# EctoRequireAssociations

If you want to write purely functional functions based on Ecto data, you need to separate out your `Repo.preload`s.  This library helps you insert clean exceptions into those functions to make it clear when you have association dependencies.  See [this blog post]( for a more details discussion.

## Usage

A `EctoRequireAssociations.ensure!/2` function is defined which takes an ecto struct record and a specification of associations.  The specification works the same as the [`Ecto.Repo.preload/3`]( callback.

def self_edited_posts(person) do
  EctoRequireAssociations.ensure!(person, [:settings, authored_posts: :editor])
  # Code which uses person.settings, person.authored_posts, and the
  # `editor` association on the authored posts

If any of the specified associations aren't loaded an `ArgumentError` will be raised
with a message like:

Expected association to be set: `authored_posts`

or if a nested preload is missing:

Expected association to be set: `authored_posts.editor`

If two associations are missing preloads:

Expected associations to be set: `settings`, `authored_posts.editor`

Ecto's `Ecto.assoc_loaded?/1` is used, so `nil` is considered a loaded value.

If an association isn't defined in the schema, a readable exception is produced instead:

Association `authored_psts` is not defined for the `MyApp.People.Person` struct

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ecto_require_associations` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ecto_require_associations, "~> 0.1.3"}

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