> Provides simple, sane and terse shortcuts for Ecto models.
Ecto.Rut is a wrapper around `Ecto.Repo` methods that usually require you to pass
the module as the subject and sometimes even require you do extra work before hand,
(as in the case of `Repo.insert/3`) to perform operations on your database. Ecto.Rut
tries to reduce code repetition by following the "Convention over Configuration"
## Installation
Add `:ecto_rut` as a dependency in your mix.exs file:
defp deps do
[{:ecto_rut, "~> 1.0.2"}]
and run:
$ mix deps.get
### Phoenix Projects
If you have an app built in [Phoenix Framework][1], just add `use Ecto.Rut` in the `models` method
in `web/web.ex`:
# web/web.ex
def model do
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
use Ecto.Rut
# Other stuff...
That's it! `Ecto.Rut` will automatically be loaded in all of your models. You can now relax!
### Other Ecto Projects
If you're not using Phoenix or you don't want to use Ecto.Rut with all of your models (why wouldn't
you!?), you'll have to manually add `use Ecto.Rut`:
defmodule YourApp.Post do
use Ecto.Schema
use Ecto.Rut
# Schema, Changeset and other stuff...
## Basic Usage
You can call normal `Ecto.Repo` methods directly on the Models:
# instead of YourApp.Repo.all(Post)
# instead of YourApp.Repo.get(Post, 2)
Post.insert(title: "Awesome Post", slug: "awesome-post", category_id: 3)
# instead of:
# changeset = Post.changeset(%Post{}, %{title: "Awesome Post", slug: "awesome-post", category_id: 3})
# YourApp.Repo.insert(changeset)
## Method Coverage
| Ecto.Repo Methods | Ecto.Rut Methods | Additional Notes |
| Repo.aggregate | — | — |
| Repo.all | Model.all | — |
| Repo.config | — | — |
| Repo.delete | Model.delete | — |
| Repo.delete! | Model.delete! | — |
| Repo.delete_all | — | — |
| Repo.get | Model.get | — |
| Repo.get! | Model.get! | — |
| Repo.get_by | Model.get_by | — |
| Repo.get_by! | Model.get_by! | — |
| Repo.in_transaction? | — | — |
| Repo.insert | Model.insert | Accepts both Ecto changesets and Keyword lists |
| Repo.insert! | Model.insert! | Accepts both Ecto changesets and Keyword lists |
| Repo.insert_all | — | — |
| Repo.insert_or_update | — | — |
| Repo.insert_or_update! | — | — |
| | — | — |
|! | — | — |
| Repo.preload | — | — |
| Repo.query | — | — |
| Repo.query! | — | — |
| Repo.rollback | — | — |
| Repo.start_link | — | — |
| Repo.stop | — | — |
| Repo.transaction | — | — |
| Repo.update | — | — |
| Repo.update! | — | — |
| Repo.update_all | — | — |
## Roadmap
- [ ] Write Tests
- [ ] Write Documentation
- [ ] Cover all main `Ecto.Repo` methods
- [ ] Allow explicitly passing Application and Repo modules to the `use Ecto.Rut` statement
- [ ] Introduce new wrapper methods that accept direct arguments (Such as `Post.delete_by_id(3)`)
## Contributing
- [Fork][2], Enhance, Send PR
- Lock issues with any bugs or feature requests
- Implement something from Roadmap
- Spread the word
## License
This package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License][3].