# EctoGenerator
Generate Ecto schemas/models from existing database in Phoenix - Elixir
## Installation
#### Generate new Phoenix application
[alexandrubagu@localhost devel]$ mix phoenix.new postgresapp
[alexandrubagu@localhost devel]$ mix phoenix.new mysqlapp --database mysql
#### Add `ecto_generator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:ecto_generator, "~> 6.0.0"}]
#### Install mix dependencies by running the following command in bash `mix deps.get`
#### Edit you configuration if is necessary:
# Configure your database
config :mysqlapp, Mysqlapp.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.MySQL,
username: "root",
password: "",
database: "hello_phoenix_dev",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
#### Now you will find `ecto.dump.schema` in mix tasks:
[alexandrubagu@localhost devel/phoenix/] mix ecto
Ecto v2.0.5
A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir.
Available tasks:
mix ecto.create # Creates the repository storage
mix ecto.drop # Drops the repository storage
mix ecto.dump # Dumps the repository database structure
mix ecto.dump.schema # Dump models/schemas from repos
mix ecto.gen.migration # Generates a new migration for the repo
mix ecto.gen.repo # Generates a new repository
mix ecto.load # Loads previously dumped database structure
mix ecto.migrate # Runs the repository migrations
mix ecto.migrations # Displays the repository migration status
mix ecto.rollback # Rolls back the repository migrations
#### Output Sample
[alexandrubagu@localhost devel/mysqlapp ] mix ecto.dump.schema
16:49:03.228 [debug] QUERY OK db=0.5ms queue=19.1ms
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'hello_phoenix_dev' []
16:49:03.229 [debug] QUERY OK db=0.8ms
SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CASE WHEN `COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI' THEN '1' ELSE NULL END AS primary_key FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name= 'eos_feedback_review_titles' and table_schema='hello_phoenix_dev' []
priv/repo/EosFeedbackReviewTitles.ex was generated
16:49:03.240 [debug] QUERY OK db=0.9ms
SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CASE WHEN `COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI' THEN '1' ELSE NULL END AS primary_key FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name= 'schema_migrations' and table_schema='hello_phoenix_dev' []
priv/repo/SchemaMigrations.ex was generated
16:49:03.243 [debug] QUERY OK db=0.8ms
SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CASE WHEN `COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI' THEN '1' ELSE NULL END AS primary_key FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name= 'users' and table_schema='hello_phoenix_dev' []
priv/repo/Users.ex was generated