records
returned by the association. Querying, joining or preloading the association
will use the given conditions as shown next:
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
has_many :public_comments, Comment,
where: [public: true]
The `:where` option expects a keyword list where the key is an atom
representing the field and the value is either:
* `nil` - which specifies the field must be nil
* `{:not, nil}` - which specifies the field must not be nil
* `{:in, list}` - which specifies the field must be one of the values in a list
* `{:fragment, expr}` - which specifies a fragment string as the filter
(see `Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1`) with the field's value given to it
as the only argument
* or any other value which the field is compared directly against
Note the values above are distinctly different from the values you
would pass to `where` when building a query. For example, if you
attempt to build a query such as
from Post, where: [id: nil]
it will emit an error. This is because queries can be built dynamically,
and therefore passing `nil` can lead to security errors. However, the
`:where` values for an association are given at compile-time, which is
less dynamic and cannot leverage the full power of Ecto queries, which
explains why they have different APIs.
**Important!** Please use this feature only when strictly necessary,
otherwise it is very easy to end-up with large schemas with dozens of
different associations polluting your schema and affecting your
application performance. For instance, if you are using associations
only for different querying purposes, then it is preferable to build
and compose queries. For instance, instead of having two associations,
one for comments and another for deleted comments, you might have
a single comments association and filter it instead:
|> Ecto.assoc(:comments)
|> Comment.deleted()
Or when preloading:
from posts, preload: [comments: ^Comment.deleted()]
## has_many/has_one :through
Ecto also supports defining associations in terms of other associations
via the `:through` option. Let's see an example:
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
has_many :comments, Comment
has_one :permalink, Permalink
# In the has_many :through example below, the `:comments`
# in the list [:comments, :author] refers to the
# `has_many :comments` in the Post own schema and the
# `:author` refers to the `belongs_to :author` of the
# Comment's schema (the module below).
# (see the description below for more details)
has_many :comments_authors, through: [:comments, :author]
# Specify the association with custom source
has_many :tags, {"posts_tags", Tag}
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "comments" do
belongs_to :author, Author
belongs_to :post, Post
has_one :post_permalink, through: [:post, :permalink]
In the example above, we have defined a `has_many :through` association
named `:comments_authors`. A `:through` association always expects a list
and the first element of the list must be a previously defined association
in the current module. For example, `:comments_authors` first points to
`:comments` in the same module (Post), which then points to `:author` in
the next schema, `Comment`.
This `:through` association will return all authors for all comments
that belongs to that post:
# Get all comments authors for a given post
post = Repo.get(Post, 42)
authors = Repo.all assoc(post, :comments_authors)
`:through` associations can also be preloaded. In such cases, not only
the `:through` association is preloaded but all intermediate steps are
preloaded too:
[post] = Repo.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42, preload: :comments_authors))
post.comments_authors #=> [%Author{...}, ...]
# The comments for each post will be preloaded too
post.comments #=> [%Comment{...}, ...]
# And the author for each comment too
hd(post.comments).author #=> %Author{...}
When the `:through` association is expected to return one or zero items,
`has_one :through` should be used instead, as in the example at the beginning
of this section:
# How we defined the association above in Comments
has_one :post_permalink, through: [:post, :permalink]
# Get a preloaded comment
[comment] = Repo.all(Comment) |> Repo.preload(:post_permalink)
comment.post_permalink #=> %Permalink{...}
If possible, Ecto will avoid traversing intermediate associations in
queries. For example, in the example above, `Comment` has a `post_id`
column (defined by `belongs_to :post`) and it is expected for
`Permalink` to have the same. Therefore, when preloading the permalinks,
Ecto may avoid traversing the "posts" table altogether. Of course, this
assumes your database guarantees those references are valid, which can
be done by defining foreign key constraints and references your database
(often done via `EctoSQL` migrations).
Note `:through` associations are read-only. For example, you cannot use
`Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc/3` to modify through associations.
defmacro has_many(name, queryable, opts \\ []) do
queryable = expand_literals(queryable, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__has_many__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(queryable), unquote(opts))
@doc ~S"""
Indicates a one-to-one association with another schema.
The current schema has zero or one records of the other schema. The other
schema often has a `belongs_to` field with the reverse association.
## Options
* `:foreign_key` - Sets the foreign key, this should map to a field on the
other schema, defaults to the underscored name of the current module
suffixed by `_id`
* `:references` - Sets the key on the current schema to be used for the
association, defaults to the primary key on the schema
* `:through` - If this association must be defined in terms of existing
associations. Read the section in `has_many/3` for more information
* `:on_delete` - The action taken on associations when parent record
is deleted. May be `:nothing` (default), `:nilify_all` and `:delete_all`.
Using this option is DISCOURAGED for most relational databases. Instead,
in your migration, set `references(:parent_id, on_delete: :delete_all)`.
Opposite to the migration option, this option cannot guarantee integrity
and it is only triggered for `c:Ecto.Repo.delete/2` (and not on
`c:Ecto.Repo.delete_all/2`) and it never cascades. If posts has many comments,
which has many tags, and you delete a post, only comments will be deleted.
If your database does not support references, cascading can be manually
implemented by using `Ecto.Multi` or `Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes/2`
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the record is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, `:nilify`, `:update`, or
`:delete`. See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section on related data for more info.
* `:defaults` - Default values to use when building the association.
