# Ecto.Paging
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This module provides a easy way to apply cursor-based pagination to your Ecto Queries.
## Usage:
1. Add macro to your repo
defmodule MyRepo do
use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :my_app
use Ecto.Paging.Repo # This string adds `paginate/2` and `page/3` methods.
2. Paginate!
query = from p in Ecto.Paging.Schema
{res, next_paging} = query
|> Ecto.Paging.TestRepo.page(%Ecto.Paging{limit: 150})
## Limitations:
* Right now it works only with schemas that have `:inserted_at` field with auto-generated value.
* You need to be careful with order-by's in your queries, since this feature is not tested yet.
* It doesn't construct `has_more` and `size` counts in `paginate` struct (TODO: add this helpers).
* When both `starting_after` and `ending_before` is set, only `starting_after` is used.
## Installation
1. Add `ecto_paging` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:ecto_paging, "~> 0.8.3"}]
2. Ensure `ecto_paging` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:ecto_paging]]