## Ecto JSON:API
EctoJsonapi is tool for dealing with JSON:API and Ecto schemas:
1) `EctoJsonApi.dump/1` Convert JSON:API v1.0 into Ecto friendly maps .
2) `EctoJsonApi.load/2` Convert Ecto schemas into maps structured like JSON:API v1.0.
## Install into a Phoenix or other Elixir/Ecto application:
Add `:ecto_jsonapi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ecto_jsonapi, "~> 0.2.0"},
## Example/ Usage
Let's say you have the following Ecto schema data:
user_with_credit_cards = %User{
id: 1,
name: "Micah Cooper",
email: "micah@example.com",
credit_cards: [
id: 456,
number: "4444 4444 4444 4444",
expiration_date: "2018-02",
cvv: "321",
user_id: 1
You can convert `user_with_credit_cards` to JSON:API.
Say you only want to return the `User`'s `email` and you only want the
`expiration_date`, and `cvv` from the `CreditCard`
attributes: %{
User => [:email],
CreditCard => [:expiration_date, :cvv]
Resulting in:
"data" => %{
"attributes" => %{
"email" => "test@example.com"
"id" => 1,
"relationships" => %{
"credit-cards" => %{
"data" => [
%{"id" => 456, "type" => "credit_cards"}
"type" => "users"
"included" => [
"attributes" => %{
"cvv" => "321",
"expiration-date" => "2018-02"
"id" => 456,
"relationships" => %{"user" => %{"data" => %{"id" => 1, "type" => "users"}}},
"type" => "credit_cards"