It may be a keyword list of options that override the association schema
or an `atom`/`{module, function, args}` that receives the association struct
and the owner struct as arguments. For example, if you set
`Post.has_one :banner, defaults: [public: true]`,
then when using `Ecto.build_assoc(post, :banner)`, the banner will have
`banner.public == true`. Alternatively, you can set it to
`Post.has_one :banner, defaults: :update_banner`, which will invoke
`Post.update_banner(banner, post)`, or set it to a MFA tuple such as
`{Mod, fun, [arg3, arg4]}`, which will invoke `, post, arg3, arg4)`
* `:where` - A filter for the association. See "Filtering associations"
in `has_many/3`. It does not apply to `:through` associations.
## Examples
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
has_one :permalink, Permalink
# Specify the association with custom source
has_one :category, {"posts_categories", Category}
# The permalink can come preloaded on the post struct
[post] = Repo.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42, preload: :permalink))
post.permalink #=> %Permalink{...}
defmacro has_one(name, queryable, opts \\ []) do
queryable = expand_literals(queryable, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__has_one__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(queryable), unquote(opts))
@doc ~S"""
Indicates a one-to-one or many-to-one association with another schema.
The current schema belongs to zero or one records of the other schema. The other
schema often has a `has_one` or a `has_many` field with the reverse association.
You should use `belongs_to` in the table that contains the foreign key. Imagine
a company <-> employee relationship. If the employee contains the `company_id` in
the underlying database table, we say the employee belongs to company.
In fact, when you invoke this macro, a field with the name of foreign key is
automatically defined in the schema for you.
## Options
* `:foreign_key` - Sets the foreign key field name, defaults to the name
of the association suffixed by `_id`. For example, `belongs_to :company`
will define foreign key of `:company_id`. The associated `has_one` or `has_many`
field in the other schema should also have its `:foreign_key` option set
with the same value.
* `:references` - Sets the key on the other schema to be used for the
association, defaults to: `:id`
* `:define_field` - When false, does not automatically define a `:foreign_key`
field, implying the user is defining the field manually elsewhere
* `:type` - Sets the type of automatically defined `:foreign_key`.
Defaults to: `:integer` and can be set per schema via `@foreign_key_type`
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the record is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, `:nilify`, `:update`, or `:delete`.
See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section on related data for more info.
* `:defaults` - Default values to use when building the association.
It may be a keyword list of options that override the association schema
or an `atom`/`{module, function, args}` that receives the association struct
and the owner struct as arguments. For example, if you set
`Comment.belongs_to :post, defaults: [public: true]`,
then when using `Ecto.build_assoc(comment, :post)`, the post will have
`post.public == true`. Alternatively, you can set it to
`Comment.belongs_to :post, defaults: :update_post`, which will invoke
`Comment.update_post(post, comment)`, or set it to a MFA tuple such as
`{Mod, fun, [arg3, arg4]}`, which will invoke `, comment, arg3, arg4)`
* `:primary_key` - If the underlying belongs_to field is a primary key
* `:source` - Defines the name that is to be used in database for this field
* `:where` - A filter for the association. See "Filtering associations"
in `has_many/3`.
## Examples
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "comments" do
belongs_to :post, Post
# The post can come preloaded on the comment record
[comment] = Repo.all(from(c in Comment, where: == 42, preload: :post)) #=> %Post{...}
If you need custom options on the underlying field, you can define the
field explicitly and then pass `define_field: false` to `belongs_to`:
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "comments" do
field :post_id, :integer, ... # custom options
belongs_to :post, Post, define_field: false
## Polymorphic associations
One common use case for belongs to associations is to handle
polymorphism. For example, imagine you have defined a Comment
schema and you wish to use it for commenting on both tasks and
Some abstractions would force you to define some sort of
polymorphic association with two fields in your database:
* commentable_type
* commentable_id
The problem with this approach is that it breaks references in
the database. You can't use foreign keys and it is very inefficient,
both in terms of query time and storage.
In Ecto, we have three ways to solve this issue. The simplest
is to define multiple fields in the Comment schema, one for each
* task_id
* post_id
Unless you have dozens of columns, this is simpler for the developer,
more DB friendly and more efficient in all aspects.
Alternatively, because Ecto does not tie a schema to a given table,
we can use separate tables for each association. Let's start over
and define a new Comment schema:
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "abstract table: comments" do
# This will be used by associations on each "concrete" table
field :assoc_id, :integer
Notice we have changed the table name to "abstract table: comments".
You can choose whatever name you want, the point here is that this
particular table will never exist.
Now in your Post and Task schemas:
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
has_many :comments, {"posts_comments", Comment}, foreign_key: :assoc_id
defmodule Task do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "tasks" do
has_many :comments, {"tasks_comments", Comment}, foreign_key: :assoc_id
Now each association uses its own specific table, "posts_comments"
and "tasks_comments", which must be created on migrations. The
advantage of this approach is that we never store unrelated data
together, also ensuring we keep database references fast and correct.
When using this technique, the only limitation is that you cannot
build comments directly. For example, the command below
will attempt to use the abstract table. Instead, one should use
Repo.insert!(build_assoc(post, :comments))
leveraging the `Ecto.build_assoc/3` function. You can also
use `Ecto.assoc/2` or pass a tuple in the query syntax
to easily retrieve associated comments to a given post or
# Fetch all comments associated with the given task
Repo.all(Ecto.assoc(task, :comments))
Or all comments in a given table:
Repo.all from(c in {"posts_comments", Comment}), ...)
