# ecto_struct_cachex  [![Hex Version](]( [![docs](](
in-memory cache for ecto struct.
## Installation
Add ecto_struct_cachex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
  [{:ecto_struct_cachex, "~> 0.2.0"}]
run `mix deps.get`.

## Sample
This Sample Project is the basis for ecto_struct_cachex, help you use well. 

Download via [Gitee]( or [Github](

## Problems Solving

- **Support get struct by keyword from cache.**

defmodule API do
  @decorate cache_object(User)
  def get_user(conds) do
    {:ok, user}
# pass keyword to get object.
API.get_user([name: "name", addr: "addr"])

-  **Delete dirty structs when its deep nested struct updated/deleted.**

  User => [
      id: 1, 
      user_name: "u_name", 
      role: %Role{id: 2, role_name: "r_name2"}
  Role => [
    %Role{id: 1, role_name: "r_name1"},
    %Role{id: 2, role_name: "r_name2"}
For above sample struct, **role** `id=2`  struct deleted/upadted, **user** `id=1` struct will be deleted too.

## Cache based on LRU algorithm.
### Benchmark
mix bench
benchmark name                  iterations   average time
only put                         100000000   0.09 µs/op
get - empty cond                  10000000   0.15 µs/op
put - should remove               10000000   0.23 µs/op
get - by id - obj at top          10000000   0.27 µs/op
get - by conds - obj at top       10000000   0.58 µs/op
get - by conds - obj at mid        1000000   1.71 µs/op
get - by conds - obj at bottom     1000000   2.21 µs/op
## Contributing
Contributions to ecto_struct_cachex are very welcome!

Bug reports, documentation, spelling corrections... all of those (and probably more) are much appreciated contributions!