# Ecto Schema Store
This library is used to create customizable data stores for individual ecto schemas.
With the following schema:
defmodule Person do
use EctoTest.Web, :model
schema "people" do
field :name, :string
field :email, :string
def changeset(model, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :email])
You can create a store with the following:
defmodule PersonStore do
use EctoSchemaStore, schema: Person, repo: MyApp.Repo
## Querying ##
The following functions are provided in a store for retrieving data.
* `all` - Fetch all records
* `one` - Return a single record
* `refresh` - Reloads an existing record from the database.
* `preload_assocs` - Preload record associations. Same as `Repo.preload`. Providing `:all` will cause all associations to be preloaded.
* `count_records` - Count the number of records returned by the provided filters.
* `exists?` - Returns true if any records exists for the provided filters.
Sample Queries:
# Get all records in a table.
# Get all records fields that match the provided value.
PersonStore.all %{name: "Bob"}
PersonStore.all %{name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"}
PersonStore.all name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"
# Return a single record.
PersonStore.one %{name: "Bob"}
PersonStore.one name: "Bob"
# Return a specific record by id.
PersonStore.one 12
# Refresh
record = PersonStore.one 12
PersonStore.refresh record
# Preload after query
PersonStore.preload_assocs record, :field_name
PersonStore.preload_assocs record, :all
PersonStore.preload_assocs record, [:field_name_1, :field_name_2]
* preload - An atom or list of atoms with the model association keys to preload. Providing `:all` will cause all associations to be preloaded.
# Get all records in a table.
PersonStore.all %{}, preload: :field_name
# Get all records fields that match the provided value.
PersonStore.all %{name: "Bob"}, preload: [:field_name_1, :field_name_2]
# Return a single record.
PersonStore.one %{name: "Bob"}, preload: :all
# Return a specific record by id.
PersonStore.one 12, preload: :all
## Filter Operators ##
Stores support a special syntax for changing the comparison operator in the passed filter map or keyword list.
* `{:==, value}` - The field equals this value. This is the default operator when the value is not `nil`.
* `{:!=, value}` - The field does not equal the value.
* `{:==, nil}` - The field is `nil` or `null` in the database. This is the default operator when the value is `nil`.
* `{:!=, nil}` - The field is not `nil` or `null` in the database.
* `{:<, value}` - The field is less than the value.
* `{:<=, value}` - The field is less than or equal the value.
* `{:>, value}` - The field is greater than the value.
* `{:>=, value}` - The field is greater than or equal the value.
* `{:in, []}` - the field is in the list of provided values.
PersonStore.all %{name: nil}
PersonStore.all %{name: {:==, nil}}
PersonStore.all name: {:!=, nil}
PersonStore.all name: {:!=, "Bob"}
PersonStore.all name: {:in, ["Bob"]}, email: "bob@nowhere.test"
## Editing ##
The following functions are provided in a store for editing data.
* `insert` - Insert a record based upon supplied parameters map.
* `insert_fields` - Insert the record without using a changeset.
* `insert!` - Same as `insert` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `insert_fields!` - Same as `insert_fields` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `update` - Update a record based upon supplied parameters map.
* `update_fields` - Update the record without using a changeset.
* `update!` - Same as `update` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `update_fields!` - Same as `update_fields` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `update_or_create` - Updates a record if the provided query values are found. Otherwise creates the record.
* `update_or_create!` - Same as `update_or_create` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `update_or_create_fields` - Updates a record if the provided query values are found. Otherwise creates the record. Does not use a changeset.
* `update_or_create_fields!` - Same as `update_or_create_fields` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
* `delete` - Delete a record.
* `delete!` - Same as `delete` but throws an error instead of returning a tuple.