The third and final option is to use `many_to_many/3` to
define the relationships between the resources. In this case,
the comments table won't have the foreign key, instead there
is an intermediary table responsible for associating the entries:
defmodule Comment do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "comments" do
# ...
In your posts and tasks:
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
many_to_many :comments, Comment, join_through: "posts_comments"
defmodule Task do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "tasks" do
many_to_many :comments, Comment, join_through: "tasks_comments"
See `many_to_many/3` for more information on this particular approach.
defmacro belongs_to(name, queryable, opts \\ []) do
queryable = expand_literals(queryable, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__belongs_to__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(queryable), unquote(opts))
@doc ~S"""
Indicates a many-to-many association with another schema.
The association happens through a join schema or source, containing
foreign keys to the associated schemas. For example, the association
# from MyApp.Post
many_to_many :tags, MyApp.Tag, join_through: "posts_tags"
is backed by relational databases through a join table as follows:
[Post] <-> [posts_tags] <-> [Tag]
id <-- post_id
tag_id --> id
More information on the migration for creating such a schema is shown
## Options
* `:join_through` - Specifies the source of the associated data.
It may be a string, like "posts_tags", representing the
underlying storage table or an atom, like `MyApp.PostTag`,
representing a schema. This option is required.
* `:join_keys` - Specifies how the schemas are associated. It
expects a keyword list with two entries, the first being how
the join table should reach the current schema and the second
how the join table should reach the associated schema. In the
example above, it defaults to: `[post_id: :id, tag_id: :id]`.
The keys are inflected from the schema names.
* `:on_delete` - The action taken on associations when the parent record
is deleted. May be `:nothing` (default) or `:delete_all`.
Using this option is DISCOURAGED for most relational databases. Instead,
in your migration, set `references(:parent_id, on_delete: :delete_all)`.
Opposite to the migration option, this option cannot guarantee integrity
and it is only triggered for `c:Ecto.Repo.delete/2` (and not on
`c:Ecto.Repo.delete_all/2`). This option can only remove data from the
join source, never the associated records, and it never cascades.
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the record is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, or `:delete`.
`:delete` will only remove data from the join source, never the
associated records. See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section on related data
for more info.
* `:defaults` - Default values to use when building the association.
It may be a keyword list of options that override the association schema
or an `atom`/`{module, function, args}` that receives the association struct
and the owner struct as arguments. For example, if you set
`Post.many_to_many :tags, defaults: [public: true]`,
then when using `Ecto.build_assoc(post, :tags)`, the tag will have
`tag.public == true`. Alternatively, you can set it to
`Post.many_to_many :tags, defaults: :update_tag`, which will invoke
`Post.update_tag(tag, post)`, or set it to a MFA tuple such as
`{Mod, fun, [arg3, arg4]}`, which will invoke `, post, arg3, arg4)`
* `:join_defaults` - The same as `:defaults` but it applies to the join schema
instead. This option will raise if it is given and the `:join_through` value
is not a schema.
* `:unique` - When true, checks if the associated entries are unique
whenever the association is cast or changed via the parent record.
For instance, it would verify that a given tag cannot be attached to
the same post more than once. This exists mostly as a quick check
for user feedback, as it does not guarantee uniqueness at the database
level. Therefore, you should also set a unique index in the database
join table, such as: `create unique_index(:posts_tags, [:post_id, :tag_id])`
* `:where` - A filter for the association. See "Filtering associations"
in `has_many/3`
* `:join_where` - A filter for the join table. See "Filtering associations"
in `has_many/3`
* `:preload_order` - Sets the default `order_by` when preloading the association.
It may be a keyword list/list of fields or an MFA tuple, such as `{Mod, fun, []}`.
Both cases must resolve to a valid `order_by` expression. See `Ecto.Query.order_by/3`
to learn more about about ordering expressions.
See the [preload order](#many_to_many/3-preload-order) section below to learn how
this option can be utilized
## Using Ecto.assoc/2
One of the benefits of using `many_to_many` is that Ecto will avoid
loading the intermediate whenever possible, making your queries more
efficient. For this reason, developers should not refer to the join
table of `many_to_many` in queries. The join table is accessible in
few occasions, such as in `Ecto.assoc/2`. For example, if you do this:
|> Ecto.assoc(:tags)
|> where([t, _pt, p], p.public == t.public)
It may not work as expected because the `posts_tags` table may not be
included in the query. You can address this problem in multiple ways.
One option is to use `...`:
|> Ecto.assoc(:tags)
|> where([t, ..., p], p.public == t.public)
Another and preferred option is to rewrite to an explicit `join`, which
leaves out the intermediate bindings as they are resolved only later on:
# keyword syntax
from t in Tag,
join: p in assoc(t, :post), on: == ^
# pipe syntax
|> join(:inner, [t], p in assoc(t, :post), on: == ^
If you need to access the join table, then you likely want to use
`has_many/3` with the `:through` option instead.
## Removing data
If you attempt to remove associated `many_to_many` data, **Ecto will
always remove data from the join schema and never from the target
associations** be it by setting `:on_replace` to `:delete`, `:on_delete`
to `:delete_all` or by using changeset functions such as
`Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc/3`. For example, if a `Post` has a many to many
relationship with `Tag`, setting `:on_delete` to `:delete_all` will
only delete entries from the "posts_tags" table in case `Post` is
## Migration
How your migration should be structured depends on the value you pass
in `:join_through`. If `:join_through` is simply a string, representing
a table, you may define a table without primary keys and you must not
include any further columns, as those values won't be set by Ecto:
create table(:posts_tags, primary_key: false) do
add :post_id, references(:posts)
add :tag_id, references(:tags)
However, if your `:join_through` is a schema, like `MyApp.PostTag`, your
join table may be structured as any other table in your codebase,
including timestamps:
create table(:posts_tags) do
add :post_id, references(:posts)
add :tag_id, references(:tags)
Because `:join_through` contains a schema, in such cases, autogenerated
values and primary keys will be automatically handled by Ecto.
