# Eextoheex

Eextoheex provides best effort conversion of `html.eex` templates to `.heex`
templates. **Not all `.eex` templates can be successfully converted and the output
is not guaranteed to be correct in the general case.** However, for a typical
project, eextoheex should work well enough to significantly reduce the burden of
manual conversion.

## Attributes

### Examples of autoconvertible attributes

Eex                                                                  | Heex
`<p class=<%= expr %>>`                                              | `<p class={"#{ expr }"}`>
`<p class="<%= expr %>">`                                            | `<p class={"#{ expr }"}`>
`<p class='<%= expr %>'>`                                            | `<p class={"#{ expr }"}`>
`<p class="foo <%= expr1 %> bar <%= expr2 %> amp <%= expr3 %> fuzz"` | `<p class={"foo #{expr1} bar #{expr2} amp #{expr3} fuzz }"}`

### Limitations of attribute conversion

The attribute name must be present as a literal. For example, attributes such as
`<p <%= if @foo do "class='foo'" else "" end %>>` cannot be translated.

It is unfortunately not possible to translate attributes like `class="<%= @foo %>"` simply to `class={ @foo }`.
This gives the wrong result when `@foo` is not a string. For example, if `foo` is `false`, then Eex outputs
`class="false"`, whereas Heex simply omits the `class` attribute altogether.
Thus, `class="<%= @foo %>"` has to be translated to `class={"#{ @foo }"}`.

## Live view forms

If the parser finds something like

<%= foo = form_for @changeset, "#", [phx_submit: "save", phx_change: "change"] %>

it is converted to

<.form let={foo} for={@changeset} url="#" phx-submit="save" phx-change="change">

## Invalid output

The generated `heex` template may be invalid, either because:

* the input template is not a suitable candidate for autoconversion; or

* the input template contains invalid HTML (e.g. a missing closing tag).

Eextoheex always runs the output template through the `heex` parser, and will
report an error in the case where it is invalid.

## Building

./eextoheex check /foo/bar/templates

## Usage

### `check`

eextoheex check /foo/bar/templates1 /foo/bar/templates2

Performs a recursive scan for `html.(l)eex` templates in the provided files or
directories and outputs a report showing which of these templates can be
automatically converted.

### `convert`

Like `check`, but also renames each autoconvertible `*.html.(l)eex` template with a `.heex` extension
and replaces its contents with the autogenerated `heex` template.

### `run`

eextoheex run /foo/bar/foo.html.eex

If the template can be autoconverted, prints the resulting `heex` template to stdout.

The `run` command can also be used to convert inline `~L"""` templates in `.ex` files.