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# EctoNestedChangeset
This is an experimental package for manipulating nested Ecto changesets.
## Installation
Add `ecto_nested_changeset` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ecto_nested_changeset, "~> 0.1.1"}
See the module documentation of `EctoNestedChangeset` for usage examples.
## Usage
category = %Category{
posts: [
id: 1,
comments: [
%Comment{body: "potato", id: 1},
%Comment{body: "you", id: 2}
title: "must"
%Post{comments: [], id: 2, title: "young"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> append_at(:posts, %Post{title: "Padawan", comments: []})
|> prepend_at([:posts, 0, :comments], %Comment{body: "ecneitaP"})
|> delete_at([:posts, 0, :comments, 1], mode: {:action, :delete})
|> insert_at([:posts, 1], %Post{title: "have"})
|> append_at([:posts, 2, :comments], %Comment{body: "my"})
|> update_at([:posts, 0, :comments, 0, :body], &String.reverse/1)
|> Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes()
posts: [
comments: [
%Comment{body: "Patience"},
%Comment{body: "you", id: 2}
id: 1,
title: "must"
%Post{title: "have"},
comments: [%Comment{body: "my"}],
id: 2,
title: "young"
%Post{title: "Padawan"}
## Example application
There is an example Phoenix application with a dynamic nested LiveView form in
the `/example` folder of the repository.
cd example
mix setup
mix phx.server
You can access the list of pet owners at http://localhost:4000.