## Preload Order
The `:preload_order` option may be used to return the preloaded structs
in a deterministic order. It accepts either a compile-time keyword list/list
or an MFA tuple, such as `{Mod, fun, []}`. The MFA tuple will be used to
generate the `order_by` expression at runtime.
When specifying a compile-time keyword list/list, the ordering applies to the
association's table and not the join table. Ordering by the join table can be
achieved by specifying an MFA tuple that utilizes `Ecto.Query.dynamic/2`.
For example, say we have an association `Assoc` being joined through the table
`join_through`. The default preload query generated by Ecto is roughly:
from a in Assoc, join: jt in "join_through", on: ...
If `:preload_order` is given as `[asc: :field]` then the preload query will be
changed to the following:
from a in Assoc, join: jt in "join_through", on: ..., order_by: [asc: a.field]
Similarly, any compile-time keyword list/list will have its fields interpreted
as belonging to the association's table. To order by a field from the join table,
an MFA tuple can be specified that utilizes `Ecto.Query.dynamic/2`.
For example, if `:preload_order` is given as `{Mod, fun, []}`, corresponding to
the following function:
defmodule Mod do
def fun() do
[desc: dynamic([assoc, join], join.field)]
then the preload query will be changed to the following:
from a in Assoc, join: jt in "join_through", on: ..., order_by: [desc: jt.field]
Note the ordering of the bindings. The join table always comes last.
## Examples
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
many_to_many :tags, Tag, join_through: "posts_tags"
# Let's create a post and a tag
post = Repo.insert!(%Post{})
tag = Repo.insert!(%Tag{name: "introduction"})
# We can associate at any time post and tags together using changesets
|> Repo.preload(:tags) # Load existing data
|> Ecto.Changeset.change() # Build the changeset
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:tags, [tag]) # Set the association
|> Repo.update!
# In a later moment, we may get all tags for a given post
post = Repo.get(Post, 42)
tags = Repo.all(assoc(post, :tags))
# The tags may also be preloaded on the post struct for reading
[post] = Repo.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42, preload: :tags))
post.tags #=> [%Tag{...}, ...]
## Join Schema Example
You may prefer to use a join schema to handle many_to_many associations. The
decoupled nature of Ecto allows us to create a "join" struct which
`belongs_to` both sides of the many to many association.
In our example, a `User` has and belongs to many `Organization`s:
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUserOrganization do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:users_organizations) do
add :user_id, references(:users)
add :organization_id, references(:organizations)
defmodule UserOrganization do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key false
schema "users_organizations" do
belongs_to :user, User
belongs_to :organization, Organization
timestamps() # Added bonus, a join schema will also allow you to set timestamps
def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:user_id, :organization_id])
|> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required([:user_id, :organization_id])
# Maybe do some counter caching here!
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
many_to_many :organizations, Organization, join_through: UserOrganization
defmodule Organization do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "organizations" do
many_to_many :users, User, join_through: UserOrganization
# Then to create the association, pass in the ID's of an existing
# User and Organization to UserOrganization.changeset
changeset = UserOrganization.changeset(%UserOrganization{}, %{user_id: id, organization_id: id})
case Repo.insert(changeset) do
{:ok, assoc} -> # Assoc was created!
{:error, changeset} -> # Handle the error
defmacro many_to_many(name, queryable, opts \\ []) do
queryable = expand_literals(queryable, __CALLER__)
opts = expand_literals(opts, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__many_to_many__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(queryable), unquote(opts))
## Embeds
@doc ~S"""
Indicates an embedding of a schema.
The current schema has zero or one records of the other schema embedded
inside of it. It uses a field similar to the `:map` type for storage,
but allows embeds to have all the things regular schema can.
You must declare your `embeds_one/3` field with type `:map` at the
database level.
The embedded may or may not have a primary key. Ecto uses the primary keys
to detect if an embed is being updated or not. If a primary key is not present,
`:on_replace` should be set to either `:update` or `:delete` if there is a
desire to either update or delete the current embed when a new one is set.
## Options
* `:primary_key` - The `:primary_key` option can be used with the same arguments
as `@primary_key` (see the [Schema attributes](
section for more info). Primary keys are automatically set up for embedded schemas as well,
defaulting to `{:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}`.
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the embed is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, `:update`, or `:delete`.
See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section on related data for more info.
* `:source` - Defines the name that is to be used in database for this field.
This is useful when attaching to an existing database. The value should be
an atom.
* `:load_in_query` - When false, the field will not be loaded when
selecting the whole struct in a query, such as `from p in Post, select: p`.
Defaults to `true`.
