# Efx

Testing with side-effects is often hard. Various solutions exist to work around
the difficulties, e.g. mocking. This library offers a very easy way to achieve
testable code by mocking. Instead of mocking we talk about binding effects to another implementation.
`Efx` offers a declarative way to mark effectful functions and bind them in tests.
Efx allows async testing even in with child-processes, since it uses process-dictionaries
to store bindings and find them in the supervision-tree (see this [test-case](https://github.com/bravobike/efx/blob/improve-doc-example/test/efx_case_test.exs#L52)).
## Rationale
Efx is a small library that does one thing and one thing only very well: Make code
that contains side effects testable.
Existing mock libraries often set up mocks in non-declarative ways: configs need
to be adapted & mock need to be initialized. In source code there are intrusive
instructions to set up mockable code. `Efx` is very unintrusive in both, source
code and test code. It offers a convenient and declarative syntax. Instead of
mocking we talk about binding effects.
Efx follows the following principles:
- Implementing and binding effects should be as simple and declarative as possible.
- Modules contain groups of effects that can only be bound as a set.
- We want to run as many tests async as possible. Thus, we traverse
the supervision tree to find rebound effects in the spawning test processes,
in an isolated manner.
- Effects by default execute their default implementation in tests, and thus, must be explicitly bound.
- Effects can only be bound in tests, but not in production. In production, the default implementation is always executed.
- We want zero performance overhead in production.
## Usage
### Example
Given the following code:
defmodule MyModule do
def read_data() do
|> deserialize()
def write_data(data) do
serialized_data = data |> serialize()
File.write!("file.txt", deserialized_data)
defp deserialize(raw) do
defp serialize(data) do
In this example, it's quite complicated to test deserialization and serialization since
we have to prepare and place the file correctly for each test.
We can rewrite the module using `Efx` as follows:
defmodule MyModule do
use Efx
def read_data() do
|> deserialize()
def write_data(data) do
|> serialize()
|> write_file!()
@spec read_file!() :: binary()
defeffect read_file!() do
@spec write_file!(binary()) :: :ok
defeffect write_file!(raw) do
File.write!("file.txt", raw)
By using the `defeffect`-macro, we define an effect-function as well as provide
a default-implementation in its body. It is mandatory for each of the effect-functions to have a matching spec.
The above code is now easily testable since we can rebind the effect-functions with ease:
defmodule MyModuleTest do
use EfxCase
describe "read_data/0" do
test "works as expected with empty file" do
bind(MyModule, :read_file!, fn -> "" end)
bind(MyModule, :write_file!, fn _ -> :ok end)
# test code here
test "works as expected with proper contents" do
bind(MyModule, :read_file!, fn -> "some expected file content" end)
bind(MyModule, :write_file!, fn _ -> :ok end)
# test code here
Instead of returning the value of the default implementation, `MyModule.read_file!/0` returns test data that is needed for the test case. `MyModule.write_file!` does nothing.
For more details, see the `EfxCase`-module.
Note that Efx generates and implements a behavior. Thus, it is recommended, to move side effects to a dedicated submodule, e.g. MyModule.Effects, to not accidentally interfere with existing behaviors.
## License
Copyright © 2024 Bravobike GmbH and Contributors
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.