# Ectoo
[Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto) is powerful, but a relatively low-level abstraction in some respects. Not all simple things are easy to do.
This library aims to remedy that by building some convenient abstractions on top of Ecto.
Counting all records with Ecto:
``` elixir
require Ecto.Query
MyRepo.one(Ecto.Query.from m in MyModel, select: count(m.id))
Counting all records with Ectoo:
``` elixir
MyRepo |> Ectoo.count(MyModel)
Ectoo does not aim to replace Ecto. Use Ectoo when you have simple needs, and Ecto for the rest.
If you want a query that is not executed immediately, just skip the repo:
``` elixir
You can use a more complex query instead of `MyModel`:
``` elixir
query = Ecto.Query.from m in MyModel, where: id > 5
Ectoo currently includes these functions:
``` elixir
Ectoo.max(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.min(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.avg(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.sum(MyModel, :age)
Each of these can optionally take a repo as the first argument, to execute the query immediately.
## Installation
Add Ectoo to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
``` elixir
def deps do
{:ectoo, "> 0.0.0"},
Ensure Ectoo is started before your application:
``` elixir
def application do
[applications: [
## Development
You must have Postgres installed to run the tests. If the Postgres user does not share your username, you can set the `ECTOO_DB_USER` environment variable.
Install the deps:
mix deps.get
Create the test DB:
MIX_ENV=test mix test.setup
Run the tests:
mix test
If you need to drop the test DB and set it up anew, do:
MIX_ENV=test mix test.reset
- [ ] Hex docs
- [ ] Handle composite primary keys?
- [ ] Moar?
## Credits and license
By Henrik Nyh 2015-11-21 under the MIT license.