## Examples
defmodule Order do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "orders" do
embeds_one :item, Item
defmodule Item do
use Ecto.Schema
embedded_schema do
field :title
# The item is loaded with the order
order = Repo.get!(Order, 42)
order.item #=> %Item{...}
Adding and removal of embeds can only be done via the `Ecto.Changeset`
API so Ecto can properly track the embed life-cycle:
order = Repo.get!(Order, 42)
item = %Item{title: "Soap"}
# Generate a changeset
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.change(order)
# Put a new embed to the changeset
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.put_embed(changeset, :item, item)
# Update the order, and fetch the item
item = Repo.update!(changeset).item
# Item is generated with a unique identification
# => %Item{id: "20a97d94-f79b-4e63-a875-85deed7719b7", title: "Soap"}
## Inline embedded schema
The schema module can be defined inline in the parent schema in simple
defmodule Parent do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "parents" do
field :name, :string
embeds_one :child, Child do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer
Options should be passed before the `do` block like this:
embeds_one :child, Child, on_replace: :delete, primary_key: false do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer
Defining embedded schema in such a way will define a `Parent.Child` module
with the appropriate struct. In order to properly cast the embedded schema.
When casting the inline-defined embedded schemas you need to use the `:with`
option of `Ecto.Changeset.cast_embed/3` to provide the proper function to do the casting.
For example:
def changeset(schema, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name])
|> cast_embed(:child, with: &child_changeset/2)
defp child_changeset(schema, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :age])
## Encoding and decoding
Because many databases do not support direct encoding and decoding
of embeds, it is often emulated by Ecto by using specific encoding
and decoding rules.
For example, PostgreSQL will store embeds on top of JSONB columns,
which means types in embedded schemas won't go through the usual
dump->DB->load cycle but rather encode->DB->decode->cast. This means
that, when using embedded schemas with databases like PG or MySQL,
make sure all of your types can be JSON encoded/decoded correctly.
Ecto provides this guarantee for all built-in types.
When decoding, if a key exists in the database not defined in the
schema, it'll be ignored. If a field exists in the schema thats not
in the database, it's value will be `nil`.
defmacro embeds_one(name, schema, opts \\ [])
defmacro embeds_one(name, schema, do: block) do
quote do
embeds_one(unquote(name), unquote(schema), [], do: unquote(block))
defmacro embeds_one(name, schema, opts) do
schema = expand_literals(schema, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__embeds_one__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(schema), unquote(opts))
@doc """
Indicates an embedding of a schema.
For options and examples see documentation of `embeds_one/3`.
defmacro embeds_one(name, schema, opts, do: block) do
schema = expand_nested_module_alias(schema, __CALLER__)
quote do
{schema, opts} =
Ecto.Schema.__embeds_one__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), schema, opts)
@doc ~S"""
Indicates an embedding of many schemas.
The current schema has zero or more records of the other schema embedded
inside of it. Embeds have all the things regular schemas have.
It is recommended to declare your `embeds_many/3` field with type `:map`
in your migrations, instead of using `{:array, :map}`. Ecto can work with
both maps and arrays as the container for embeds (and in most databases
maps are represented as JSON which allows Ecto to choose what works best).
The embedded may or may not have a primary key. Ecto uses the primary keys
to detect if an embed is being updated or not. If a primary is not present
and you still want the list of embeds to be updated, `:on_replace` must be
set to `:delete`, forcing all current embeds to be deleted and replaced by
new ones whenever a new list of embeds is set.
For encoding and decoding of embeds, please read the docs for
## Options
* `:on_replace` - The action taken on associations when the embed is
replaced when casting or manipulating parent changeset. May be
`:raise` (default), `:mark_as_invalid`, or `:delete`.
See `Ecto.Changeset`'s section on related data for more info.
* `:source` - Defines the name that is to be used in database for this field.
This is useful when attaching to an existing database. The value should be
an atom.
* `:load_in_query` - When false, the field will not be loaded when
selecting the whole struct in a query, such as `from p in Post, select: p`.
Defaults to `true`.
## Examples
defmodule Order do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "orders" do
embeds_many :items, Item
defmodule Item do
use Ecto.Schema
embedded_schema do
field :title
# The items are loaded with the order
order = Repo.get!(Order, 42)
order.items #=> [%Item{...}, ...]
Adding and removal of embeds can only be done via the `Ecto.Changeset`
API so Ecto can properly track the embed life-cycle:
# Order has no items
order = Repo.get!(Order, 42)
# => []
items = [%Item{title: "Soap"}]
# Generate a changeset
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.change(order)
# Put a one or more new items
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.put_embed(changeset, :items, items)
# Update the order and fetch items
items = Repo.update!(changeset).items
# Items are generated with a unique identification
# => [%Item{id: "20a97d94-f79b-4e63-a875-85deed7719b7", title: "Soap"}]
Updating of embeds must be done using a changeset for each changed embed.
# Order has an existing items
order = Repo.get!(Order, 42)
# => [%Item{id: "20a97d94-f79b-4e63-a875-85deed7719b7", title: "Soap"}]
# Generate a changeset
changeset = Ecto.Changeset.change(order)
# Put the updated item as a changeset
current_item = List.first(order.items)
item_changeset = Ecto.Changeset.change(current_item, title: "Mujju's Soap")
order_changeset = Ecto.Changeset.put_embed(changeset, :items, [item_changeset])
# Update the order and fetch items
items = Repo.update!(order_changeset).items
# Item has the updated title
# => [%Item{id: "20a97d94-f79b-4e63-a875-85deed7719b7", title: "Mujju's Soap"}]
## Inline embedded schema
The schema module can be defined inline in the parent schema in simple
defmodule Parent do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "parents" do
field :name, :string
embeds_many :children, Child do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer
Primary keys are automatically set up for embedded schemas as well,
defaulting to `{:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}`. You can
customize it by passing a `:primary_key` option with the same arguments
as `@primary_key` (see the [Schema attributes](
section for more info).
