# Ectoo
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[Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ecto) is powerful, but a relatively low-level abstraction in some respects. Not all simple things are easy to do.
(This was more true of Ecto 1 than it is of Ecto 2. See examples below.)
This library aims to remedy that by building some convenient abstractions on top of Ecto.
Counting all records with Ecto 1:
``` elixir
require Ecto.Query
MyRepo.one(Ecto.Query.from m in MyModel, select: count(m.id))
Counting all records with Ecto 2:
``` elixir
MyRepo.aggregate(MyModel, :count, :id)
Counting all records with Ectoo:
``` elixir
MyRepo |> Ectoo.count(MyModel)
Ectoo does not aim to replace Ecto. Use Ectoo when you have simple needs, and Ecto for the rest.
If you want a query that is not executed immediately, just skip the repo:
``` elixir
You can use a more complex query instead of `MyModel`:
``` elixir
query = Ecto.Query.from m in MyModel, where: id > 5
Ectoo currently includes these functions:
``` elixir
Ectoo.max(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.min(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.avg(MyModel, :age)
Ectoo.sum(MyModel, :age)
Each of these can optionally take a repo as the first argument, to execute the query immediately.
## Installation
Add Ectoo to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
``` elixir
def deps do
{:ectoo, "~> 0.2.0"},
Note that if you're using Ecto 1, you need Ectoo 0.0.4. Later versions of Ectoo are only tested against Ecto 2 and so may not work with Ecto 1.
Ensure Ectoo is started before your application:
``` elixir
def application do
[applications: [
## Development
You must have Postgres installed to run the tests. If the Postgres user does not share your username, you can set the `ECTOO_DB_USER` environment variable.
Install the deps:
mix deps.get
Create the test DB:
MIX_ENV=test mix test.setup
Run the tests:
mix test
If you need to drop the test DB and set it up anew, do:
MIX_ENV=test mix test.reset
- [ ] Hex docs
- [ ] Handle composite primary keys?
- [ ] Moar?
## Credits and license
By Henrik Nyh 2015-11-21 under the MIT license.