# EctoCommons

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Ecto common helpers such as validators and formatters.

## Installation

The package is available on [hex](, so it can be installed
by adding `ecto_commons` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ecto_commons, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation is published on [HexDocs]( and can
be found at [](

## Summary

The package contains common ecto helpers:

### Changeset validators
  - `EctoCommon.DateValidator`:
    - `validate_date(changeset, field, opts)`: validates an equality (with
       approximation), before or after a given date.
  - `EctoCommon.DateTimeValidator`
    - `validate_datetime(changeset, field, opts)`: validates an equality (with
       approximation), before or after a given date time.
  - `EctoCommon.TimeValidator`
    - `validate_time(changeset, field, opts)`: validates an equality (with
       approximation), before or after a given time.
  - `EctoCommon.EmailValidator`
    - `validate_email(changeset, field, opts)`: validates if an email is 
       valid and if it uses a temporary inbox provider (exclude temporary emails)
  - `EctoCommon.URLValidator`
    - `validate_url(changeset, field, opts)`: validates if an URL is corrent. Multiple
      checks can be added from looser validation to stricter.
  - `EctoCommon.StringValidator`
    - `validate_has_prefix(changeset, field, opts)`: validates if a string starts
      with a given prefix. The prefix itself can depend on another field or
      on a dynamic value.
  - `EctoCommon.PostalCodeValidator`
    - `validate_postal_code(changeset, field, opts)`: validates postal code depending
      on the country. This still needs improvement to support more countries.
  - `EctoCommon.SocialSecurityValidator`
    - `validate_social_security(changeset, field, opts)`: validates social security
      numbers (SSN) depending on the country. This only validates french SSNs for now.
  - `EctoCommon.LuhnValidator`
    - `validate_luhn(changeset, field, opts)`: validates a string with Luhn's
      algorithm such as credit card numbers and other administrative codes.

## Changelog

`ecto_commons` follows semantic versioning. See [``]( for more information.

## License

MIT. Please see [LICENSE]( for licensing details.