# efrisby
A REST API testing framework for erlang inspired by frisby-js
## Installation
By adding the following dependency to your ```rebar.config``` file :
%% Rebar3 test profiles
{profiles, [
{test, [
{deps, [
{efrisby, "0.1.0"}
## Basic Usage.
You have to start all ``efrisby`` dependencies before using any of the functions
To start in the console run:
$ rebar3 shell
And run the following command to start all of the application it depends on:
> application:ensure_all_started(efrisby).
%% > ok,[idna,mimerl,certifi,hackney,efrisby]}
> application:ensure_all_started(efrisby).
%% > ok
> efrisby:get("http://localhost/api/1.0/users/3.json", [
{status, 200},
{content_type, "application/json"},
{json_types, [
{<<"id">>, integer},
{<<"is_admin">>, boolean},
{<<"username">>, bitstring}
{json, [
{<<"id">>, 3},
{<<"is_admin">>, false},
{<<"username">>, <<"johndoe">>}
%% > {ok, Response}
## Write Tests
efrisby tests start with one by calling one of ``get``, ``post``, ``put``, ``options``, ``delete``, or ``head`` to generate an HTTP request and assert the response.
efrisby has many built-in test assertions like :
* ``status`` to easily test HTTP status codes
* ``content_type`` to test content type header
* ``headers`` to test expected HTTP headers
* ``json`` to test expected JSON keys/values
* ``json_types`` to test JSON value types
eq :
{ok, Response} = efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{status, 200},
{content_type, "application/json; charset=utf-8"},
{json_types, [
{<<"id">>, integer},
{<<"url">>, bitstring},
{<<"login">>, bitstring}
{json, [
{<<"id">>, 588172},
{<<"login">>, <<"FabioBatSilva">>},
{<<"url">>, <<"https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva">>}
> efrisby_resp:json(Response).
{<<"id">>, 588172},
{<<"login">>, <<"FabioBatSilva">>},
{<<"url">>, <<"https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva">>}
## Expectations
Expectation are used to generate assertions on the response.
These helpers make testing API response bodies and headers easy with minimal time and effort.
#### ``{status, integer()}``
Assert that HTTP Status code equals expectation.
efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{status, 200}
%% > {ok, Response}
#### ``{headers, list()}``
Assert the HTTP response headers.
efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{headers, [
{<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json; charset=utf-8">>}
%% > {ok, Response}
#### ``{json, bitstring() | none(), list() | integer() | atom() | bitstring()}``
Tests that response JSON body contains the provided keys/values in the response.
efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{json, [
{<<"id">>, 588172},
{<<"login">>, <<"FabioBatSilva">>}
%% > {ok, Response}
efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{json, ".id", 588172},
{json, ".login", <<"FabioBatSilva">>}
%% > {ok, Response}
#### ``{json, bitstring() | none(), list()}``
Tests that response JSON body contains the provided keys/values types.
efrisby:get("https://api.github.com/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{json_types, [
{<<"id">>, integer},
{<<"login">>, bitstring}
%% > {ok, Response}
#### Using Paths with ``json`` and ``json_types``
Both ``json`` and ``json_types`` accept a tuple containing a path.
The path value can be a nested path separated by periods, like ``args.foo.mypath``, a simple path like ``.results`` or ``.`` to test the whole JSON value.
efrisby:get("http://httpbin.org/get?foo=bar&bar=baz", [
{json_types, ".args", [
{<<"bar">>, bitstring},
{<<"foo">>, bitstring}
{json, ".args", [
{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>},
{<<"bar">>, <<"baz">>}
%% > {ok, Response}
## Request Methods
efrisby support your basic HTTP verbs..
* ``efrisby:get(url(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:head(url(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:options(url(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:put(url(), body(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:post(url(), body(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:patch(url(), body(), expectations(), options())``
* ``efrisby:delete(url(), body(), expectations(), options())``
Every request method accepts an optional list of parameters as its last argument,
Request options control various aspects of a request including, headers, timeout settings and more.
eq :
-define(OPTIONS, [
{failure_callback, fun erlang:display/1},
{http_options, [{timeout, 150000}]},
{base_url, "https://myapi.local"},
{headers, [
{"Accept", "application/json"}
* ``http_options`` Options for hackney http client (see https://github.com/benoitc/hackney)
* ``failure_callback`` Assertion failure callback function
* ``base_url`` Base request url
* ``headers`` Http headers
#### ``efrisby:get(url(), expectations(), options())``
GET request.
efrisby:get("/users/FabioBatSilva", [
{status, 200}
%% > {ok, Response}
#### ``efrisby:post(url(), body(), expectations(), options())``
POST request.
Body = [
{<<"login">>, <<"FabioBatSilva">>},
{<<"name">>, <<"Fabio B. Silva">>}
Expectations = [
{status, 200},
{content_type, "application/json"},
{json_type, [
{id, integer}
efrisby:post("/users", Body, Expectations, ?OPTIONS).
%% > {ok, Response}