
defmodule Edeliver.Relup.Instructions.SuspendRanchAcceptors do
  @moduledoc """
    This upgrade instruction suspends the ranch acceptors

    to avoid that new connections will be accepted. It will be
    inserted right after the "point of no return". When the
    upgrade is done, the


    instruction reenables the acceptors again. To make sure
    that the ranch acceptors are found, use this instruction
    after the


    instruction which will abort the upgrade if the acceptors
    cannot be found. Because real suspending of ranch acceptors
    is not possible because ranch acceptors do not handle sys
    messages, they are actually terminated. Unfortunately the ranch
    acceptor supervisor cannot be suspended in addition to avoid
    starting new acceptors, because supervisors can't be suspended
    because the supervision tree is used to find processes which
    uses callback modules. Since no acceptors are started dynamically
    this can be ignored. Use the


    instruction at the end of your instructions list to re-enable
    accepting tcp connection when the upgrade is done.

  use Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction
  alias Edeliver.Relup.Instructions.CheckRanchAcceptors

  @doc """
    Appends this instruction to the instructions after the
    "point of no return" but before any instruction which
    loads or unloads new code, (re-)starts or stops
    any running processes, or (re-)starts or stops any
    application or the emulator.
  def insert_where, do: &append_after_point_of_no_return/2

  @doc """
    Returns name of the application. This name is taken as argument
    for the `run/1` function and is required to access the acceptor processes
    through the supervision tree
  def arguments(_instructions = %Instructions{}, _config = %{name: name}) when is_atom(name) do
  def arguments(_instructions = %Instructions{}, _config = %{name: name}) when is_binary(name) do
    name |> String.to_atom

  @doc """
    This module requires the `Edeliver.Relup.Instructions.CheckRanchAcceptors` module
    which must be loaded before this instruction for upgrades and unload after this
    instruction for downgrades.
  @spec dependencies() :: [Edeliver.Relup.Instructions.CheckRanchAcceptors]
  def dependencies do

  @doc """
    Suspends all ranch acceptors to avoid handling new requests / connections
    during the upgrade. Because suspending of ranch acceptors is not possible
    they are terminated. In addition the ranch acceptor supervisor is suspended
    to avoid starting new acceptors.
  @spec run(otp_application_name::atom) :: :ok
  def run(otp_application_name) do
    info "Suspending ranch socket acceptors..."
    ranch_listener_sup = CheckRanchAcceptors.ranch_listener_sup(otp_application_name)
    assume true = is_pid(ranch_listener_sup), "Failed to suspend ranch socket acceptors. Ranch listener supervisor not found."
    ranch_acceptors_sup = CheckRanchAcceptors.ranch_acceptors_sup(ranch_listener_sup)
    assume true = is_pid(ranch_acceptors_sup), "Failed to suspend ranch socket acceptors. Ranch acceptors supervisor not found."
    assume [_|_] = acceptors = CheckRanchAcceptors.ranch_acceptors(ranch_acceptors_sup), "Failed to suspend ranch socket acceptors. No acceptor processes found."
    acceptors_count = Enum.count(acceptors)
    info "Stopping #{inspect acceptors_count} ranch socket acceptors..."
    assume true = Enum.all?(acceptors, fn acceptor ->
      Supervisor.terminate_child(ranch_acceptors_sup, acceptor) == :ok
    end), "Failed to suspend ranch socket acceptors."
    info "Suspended #{inspect acceptors_count} ranch acceptors."
