
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Edeliver do
  use Mix.Task

  @shortdoc "Build and deploy releases"

  @moduledoc """
  Build and deploy Elixir applications and perform hot-code upgrades

  # Usage:

    * mix edeliver <build-command|deploy-command|node-command|local-command> command-info [Options]
    * mix edeliver --help|--version
    * mix edeliver help <command>

  ## Build Commands:

    * mix edeliver build release [--revision=<git-revision>|--tag=<git-tag>] [--branch=<git-branch>] [Options]
    * mix edeliver build appups|upgrade --from=<git-tag-or-revision>|--with=<release-version-from-store> [--to=<git-tag-or-revision>] [--branch=<git-branch>] [Options]

  ## Deploy Commands:

    * mix edeliver deploy release|upgrade [[to] staging|production] [--version=<release-version>] [Options]
    * mix edeliver upgrade [staging|production] [--to=<git-tag-or-revision>] [--branch=<git-branch>] [Options]
    * mix edeliver update  [staging|production] [--to=<git-tag-or-revision>] [--branch=<git-branch>] [Options]

  ## Node Commands:

    * mix edeliver start|stop|restart|ping|version [staging|production] [Options]
    * mix edeliver migrate [staging|production] [up|down] [--version=<migration-version>]
    * mix edeliver [show] migrations [on] [staging|production]

  ## Local Commands:

    * mix edeliver check release|config [--version=<release-version>]
    * mix edeliver show releases|appups
    * mix edeliver show relup <xyz.upgrade.tar.gz>
    * mix edeliver edit relup|appups [--version=<release-version>]
    * mix edeliver upload|download [release|upgrade <release-version>]|<src-file-name> [<dest-file-name>]
    * mix edeliver increase [major|minor] versions [--from=<git-tag-or-revision>] [--to=<git-tag-or-revision>]
    * mix edeliver unpack|pack release|upgrade [--version=<release-version>]

  ## Command line Options
    * `--quiet` - do not output verbose messages
    * `--only`  - only fetch dependencies for given environment
    * `-C`, `--compact` Displays every task as it's run, silences all output. (default mode)
    * `-V`, `--verbose` Same as above, does not silence output.
    * `-P`, `--plain` Displays every task as it's run, silences all output. No colouring. (CI)
    * `-D`, `--debug` Runs in shell debug mode, displays everything.
    * `-S`, `--skip-existing` Skip copying release archives if they exist already on the deploy hosts.
    * `-F`, `--force` Do not ask, just do, overwrite, delete or destroy everything
    * `--clean-deploy` Delete the release, lib and erts-* directories before deploying the release
    * `--start-deploy` Starts the deployed release. If release is running, it is restarted!
    * `--host=[u@]vwx.yz` Run command only on that host, even if different hosts are configured
    * `--skip-git-clean` Don't build from a clean state for faster builds. By default all built files are removed before the next build using `git clean`. This can be adjusted by the $GIT_CLEAN_PATHS env.
    * `--skip-mix-clean` Skip the 'mix clean step' for faster builds. Makes only sense in addition to the --skip-git-clean
    * `--skip-relup-mod`  Skip modification of relup file. Custom relup instructions are not added
    * `--relup-mod=<module-name>` The name of the module to modify the relup
    * `--auto-version=revision|commit-count|branch|date` Automatically append metadata to release version.
    * `--increment-version=major|minor|patch` Increment the version for the current build.
    * `--set-version=<release-version>` Set the release version for the current build.
    * `--mix-env=<env>` Build with custom mix env $MIX_ENV. Default is 'prod'

  @spec run(OptionParser.argv) :: :ok
  def run(args) do
    edeliver = Path.join [Mix.Project.config[:deps_path], "edeliver", "bin", "edeliver"]
    if (res = run_edeliver(Enum.join([edeliver | args] ++ ["--runs-as-mix-task"], " "))) > 0, do: System.halt(res)

  defp run_edeliver(command) do
    port ={:spawn, shell_command(command)}, [:stream, :binary, :exit_status, :use_stdio, :stderr_to_stdout])
    stdin_pid = Process.spawn(__MODULE__, :forward_stdin, [port], [:link])
    print_stdout(port, stdin_pid)

  @doc """
    Forwards stdin to the edeliver script which was spawned as port.
  @spec forward_stdin(port::port) :: :ok
  def forward_stdin(port) do
    case IO.gets(:stdio, "") do
      :eof -> :ok
      {:error, reason} -> throw reason
      data -> Port.command(port, data)

  # Prints the output received from the port running the edeliver command to stdout.
  # If the edeliver command terminates, it returns the exit code of the edeliver script.
  @spec print_stdout(port::port, stdin_pid::pid) :: exit_status::non_neg_integer
  defp print_stdout(port, stdin_pid) do
    receive do
      {^port, {:data, data}} ->
        print_stdout(port, stdin_pid)
      {^port, {:exit_status, status}} ->
        Process.exit(stdin_pid, :kill)

  # Finding shell command logic from :os.cmd in OTP
  defp shell_command(command) do
    case :os.type do
      {:unix, _} ->
        command = command
          |> String.replace("\"", "\\\"")
          |> :binary.bin_to_list
        'sh -c "' ++ command ++ '"'

      {:win32, osname} ->
        command = :binary.bin_to_list(command)
        case {System.get_env("COMSPEC"), osname} do
          {nil, :windows} -> ' /c ' ++ command
          {nil, _}        -> 'cmd /c ' ++ command
          {cmd, _}        -> '#{cmd} /c ' ++ command