defmodule Ecto.Adapter.Structure do
@moduledoc """
Specifies the adapter structure (dump/load) API.
@doc """
Dumps the given structure.
The path will be looked in the `config` under :dump_path or
default to the structure path inside `default`.
Returns `:ok` if it was dumped successfully, an error tuple otherwise.
## Examples
structure_dump("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
@callback structure_dump(default :: String.t, config :: Keyword.t) ::
{:ok, String.t} | {:error, term}
@doc """
Loads the given structure.
The path will be looked in the `config` under :dump_path or
default to the structure path inside `default`.
Returns `:ok` if it was loaded successfully, an error tuple otherwise.
## Examples
structure_load("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
@callback structure_load(default :: String.t, config :: Keyword.t) ::
{:ok, String.t} | {:error, term}
@doc """
Runs the dump command for the given repo / config.
Calling this function will setup authentication and run the dump cli
command with your provided `args`.
The options in `opts` are passed directly to `System.cmd/3`.
Returns `{output, exit_status}` where `output` is a string of the stdout
(as long as no option `into` is provided, see `System.cmd/3`) and `exit_status`
is the exit status of the invoation. (`0` for success)
## Examples
iex> dump_cmd(["--data-only", "--table", "table_name"], [stdout_to_stderr: true], Acme.Repo.config())
"--\n-- PostgreSQL database dump\n--\n" <> _rest
@callback dump_cmd(args :: [String.t()], opts :: Keyword.t(), config :: Keyword.t()) ::
{output :: Collectable.t(), exit_status :: non_neg_integer()}