# edgar #

Erlang Does Gnu AR.

## Overview ##

``edgar`` is a module inspired of ``erl_tar`` and doing ``GNU ar`` archive format.
Same API than ``erl_tar`` is exported, except ``add/3`` and ``add/4`` (to be done in a next version).

## Documentation ##

A complete documentation is available.

Simply run `make docs` and open `doc/index.html` in your favorite browser, this will insure you having the documentation related to your version.

## Quick Start ##

git clone git://
cd edgar
erl -pa `pwd`/ebin

## Running tests caveat ##
When cloning project, references `ar` files have to be created first, as reference files coming with new timestamps and UID/GID.

To do so simply run `make init_test` once.

You can then run `make tests`.

Note : Test initialization need `ar` tool to be installed. Running tests on some platform/OS may not be possible, then.
But this does not mean `edgar` cannot be used on those platform/OS.

## Contributing ##

Contributions are welcome. Please use pull-requests.