# Alibaba Tablestore adapter for Ecto
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Ecto 3.x adapter for Alibaba Tablestore, this is based on [`ex_aliyun_ots`](https://hex.pm/packages/ex_aliyun_ots) build to implement `Ecto.Adapter` and `Ecto.Adapter.Schema` behaviours.
Supported features:
* Compatible `Ecto.Repo` API.
* Support schema's `timestamps()` macro, make `inserted_at` and `updated_at` as an integer UTC timestamps.
* Support `:map` | `{:map, _}` | `:array` | `{:array, _}` field type, use Jason to encode the field value into :string when save, use Jason to simply decode the field value into `:map` | `:array` when read, the :keys option of Jason's decode always use :string.
* Automatically converts the returned original row results into corresponding schema(s).
* Automatically generate the provided attribute-column field(s) of schema entity into the `filter` expression option of `GetRow` (see `c:EctoTablestore.Repo.one/2`) and `BatchGet` (see `c:EctoTablestore.Repo.batch_get/1`).
* Automatically generate the provided attribute-column field(s) of schema entity into the `condition` expression option of `BatchWrite`.
* Automatically map changeset's attribute-column field(s) into `UpdateRow` operation when call `c:EctoTablestore.Repo.update/2`:
* Use atomic increment via `{:increment, integer()}` in changeset, and return the increased value in the corrsponding field(s) by default;
* Set any attribute(s) of schema changeset as `nil` will `:delete_all` that attribute-column field(s);
* Set existed attribute(s) in schema changeset will `:put` to save.
Implement Tablestore row related functions in `EctoTablestore.Repo` module, please see [document](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_tablestore/readme.html) for details:
* PutRow
* GetRow
* UpdateRow
* DeleteRow
* GetRange
* BatchGetRow
* BatchWriteRow
* Search
## Usage
1, Configure `My` instance(s) information of Alibaba Tablestore product.
use Mix.Config
# config for `ex_aliyun_ots`
config :ex_aliyun_ots, MyInstance,
access_key_id: "MY_OTS_ACCESS_KEY",
access_key_secret: "MY_OTS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"
config :ex_aliyun_ots,
instances: [MyInstance]
# config for `ecto_tablestore`
config :my_otp_app, EctoTablestore.MyRepo,
instance: MyInstance
2, Create the `EctoTablestore.MyRepo` module mentioned earlier in the configuration, use `EctoTablestore.Repo` and set required `otp_app` option with your OTP application's name.
defmodule EctoTablestore.MyRepo do
use EctoTablestore.Repo,
otp_app: :my_otp_app
3, Each repository in Ecto defines a `start_link/0` function that needs to be invoked before using the repository. In general, this function is not called directly, but used as
part of your application supervision tree.
Add `EctoTablestore.MyRepo` into your application start callback that defines and start your supervisor. You just need to edit `start/2` function to start the repo as a
supervisor on your application's supervisor:
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{EctoTablestore.MyRepo, []}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
4, After finish the above preparation, we can use `MyRepo` to operate data store.
## References
Alibaba Tablestore product official references:
* [English document](https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/27280.htm)
* [中文文档](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/27280.html)
## License