Defining embedded schema in such a way will define a `Parent.Child` module
with the appropriate struct. In order to properly cast the embedded schema.
When casting the inline-defined embedded schemas you need to use the `:with`
option of `cast_embed/3` to provide the proper function to do the casting.
For example:
def changeset(schema, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name])
|> cast_embed(:children, with: &child_changeset/2)
defp child_changeset(schema, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :age])
defmacro embeds_many(name, schema, opts \\ [])
defmacro embeds_many(name, schema, do: block) do
quote do
embeds_many(unquote(name), unquote(schema), [], do: unquote(block))
defmacro embeds_many(name, schema, opts) do
schema = expand_literals(schema, __CALLER__)
quote do
Ecto.Schema.__embeds_many__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), unquote(schema), unquote(opts))
@doc """
Indicates an embedding of many schemas.
For options and examples see documentation of `embeds_many/3`.
defmacro embeds_many(name, schema, opts, do: block) do
schema = expand_nested_module_alias(schema, __CALLER__)
quote do
{schema, opts} =
Ecto.Schema.__embeds_many__(__MODULE__, unquote(name), schema, opts)
# Internal function for integrating associations into schemas.
# This function exists as an extension point for libraries to
# experiment new types of associations to Ecto, although it may
# break at any time (as with any of the association callbacks).
# This function expects the current schema, the association cardinality,
# the association name, the association module (that implements
# `Ecto.Association` callbacks) and a keyword list of options.
@doc false
@spec association(module, :one | :many, atom(), module, Keyword.t()) :: Ecto.Association.t()
def association(schema, cardinality, name, association, opts) do
not_loaded = %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
__owner__: schema,
__field__: name,
__cardinality__: cardinality
put_struct_field(schema, name, not_loaded)
opts = [cardinality: cardinality] ++ opts
struct = association.struct(schema, name, opts)
Module.put_attribute(schema, :ecto_assocs, {name, struct})
## Callbacks
@doc false
def __timestamps__(:naive_datetime) do
%{NaiveDateTime.utc_now() | microsecond: {0, 0}}
def __timestamps__(:naive_datetime_usec) do
def __timestamps__(:utc_datetime) do
%{DateTime.utc_now() | microsecond: {0, 0}}
def __timestamps__(:utc_datetime_usec) do
def __timestamps__(type) do
type.from_unix!(System.os_time(:microsecond), :microsecond)
@doc false
def __loaded__(module, struct_fields) do
case[{:__struct__, module} | struct_fields]) do
%{__meta__: meta} = struct -> %{struct | __meta__: Map.put(meta, :state, :loaded)}
struct -> struct
@doc false
def __field__(mod, name, type, opts) do
# Check the field type before we check options because it is
# better to raise unknown type first than unsupported option.
type = check_field_type!(mod, name, type, opts)
if type == :any && !opts[:virtual] do
raise ArgumentError,
"only virtual fields can have type :any, " <>
"invalid type for field #{inspect(name)}"
check_options!(type, opts, @field_opts, "field/3")
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, type})
validate_default!(type, opts[:default], opts[:skip_default_validation])
define_field(mod, name, type, opts)
defp define_field(mod, name, type, opts) do
virtual? = opts[:virtual] || false
pk? = opts[:primary_key] || false
put_struct_field(mod, name, Keyword.get(opts, :default))
if Keyword.get(opts, :redact, false) do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_redact_fields, name)
if virtual? do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_virtual_fields, {name, type})
source = opts[:source] || Module.get_attribute(mod, :field_source_mapper).(name)
if not is_atom(source) do
raise ArgumentError,
"the :source for field `#{name}` must be an atom, got: #{inspect(source)}"
if name != source do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_field_sources, {name, source})
if raw = opts[:read_after_writes] do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_raw, name)
case gen = opts[:autogenerate] do
{_, _, _} ->
store_mfa_autogenerate!(mod, name, type, gen)
true ->
store_type_autogenerate!(mod, name, source || name, type, pk?)
