defmodule Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do
@moduledoc """
Adapter module for PostgreSQL.
It uses `Postgrex` for communicating to the database.
## Features
* Full query support (including joins, preloads and associations)
* Support for transactions
* Support for data migrations
* Support for ecto.create and ecto.drop operations
* Support for transactional tests via `Ecto.Adapters.SQL`
## Options
Postgres options split in different categories described
below. All options can be given via the repository
config :your_app, YourApp.Repo,
The `:prepare` option may be specified per operation:
YourApp.Repo.all(Queryable, prepare: :unnamed)
### Migration options
* `:migration_lock` - prevent multiple nodes from running migrations at the same
time by obtaining a lock. The value `:table_lock` will lock migrations by wrapping
the entire migration inside a database transaction, including inserting the
migration version into the migration source (by default, "schema_migrations").
You may alternatively select `:pg_advisory_lock` which has the benefit
of allowing concurrent operations such as creating indexes. (default: `:table_lock`)
When using the `:pg_advisory_lock` migration lock strategy and Ecto cannot obtain
the lock due to another instance occupying the lock, Ecto will wait for 5 seconds
and then retry infinity times. This is configurable on the repo with keys
`:migration_advisory_lock_retry_interval_ms` and `:migration_advisory_lock_max_tries`.
If the retries are exhausted, the migration will fail.
Some downsides to using advisory locks is that some Postgres-compatible systems or plugins
may not support session level locks well and therefore result in inconsistent behavior.
For example, PgBouncer when using pool_modes other than session won't work well with
advisory locks. CockroachDB is another system that is designed in a way that advisory
locks don't make sense for their distributed database.
### Connection options
* `:hostname` - Server hostname
* `:socket_dir` - Connect to Postgres via UNIX sockets in the given directory
The socket name is derived based on the port. This is the preferred method
for configuring sockets and it takes precedence over the hostname. If you are
connecting to a socket outside of the Postgres convention, use `:socket` instead;
* `:socket` - Connect to Postgres via UNIX sockets in the given path.
This option takes precedence over the `:hostname` and `:socket_dir`
* `:username` - Username
* `:password` - User password
* `:port` - Server port (default: 5432)
* `:database` - the database to connect to
* `:maintenance_database` - Specifies the name of the database to connect to when
creating or dropping the database. Defaults to `"postgres"`
* `:pool` - The connection pool module, may be set to `Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox`
* `:ssl` - Set to true if ssl should be used (default: false)
* `:ssl_opts` - A list of ssl options, see Erlang's `ssl` docs
* `:parameters` - Keyword list of connection parameters
* `:connect_timeout` - The timeout for establishing new connections (default: 5000)
* `:prepare` - How to prepare queries, either `:named` to use named queries
or `:unnamed` to force unnamed queries (default: `:named`)
* `:socket_options` - Specifies socket configuration
* `:show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error` - show connection data and
configuration whenever there is an error attempting to connect to the
The `:socket_options` are particularly useful when configuring the size
of both send and receive buffers. For example, when Ecto starts with a
pool of 20 connections, the memory usage may quickly grow from 20MB to
50MB based on the operating system default values for TCP buffers. It is
advised to stick with the operating system defaults but they can be
tweaked if desired:
socket_options: [recbuf: 8192, sndbuf: 8192]
We also recommend developers to consult the `Postgrex.start_link/1`
documentation for a complete listing of all supported options.
### Storage options
* `:encoding` - the database encoding (default: "UTF8")
or `:unspecified` to remove encoding parameter (alternative engine compatibility)
* `:template` - the template to create the database from
* `:lc_collate` - the collation order
* `:lc_ctype` - the character classification
* `:dump_path` - where to place dumped structures
* `dump_prefixes` - list of prefixes that will be included in the structure dump.
When specified, the prefixes will have their definitions dumped along with the
data in their migration table. When it is not specified, the configured
database has the definitions dumped from all of its schemas but only
the data from the migration table from the `public` schema is included.
* `:force_drop` - force the database to be dropped even
if it has connections to it (requires PostgreSQL 13+)
### After connect callback
If you want to execute a callback as soon as connection is established
to the database, you can use the `:after_connect` configuration. For
example, in your repository configuration you can add:
after_connect: {Postgrex, :query!, ["SET search_path TO global_prefix", []]}
You can also specify your own module that will receive the Postgrex
connection as argument.
## Extensions
Both PostgreSQL and its adapter for Elixir, Postgrex, support an
extension system. If you want to use custom extensions for Postgrex
alongside Ecto, you must define a type module with your extensions.
