# ecto_ksuid

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`EctoKsuid` allows seamless usage of
[ksuids]( with `:ecto` in your application.
To get a better idea of what ksuids are, and how they came to be I highly
recommend reading [A breif History of the

> [Ksuid] borrows core ideas from the ubiquitous UUID standard, adding time-based
> ordering and more friendly representation formats.

Additionally, `EctoKsuid` allows easy addition of a `:prefix` to the ksuid
that are available at runtime. This generates developer friendly ids much like
stripe's object prefixed ids in your elixir application.

#### Example Ksuids using the `"user_"` prefix

- `"user_2EgT2R97RRNXWXdA3Ov6znVLDCd"`
- `"user_2EgT5YAJ1EMj86IdI8In8Cmfsnj"`
- `"user_2EgT6WuSzOmcF9bZaRdS3X6lEaL"`
- `"user_2EgT7SEl7LaIGIHIQ1gIjB9eVwT"`
- `"user_2EgT8B20KvdsIQznKX6Tuh2RGDe"`

## Documentation

Documentation can be found online on [HexDocs](

## Installation

1. Add `:ecto_ksuid` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`

   def deps do
       # ...
       {:ecto_ksuid, "~> 0.1.0"}

2. Install using mix.

   mix deps.get

## Basic Usage

`EctoKsuid` is just a custom `Ecto.ParameterizedType` and can be used in your
application just like any other Ecto type.

1. Add columns to your database

   defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddPublicIdToUsers do
     use Ecto.Migration

     def change do
       alter table(:users) do
         add :public_id, EctoKsuid.column()

2. Add fields to your schema

   defmodule MyApp.User do
     use Ecto.Schema

     schema "users" do
       # ...
       field :public_id, EctoKsuid

## Guides

For more details on how to use this library, check out the guides:

- [Using Ksuid as the Default](
- [Configuring Prefix](