_ ->
if raw && gen do
raise ArgumentError, "cannot mark the same field as autogenerate and read_after_writes"
if pk? do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_primary_keys, name)
if Keyword.get(opts, :load_in_query, true) do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_query_fields, {name, type})
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_fields, {name, type})
@doc false
def __define_timestamps__(mod, timestamps) do
type = Keyword.get(timestamps, :type, :naive_datetime)
autogen = timestamps[:autogenerate] || {Ecto.Schema, :__timestamps__, [type]}
inserted_at = Keyword.get(timestamps, :inserted_at, :inserted_at)
updated_at = Keyword.get(timestamps, :updated_at, :updated_at)
if inserted_at do
opts = if source = timestamps[:inserted_at_source], do: [source: source], else: []
Ecto.Schema.__field__(mod, inserted_at, type, opts)
if updated_at do
opts = if source = timestamps[:updated_at_source], do: [source: source], else: []
Ecto.Schema.__field__(mod, updated_at, type, opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_autoupdate, {[updated_at], autogen})
with [_ | _] = fields <- Enum.filter([inserted_at, updated_at], & &1) do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_autogenerate, {fields, autogen})
@valid_has_options [
@doc false
def __has_many__(mod, name, queryable, opts) do
if is_list(queryable) and Keyword.has_key?(queryable, :through) do
check_options!(queryable, @valid_has_options, "has_many/3")
association(mod, :many, name, Ecto.Association.HasThrough, queryable)
check_options!(opts, @valid_has_options, "has_many/3")
struct = association(mod, :many, name, Ecto.Association.Has, [queryable: queryable] ++ opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, {:assoc, struct}})
@doc false
def __has_one__(mod, name, queryable, opts) do
if is_list(queryable) and Keyword.has_key?(queryable, :through) do
check_options!(queryable, @valid_has_options, "has_one/3")
association(mod, :one, name, Ecto.Association.HasThrough, queryable)
check_options!(opts, @valid_has_options, "has_one/3")
struct = association(mod, :one, name, Ecto.Association.Has, [queryable: queryable] ++ opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, {:assoc, struct}})
# :primary_key is valid here to support associative entity
@valid_belongs_to_options [
@doc false
def __belongs_to__(mod, name, queryable, opts) do
opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :foreign_key, :"#{name}_id")
foreign_key_name = opts[:foreign_key]
foreign_key_type = opts[:type] || Module.get_attribute(mod, :foreign_key_type)
foreign_key_type = check_field_type!(mod, name, foreign_key_type, opts)
check_options!(foreign_key_type, opts, @valid_belongs_to_options, "belongs_to/3")
if foreign_key_name == name do
raise ArgumentError,
"foreign_key #{inspect(name)} must be distinct from corresponding association name"
if Keyword.get(opts, :define_field, true) do
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {foreign_key_name, foreign_key_type})
define_field(mod, foreign_key_name, foreign_key_type, opts)
struct =
association(mod, :one, name, Ecto.Association.BelongsTo, [queryable: queryable] ++ opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, {:assoc, struct}})
@valid_many_to_many_options [
@doc false
def __many_to_many__(mod, name, queryable, opts) do
check_options!(opts, @valid_many_to_many_options, "many_to_many/3")
struct =
association(mod, :many, name, Ecto.Association.ManyToMany, [queryable: queryable] ++ opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, {:assoc, struct}})
@valid_embeds_one_options [:on_replace, :source, :load_in_query]
@doc false
def __embeds_one__(mod, name, schema, opts) when is_atom(schema) do
check_options!(opts, @valid_embeds_one_options, "embeds_one/3")
embed(mod, :one, name, schema, opts)
def __embeds_one__(_mod, _name, schema, _opts) do
raise ArgumentError,
"`embeds_one/3` expects `schema` to be a module name, but received #{inspect(schema)}"
@valid_embeds_many_options [:on_replace, :source, :load_in_query]
@doc false
def __embeds_many__(mod, name, schema, opts) when is_atom(schema) do
check_options!(opts, @valid_embeds_many_options, "embeds_many/3")
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :default, [])
embed(mod, :many, name, schema, opts)
def __embeds_many__(_mod, _name, schema, _opts) do
raise ArgumentError,
"`embeds_many/3` expects `schema` to be a module name, but received #{inspect(schema)}"
@doc false
def __embeds_module__(env, module, opts, block) do
{pk, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :primary_key, {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true})
block =
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key unquote(Macro.escape(pk))
embedded_schema do
Module.create(module, block, env)
{module, opts}
## Quoted callbacks
@doc false
def __after_compile__(%{module: module} = env, _) do
# If we are compiling code, we can validate associations now,
# as the Elixir compiler will solve dependencies.
if Code.can_await_module_compilation?() do
for name <- module.__schema__(:associations) do
assoc = module.__schema__(:association, name)
case assoc.__struct__.after_compile_validation(assoc, env) do
:ok ->
{:error, message} ->
"invalid association `#{assoc.field}` in schema #{inspect(module)}: #{message}",
@doc false
def __schema__(fields, field_sources, assocs, embeds, virtual_fields) do
load =
for {name, type} <- fields do
if alias = field_sources[name] do
{name, {:source, alias, type}}
{name, type}
dump =
for {name, type} <- fields do
{name, {field_sources[name] || name, type}}
field_sources_quoted =
for {name, _type} <- fields do
{[:field_source, name], field_sources[name] || name}
types_quoted =
for {name, type} <- fields do
{[:type, name], Macro.escape(type)}
virtual_types_quoted =
for {name, type} <- virtual_fields do
{[:virtual_type, name], Macro.escape(type)}
assoc_quoted =
for {name, refl} <- assocs do
{[:association, name], Macro.escape(refl)}
assoc_names =, &elem(&1, 0))
embed_quoted =
for {name, refl} <- embeds do
{[:embed, name], Macro.escape(refl)}
embed_names =, &elem(&1, 0))