Create a new file anywhere in your application with the following:
[MyExtension.Foo, MyExtensionBar] ++ Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.extensions())
Once your type module is defined, you can configure the repository to use it:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo, types: MyApp.PostgresTypes
# Inherit all behaviour from Ecto.Adapters.SQL
use Ecto.Adapters.SQL, driver: :postgrex
require Logger
# And provide a custom storage implementation
@behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Storage
@behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Structure
@default_maintenance_database "postgres"
@default_prepare_opt :named
@doc """
All Ecto extensions for Postgrex.
def extensions do
# Support arrays in place of IN
@impl true
def dumpers({:map, _}, type), do: [&Ecto.Type.embedded_dump(type, &1, :json)]
def dumpers({:in, sub}, {:in, sub}), do: [{:array, sub}]
def dumpers(:binary_id, type), do: [type, Ecto.UUID]
def dumpers(_, type), do: [type]
## Query API
@impl Ecto.Adapter.Queryable
def execute(adapter_meta, query_meta, query, params, opts) do
prepare = Keyword.get(opts, :prepare, @default_prepare_opt)
unless valid_prepare?(prepare) do
raise ArgumentError,
"expected option `:prepare` to be either `:named` or `:unnamed`, got: #{inspect(prepare)}"
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.execute(prepare, adapter_meta, query_meta, query, params, opts)
defp valid_prepare?(prepare) when prepare in [:named, :unnamed], do: true
defp valid_prepare?(_), do: false
## Storage API
@impl true
def storage_up(opts) do
database =
Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration"
encoding = if opts[:encoding] == :unspecified, do: nil, else: opts[:encoding] || "UTF8"
maintenance_database = Keyword.get(opts, :maintenance_database, @default_maintenance_database)
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :database, maintenance_database)
check_existence_command = "SELECT FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '#{database}'"
case run_query(check_existence_command, opts) do
{:ok, %{num_rows: 1}} ->
{:error, :already_up}
_ ->
create_command =
~s(CREATE DATABASE "#{database}")
|> concat_if(encoding, &"ENCODING '#{&1}'")
|> concat_if(opts[:template], &"TEMPLATE=#{&1}")
|> concat_if(opts[:lc_ctype], &"LC_CTYPE='#{&1}'")
|> concat_if(opts[:lc_collate], &"LC_COLLATE='#{&1}'")
case run_query(create_command, opts) do
{:ok, _} ->
{:error, %{postgres: %{code: :duplicate_database}}} ->
{:error, :already_up}
{:error, error} ->
{:error, Exception.message(error)}
defp concat_if(content, nil, _), do: content
defp concat_if(content, false, _), do: content
defp concat_if(content, value, fun), do: content <> " " <> fun.(value)
@impl true
def storage_down(opts) do
database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration"
command = "DROP DATABASE \"#{database}\""
|> concat_if(opts[:force_drop], fn _ -> "WITH (FORCE)" end)
maintenance_database = Keyword.get(opts, :maintenance_database, @default_maintenance_database)
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :database, maintenance_database)
case run_query(command, opts) do
{:ok, _} ->
{:error, %{postgres: %{code: :invalid_catalog_name}}} ->
{:error, :already_down}
{:error, error} ->
{:error, Exception.message(error)}
@impl Ecto.Adapter.Storage
def storage_status(opts) do
database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration"
maintenance_database = Keyword.get(opts, :maintenance_database, @default_maintenance_database)
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :database, maintenance_database)
check_database_query = "SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = '#{database}'"
case run_query(check_database_query, opts) do
{:ok, %{num_rows: 0}} -> :down
{:ok, %{num_rows: _num_rows}} -> :up
other -> {:error, other}
@impl true
def supports_ddl_transaction? do
@impl true
def lock_for_migrations(meta, opts, fun) do
%{opts: adapter_opts, repo: repo} = meta
if Keyword.fetch(adapter_opts, :pool_size) == {:ok, 1} do
opts = Keyword.merge(opts, [timeout: :infinity, telemetry_options: [schema_migration: true]])
config = repo.config()
lock_strategy = Keyword.get(config, :migration_lock, :table_lock)
do_lock_for_migrations(lock_strategy, meta, opts, config, fun)
defp do_lock_for_migrations(:pg_advisory_lock, meta, opts, config, fun) do
lock = :erlang.phash2({:ecto, opts[:prefix], meta.repo})
retry_state = %{
retry_interval_ms: config[:migration_advisory_lock_retry_interval_ms] || 5000,
max_tries: config[:migration_advisory_lock_max_tries] || :infinity,
tries: 0
advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock, retry_state, fun)
defp do_lock_for_migrations(:table_lock, meta, opts, _config, fun) do
{:ok, res} =
transaction(meta, opts, fn ->
# SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE is the first lock that locks
# itself but still allows updates to happen, see
# #
source = Keyword.get(opts, :migration_source, "schema_migrations")
table = if prefix = opts[:prefix], do: ~s|"#{prefix}"."#{source}"|, else: ~s|"#{source}"|
{:ok, _} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(meta, "LOCK TABLE #{table} IN SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE", [], opts)
defp advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock, retry_state, fun) do
result = checkout(meta, opts, fn ->
case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(meta, "SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(#{lock})", [], opts) do
{:ok, %{rows: [[true]]}} ->
try do
{:ok, fun.()}
release_advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock)
_ ->
case result do
{:ok, fun_result} ->
:no_advisory_lock ->
maybe_retry_advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock, retry_state, fun)
defp release_advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock) do
case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(meta, "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(#{lock})", [], opts) do
{:ok, %{rows: [[true]]}} ->
_ ->
raise "failed to release advisory lock"
defp maybe_retry_advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock, retry_state, fun) do
%{retry_interval_ms: interval, max_tries: max_tries, tries: tries} = retry_state
if max_tries != :infinity && max_tries <= tries do
raise "failed to obtain advisory lock. Tried #{max_tries} times waiting #{interval}ms between tries"
if Keyword.get(opts, :log_migrator_sql, false) do"Migration lock occupied for #{inspect(meta.repo)}. Retry #{tries + 1}/#{max_tries} at #{interval}ms intervals.")