Sample Usage:
# Using Map
bob = PersonStore.insert! %{name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"}
bob = PersonStore.update! bob, %{email: "bob2@nowhere.test"}
PersonStore.delete bob
# Using Keyword List
bob = PersonStore.insert! name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"
bob = PersonStore.update! bob, email: "bob2@nowhere.test"
# Updates/deletes can also occur by id.
PersonStore.update! 12, %{email: "bob2@nowhere.test"}
PersonStore.delete 12
# Update or create
attributes_to_update =
query = %{name: "Bob"}
PersonStore.update_or_create attributes_to_update, query
PersonStore.update_or_create! %{email: "new@nowhere.test"}, name: "Bob"
## Changesets ##
The `insert` and `update` functions by default use a changeset on the provided schema name `:changeset` for inserting and updating.
This can be overridden and a specific changeset name provided.
bob = PersonStore.insert! %{name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"}, changeset: :insert_changeset
bob = PersonStore.insert! [name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"], changeset: :insert_changeset
bob = PersonStore.update! bob, %{email: "bob2@nowhere.test"}, changeset: :update_changeset
bob = PersonStore.update! bob, [email: "bob2@nowhere.test"], changeset: :update_changeset
bob = PersonStore.update! bob, %{email: "bob2@nowhere.test"}, changeset: :my_other_custom_changeset
It is also possible to pass a function reference in as the changeset.
def my_changeset(model, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :email])
|> validate_required([:name])
insert [name: "Bob"], changeset: &my_changeset/2
## References ##
The internal references to the schema and the provided Ecto Repo are provided as convience functions.
* `schema` - returns the schema reference used internally by the store.
* `repo` - returns the Ecto Repo reference used internally by the store.
## Custom Actions ##
Since a store is just an ordinary module, you can add your actions and build off private APIs to the store. For convience
`Ecto.Query` is already fully imported into the module.
A store is provided the following custom internal API:
* `build_query` - Builds a `Ecto.Query` struct based upon the map params input.
defmodule PersonStore do
use EctoSchemaStore, schema: Person, repo: MyApp.Repo
def get_all_ordered_by_name do
|> order_by([:name])
|> all
def find_by_email(email) do
%{email: email}
|> build_query
|> order_by([:name])
|> all
def get_all_ordered_by_name_using_ecto_directly do
query = from p in schema,
order_by: [p.name]
repo.all query
## Schema Field Aliases ##
Sometimes field names get changed or the developer wishes to have an alias that represents another field.
These work for both querying and editing schema models.
defmodule PersonStore do
use EctoSchemaStore, schema: Person, repo: MyApp.Repo
alias_fields email_address: :email
PersonStore.all %{email_address: "bob@nowhere.test"}
PersonStore.update! 12, %{email_address: "bob@nowhere.test"}
## Filter or Params Map/Keyword List ##
Many of the API calls used by a store take a map of fields as input. Normal Ecto
requires param maps to be either all atom or string keyed but not mixed. A schema
store will convert every map provided into atom keys before aliasing and passing
on to Ecto. This means you can provide a mixture of both. This will allow a
developer to combine multiple maps together and not worry about what kind of
keys were used.
However, if you provide the same value twice as both an atom and string key then
only one will be used.
PersonStore.insert! %{"name" => "Bob", email: "bob2@nowhere.test"}
## Lexical Atom Query ##
The store provides a function for taking a lexical query atom with a list of values and
returning the results. Currently only supports `_and_` clauses.
* `get_all_by` - Return all results. Equivalent to using the `all` function.
* `get_by` - Return a single result. Equivalent to using the `one` function.
# Regular
PersonStore.all %{name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"}
# Lexical Atom
PersonStore.get_all_by :name_and_email, ["Bob", "bob@nowhere.test"]
# Regular
PersonStore.one %{name: "Bob", email: "bob@nowhere.test"}
# Lexical Atom
PersonStore.get_by :name_and_email, ["Bob", "bob@nowhere.test"]
## Edit Events ##
A store supports the concept of an event after an edit action is successful in the Ecto repo.
* `:after_insert`
* `:after_update`
* `:after_delete`
defmodule PersonStore do
use EctoSchemaStore, schema: Person, repo: MyApp.Repo
on(:after_delete, model) do
IO.inspect "Delete #{schema} id: #{model.id}"
on([:after_insert, :after_update], model) do
IO.inspect "Changed #{schema} id: #{model.id}"