single_arg = [
{[:dump], dump |> |> Macro.escape()},
{[:load], load |> Macro.escape()},
{[:associations], assoc_names},
{[:embeds], embed_names}
catch_all = [
{[:field_source, quote(do: _)], nil},
{[:type, quote(do: _)], nil},
{[:virtual_type, quote(do: _)], nil},
{[:association, quote(do: _)], nil},
{[:embed, quote(do: _)], nil}
## Private
defp embed(mod, cardinality, name, schema, opts) do
opts = [cardinality: cardinality, related: schema, owner: mod, field: name] ++ opts
struct = Ecto.Embedded.init(opts)
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_changeset_fields, {name, {:embed, struct}})
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_embeds, {name, struct})
define_field(mod, name, {:parameterized, Ecto.Embedded, struct}, opts)
defp put_struct_field(mod, name, assoc) do
fields = Module.get_attribute(mod, :ecto_struct_fields)
if List.keyfind(fields, name, 0) do
raise ArgumentError,
"field/association #{inspect(name)} already exists on schema, you must either remove the duplication or choose a different name"
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_struct_fields, {name, assoc})
defp validate_default!(_type, _value, true), do: :ok
defp validate_default!(type, value, _skip) do
case Ecto.Type.dump(type, value) do
{:ok, _} ->
_ ->
raise ArgumentError,
"value #{inspect(value)} is invalid for type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)}, can't set default"
defp check_options!(opts, valid, fun_arity) do
case Enum.find(opts, fn {k, _} -> k not in valid end) do
{k, _} -> raise ArgumentError, "invalid option #{inspect(k)} for #{fun_arity}"
nil -> :ok
defp check_options!({:parameterized, _, _}, _opts, _valid, _fun_arity) do
defp check_options!({_, type}, opts, valid, fun_arity) do
check_options!(type, opts, valid, fun_arity)
defp check_options!(_type, opts, valid, fun_arity) do
check_options!(opts, valid, fun_arity)
defp check_field_type!(_mod, name, :datetime, _opts) do
raise ArgumentError,
"invalid type :datetime for field #{inspect(name)}. " <>
"You probably meant to choose one between :naive_datetime " <>
"(no time zone information) or :utc_datetime (time zone is set to UTC)"
defp check_field_type!(mod, name, type, opts) do
cond do
composite?(type, name) ->
{outer_type, inner_type} = type
{outer_type, check_field_type!(mod, name, inner_type, opts)}
not is_atom(type) ->
raise ArgumentError, "invalid type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)} for field #{inspect(name)}"
Ecto.Type.base?(type) ->
Code.ensure_compiled(type) == {:module, type} ->
cond do
function_exported?(type, :type, 0) ->
function_exported?(type, :type, 1) ->
Ecto.ParameterizedType.init(type, Keyword.merge(opts, field: name, schema: mod))
function_exported?(type, :__schema__, 1) ->
raise ArgumentError,
"schema #{inspect(type)} is not a valid type for field #{inspect(name)}." <>
" Did you mean to use belongs_to, has_one, has_many, embeds_one, or embeds_many instead?"
true ->
raise ArgumentError,
"module #{inspect(type)} given as type for field #{inspect(name)} is not an Ecto.Type/Ecto.ParameterizedType"
true ->
raise ArgumentError, "unknown type #{inspect(type)} for field #{inspect(name)}"
defp composite?({composite, _} = type, name) do
if Ecto.Type.composite?(composite) do
raise ArgumentError,
"invalid or unknown composite #{inspect(type)} for field #{inspect(name)}. " <>
"Did you mean to use :array or :map as first element of the tuple instead?"
defp composite?(_type, _name), do: false
defp store_mfa_autogenerate!(mod, name, type, mfa) do
if autogenerate_id?(type) do
raise ArgumentError, ":autogenerate with {m, f, a} not supported by ID types"
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_autogenerate, {[name], mfa})
defp store_type_autogenerate!(mod, name, source, {:parameterized, typemod, params} = type, pk?) do
cond do
store_autogenerate_id!(mod, name, source, type, pk?) ->
not function_exported?(typemod, :autogenerate, 1) ->
raise ArgumentError,
"field #{inspect(name)} does not support :autogenerate because it uses a " <>
"parameterized type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)} that does not define autogenerate/1"
true ->
{[name], {typemod, :autogenerate, [params]}}
defp store_type_autogenerate!(mod, name, source, type, pk?) do
cond do
store_autogenerate_id!(mod, name, source, type, pk?) ->
Ecto.Type.primitive?(type) ->
raise ArgumentError,
"field #{inspect(name)} does not support :autogenerate because it uses a " <>
"primitive type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)}"
# Note the custom type has already been loaded in check_type!/3
not function_exported?(type, :autogenerate, 0) ->
raise ArgumentError,
"field #{inspect(name)} does not support :autogenerate because it uses a " <>
"custom type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)} that does not define autogenerate/0"
true ->
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_autogenerate, {[name], {type, :autogenerate, []}})
defp store_autogenerate_id!(mod, name, source, type, pk?) do
cond do
not autogenerate_id?(type) ->
not pk? ->
raise ArgumentError,
"only primary keys allow :autogenerate for type #{Ecto.Type.format(type)}, " <>
"field #{inspect(name)} is not a primary key"
Module.get_attribute(mod, :ecto_autogenerate_id) ->
raise ArgumentError, "only one primary key with ID type may be marked as autogenerated"
true ->
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ecto_autogenerate_id, {name, source, type})
defp autogenerate_id?(type), do: Ecto.Type.type(type) in [:id, :binary_id]
defp expand_literals(ast, env) do
if Macro.quoted_literal?(ast) do
Macro.prewalk(ast, &expand_alias(&1, env))
defp expand_alias({:__aliases__, _, _} = alias, env),
do: Macro.expand(alias, %{env | function: {:__schema__, 2}})
defp expand_alias(other, _env), do: other
defp expand_nested_module_alias({:__aliases__, _, [Elixir, _ | _] = alias}, _env),
do: Module.concat(alias)
defp expand_nested_module_alias({:__aliases__, _, [h | t]}, env) when is_atom(h),
do: Module.concat([env.module, h | t])
defp expand_nested_module_alias(other, _env), do: other