retry_state = %{retry_state | tries: tries + 1}
advisory_lock(meta, opts, lock, retry_state, fun)
@impl true
def structure_dump(default, config) do
table = config[:migration_source] || "schema_migrations"
with {:ok, versions} <- select_versions(table, config),
{:ok, path} <- pg_dump(default, config),
do: append_versions(table, versions, path)
defp select_versions(table, config) do
prefixes = config[:dump_prefixes] || ["public"]
result =
Enum.reduce_while(prefixes, [], fn prefix, versions ->
case run_query(~s[SELECT version FROM #{prefix}."#{table}" ORDER BY version], config) do
{:ok, %{rows: rows}} -> {:cont,, &{prefix, hd(&1)}) ++ versions }
{:error, %{postgres: %{code: :undefined_table}}} -> {:cont, versions}
{:error, _} = error -> {:halt, error}
case result do
{:error, _} = error -> error
versions -> {:ok, versions}
defp pg_dump(default, config) do
path = config[:dump_path] || Path.join(default, "structure.sql")
prefixes = config[:dump_prefixes] || []
non_prefix_args = ["--file", path, "--schema-only", "--no-acl", "--no-owner"]
args =
Enum.reduce(prefixes, non_prefix_args, fn prefix, acc ->
["-n", prefix | acc]
case run_with_cmd("pg_dump", config, args) do
{_output, 0} ->
{:ok, path}
{output, _} ->
{:error, output}
defp append_versions(_table, [], path) do
{:ok, path}
defp append_versions(table, versions, path) do
sql =
Enum.map_join(versions, fn {prefix, version} ->
~s[INSERT INTO #{prefix}."#{table}" (version) VALUES (#{version});\n]
end)!(path, [:append], fn file ->
IO.write(file, sql)
{:ok, path}
@impl true
def structure_load(default, config) do
path = config[:dump_path] || Path.join(default, "structure.sql")
args = ["--quiet", "--file", path, "-vON_ERROR_STOP=1", "--single-transaction"]
case run_with_cmd("psql", config, args) do
{_output, 0} -> {:ok, path}
{output, _} -> {:error, output}
@impl true
def dump_cmd(args, opts \\ [], config) when is_list(config) and is_list(args),
do: run_with_cmd("pg_dump", config, args, opts)
## Helpers
defp run_query(sql, opts) do
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ecto_sql)
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:postgrex)
opts =
|> Keyword.drop([:name, :log, :pool, :pool_size])
|> Keyword.put(:backoff_type, :stop)
|> Keyword.put(:max_restarts, 0)
task = Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Ecto.Adapters.SQL.StorageSupervisor, fn ->
{:ok, conn} = Postgrex.start_link(opts)
value = Postgrex.query(conn, sql, [], opts)
timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :timeout, 15_000)
case Task.yield(task, timeout) || Task.shutdown(task) do
{:ok, {:ok, result}} ->
{:ok, result}
{:ok, {:error, error}} ->
{:error, error}
{:exit, {%{__struct__: struct} = error, _}}
when struct in [Postgrex.Error, DBConnection.Error] ->
{:error, error}
{:exit, reason} ->
{:error, RuntimeError.exception(Exception.format_exit(reason))}
nil ->
{:error, RuntimeError.exception("command timed out")}
defp run_with_cmd(cmd, opts, opt_args, cmd_opts \\ []) do
unless System.find_executable(cmd) do
raise "could not find executable `#{cmd}` in path, " <>
"please guarantee it is available before running ecto commands"
env =
env =
if password = opts[:password] do
[{"PGPASSWORD", password}|env]
args =
args =
if username = opts[:username], do: ["--username", username | args], else: args
args =
if port = opts[:port], do: ["--port", to_string(port) | args], else: args
args =
if database = opts[:database], do: ["--dbname", database | args], else: args
host = opts[:socket_dir] || opts[:hostname] || System.get_env("PGHOST") || "localhost"
if opts[:socket] do
":socket option is ignored when connecting in structure_load/2 and structure_dump/2," <>
" use :socket_dir or :hostname instead"
args = ["--host", host | args]
args = args ++ opt_args
cmd_opts =
|> Keyword.put_new(:stderr_to_stdout, true)
|> Keyword.update(:env, env, &Enum.concat(env, &1))
System.cmd(cmd, args, cmd_opts)