<h1 align="center">Effect</h1>
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<strong>effectual computations made easy</strong>
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## Table of Contents
1. [Overview](#overview)
1. [Example](#example)
1. [Installation](#installation)
1. [Usage](#usage)
- [Basic Construction](#basic-construction)
- [Chaining Effects](#chaining-effects)
- [Handling Promises](#handling-promises)
- [Pure Effects](#pure-effects)
## Overview
A small library for handling side effects! Particularly promises in Gleam.
Inspired by [Lustre](https://github.com/lustre-labs/lustre)'s Effects and [effect-ts](https://github.com/Effect-TS/core).
This library allows you to treat async operations and potential failures as
**first-class effectful computations**, which can be composed before finally being executed.
The motivation was to create an API for dealing with promises from [gleam_promises](https://hexdocs.pm/gleam_javascript/gleam/javascript/promise.html).
## Example
import gleam/fetch
import gleam/io
import gleam/javascript/promise
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import effect.{type Effect}
pub type Error {
pub fn main() {
let google: Effect(String, Error) = {
use uri <- effect.from_result(
uri.parse("https://www.google.com") |> result.replace_error(UriParse),
use req <- effect.from_result(
request.from_uri(uri) |> result.replace_error(UriParse),
use resp <- effect.from_box(fetch.send(req), promise.map)
use resp <- effect.from_result(resp |> result.map_error(Fetch))
use text <- effect.from_box(fetch.read_text_body(resp), promise.map)
use text <- effect.from_result(text |> result.map_error(Fetch))
text.body |> effect.continue
use res: Result(String, Error) <- effect.perform(google)
case res {
Ok(body) -> body |> io.println
Error(e) -> e |> string.inspect |> io.println_error
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/effect>.
## Installation
gleam add effect@2
## Usage
Below are demonstrations of common usages demonstrating on how to create and compose effects,
handle failures, work with promises, and actually `perform` the effect.
### Basic Construction
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import effect.{type Effect}
pub fn main() {
// Succeed / Fail shortcuts
let eff_ok: Effect(Int, early) = effect.continue(42)
let eff_err: Effect(msg, String) = effect.throw("Oops!")
// Combine
let eff: Effect(Int, String) = {
case int.random(2) |> int.is_even {
True -> eff_ok
False -> eff_err
// Perform
use res: Result(Int, String) <- effect.perform(eff)
case res {
Ok(num) -> io.println("Got: " <> int.to_string(num))
Error(err) -> io.println("Error: " <> err)
### Chaining Effects
Use `then` and `map` to sequence operations, only continuing on success, or short-circuiting on error:
import gleam/float
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import effect.{type Effect}
type TooSmallError {
pub fn main() {
let computation: Effect(Int, TooSmallError) = {
let effect: Effect(Int, early) = effect.continue(10)
use num: Int <- effect.then(effect)
case num < 5 {
True -> effect.throw(TooSmallError)
False -> effect.continue(num * 2)
let computation: Effect(Float, TooSmallError) = {
use num: Int <- effect.map(computation)
let f: Float = int.to_float(num)
let log: Float = float.exponential(f) // fun fact, I added this func to std
use res: Result(Float, TooSmallError) <- effect.perform(computation)
case res {
Ok(n) -> io.println("Final result: " <> float.to_string(n))
Error(TooSmallError) -> io.println("Error: num is too small!")
### Handling Promises
You can convert a `promise.Promise(Result(a, e))` into an `Effect(a, e)` using
`from_box` and `promise.map`.
import gleam/fetch.{type FetchBody, type FetchError}
import gleam/javascript/promise.{type Promise}
import gleam/string
import effect.{type Effect}
type Error {
fn fetch_data() -> Promise(Result(FetchBody, FetchError)) {
let assert Ok(uri) = uri.parse("https://www.google.com")
let assert Ok(req) = request.from_uri(uri)
fn main() {
let eff: Effect(String, Error) = {
// fetch from google
let prom = fetch_data()
use res: Result(FetchBody, FetchError) <- effect.from_box(prom, promise.map)
use fetch_body: FetchBody <- effect.from_result(res |> result.map_error(Fetch))
// read the response from FetchBody to String
let prom: Promise(Result(String, FetchError)) = fetch.read_text_body(fetch_body)
use text: Result(String, FetchError) <- effect.from_box(prom, promise.map)
use text: String <- effect.from_result(text |> result.map_error(Fetch))
// return just the body
text.body |> effect.continue
use res: Result(String, Error) <- effect.perform(eff)
case res {
// Server Data
Ok(body) -> io.println(body)
// Network Error
Error(Fetch(msg)) -> io.println("Failed: " <> string.inspect(msg))
### Pure Effects
Sometimes you don't need the `early` return path and only need to operate on the
happy path. The `perform` function returns a `Result` type but there's a `pure`
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import effect.{type Effect}
fn main() {
let eff: Effect(Int, early) = {
use a <- effect.from(5)
use b <- effect.from(2)
a * b |> effect.continue
use num: Int <- effect.pure(eff)
num |> int.to_string |> io.println
For more, be sure to checkout the [test cases](./test/effect_test.gleam).