# EDIP mix task
A mix task for [EDIP (elixir docker image packager)](https://github.com/asaaki/elixir-docker-image-packager).
TOC generaged with doctoc: `npm install -g doctoc`
$ doctoc README.md --github --maxlevel 4 --title '## TOC'
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## TOC
- [Install](#install)
- [Project dependency](#project-dependency)
- [mix archive](#mix-archive)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Help](#help)
- [Options](#options)
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EDIP creates a docker image of your application release.
## Install
### Project dependency
In mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:exrm, "~> 0.19"},
{:edip, "~> 0.4"}
Then run:
mix deps.get edip && mix deps.compile edip
### mix archive
Just run this and confirm:
mix archive.install http://git.io/edip-0.4.1.ez
Adn don't forget to add `exrm` to your project:
defp deps do
{:exrm, "~> 0.19"}
## Usage
mix edip
## Help
mix help edip
## Options
# Override the (repository) name of the docker image.
mix edip --name <NAME>
mix edip -n <NAME>
# Set a specific tag for the docker image.
mix edip --tag <TAG>
mix edip -t <TAG>
# Set only a specific prefix for the docker image name (default: local).
mix edip --prefix <PREFIX>
mix edip -p <PREFIX>
# Silence build output of EDIP (will be logged to `.edip.log` instead).
mix edip --silent
mix edip -s
If `--name` and `--prefix` are given, the name option takes precedence (prefix will be ignored).
# Map additional volumes for use while building the release
mix edip --mapping <FROM>:<TO>[:<OPTION>]
mix edip -m <FROM>:<TO>[:<OPTION>]
To pull dependencies stored in private github repositories you will need to make your SSH keys accessible
from the container doing the build:
mix edip --mapping /path/to/home/.ssh:/root/ssh.
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