# Efx
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Testing with side-effects is often hard. Various solutions exist to work around
the difficulties, e.g. mocking. This library offers a very easy way to achieve
testable code by mocking. Instead of mocking we talk about binding effects to another implementation.
`Efx` offers a declarative way to mark effectful functions and bind them in tests.
## Rationale
Efx is a small library that does one thing and one thing only very well: Make code
that contains side effects testable.
Existing mock libraries often set up mocks in non declarative ways: configs need
to be adapted & mock need to be initialized. In source code there are intrusive
instructions to set up mockable code. `Efx` is very unintrusive in both, source
code and test code. It offers a convenient and declarative syntax. Instead of
mocking we talk about binding effects.
Efx follows the following principles:
- Implementing and binding effects should be as simple and declarative as possible.
- Modules contain groups of effects that can only be bound as a set.
- We want to run as much tests async as possible. Thus, we traverse
the supervision tree to find rebound effects in the ancest test processes,
in an isolated manner.
- Effects by default execute their default implemenation in tests, and thus, must be explicitly bound.
- Effects can only be bound in tests, but not in production. In production always the default implementation is executed.
- We want zero performance overhead in production.
## Usage
### Defining Effects
To define effects we insert the use-Macro provided by the `Efx`-Module as follows:
defmodule MyEffect do
use Efx
@spec read_numbers(String.t()) :: integer()
defeffect read_numbers(id) do
@spec write_numbers(String.t(), integer()) :: :ok
defeffect read_numbers(id, numbers) do
By using the `defeffect`-macro, we define an effect-function as well as provide
a default-implementation in its body. For more detail see the moduledoc in the
### Binding Effects in Tests
To bind effects one simply has to use `EfxCase`-Module and call bind functions. Lets say we have the following effects
defmodule MyModule do
use Common.Effects
@spec get() :: list()
defeffect get() do
The following shows code that binds the effect to a different implementation in tests:
defmodule SomeTest do
use Common.EffectsCase
test "test something" do
bind(MyModule, :get, fn -> [1,2,3] end)
Instead of returning the value of the default implementation, `MyModule.get/0` returns `[1,2,3]`.
For more details see the `EfxCase`-module.
## License
Copyright © 2024 Bravobike GmbH and Contributors
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.