
-export([init/1, init/2, clone/2, open/1, fetch/1, fetch/2,
         pull/1, pull/2, push/1, push/2, push/3, commit_lookup/3]).
-export([cat_file/2, cat_file/3, checkout/2, checkout/3]).
-export([add_all/1, add/2, add/3, commit/2,
         rev_parse/2, rev_parse/3, rev_list/3]).
-export([config_get/2, config_set/3]).
-export([branch_create/2, branch_create/3]).
-export([branch_rename/3, branch_rename/4,  branch_delete/2]).
-export([list_branches/1, list_branches/2,  list_index/1, list_index/2]).
-export([list_remotes/1,  remote_add/3,     remote_rename/3,
         remote_delete/2, remote_set_url/3, remote_set_url/4]).
-export([tag_create/2, tag_create/3, tag_create/4, tag_delete/2]).
-export([list_tags/1, list_tags/2]).
-export([status/1, status/2, reset/2]).


-type repository() :: reference().
-type commit_opt() ::
  encoding    |
  message     |
  summary     |
  time        |
  time_offset |
  committer   |
  author      |
  header      |
-type commit_opts()     :: [commit_opt()].
-type cat_file_opt()    :: type | size | {abbrev, pos_integer()}.
-type cat_file_opts()   :: [cat_file_opt()].
-type checkout_opt()    :: force | verbose | perf.
-type checkout_opts()   :: [checkout_opt()].
-type checkout_stats()  :: #{
  chmod_calls => integer(),
  mkdir_calls => integer(),
  stat_calls  => integer(),
  total_steps => integer()

-type add_opt()         :: verbose | dry_run | update | force.
-type add_opts()        :: [add_opt()].
-type add_result()      :: nil |
                           #{mode => dry_run | added, files => [binary()]} |
                           {error, term()}.
-type rev_list_opt()    :: [topo_order | date_order | reverse |
                            {limit, pos_integer()} | {abbrev, pos_integer()}].
-type rev_list_opts()   :: [rev_list_opt()].

-type rev_parse_opt()   :: {abbrev, pos_integer()}.
-type rev_parse_opts()  :: [rev_parse_opt()].

-type list_branch_opt() :: local | remote | all | fullname | {limit,pos_integer()}.
%% List branch option.
%% <dl>
%% <dt>local</dt><dd>Return only local branches</dd>
%% <dt>remote</dt><dd>Return only remote branches</dd>
%% <dt>all</dt><dd>Return all branches (default)</dd>
%% <dt>fullname</dt><dd>Return full branch names</dd>
%% <dt>{limit, Limit}</dt><dd>Return up to this number of branches</dd>
%% </dl>

-type list_branch_opts() :: [list_branch_opt()].

-type list_index_opt()   :: {abbrev, pos_integer()} |
  {fields, all | [path|stage|conflict|oid|mode|size|ctime|mtime]}.
%% List index option.
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{abbrev, `NumChars'}</dt>
%%   <dd>NumChars truncates the commit hash (must be less then 40).</dd>
%% <dt>{fields, `ListOfFields'}</dt>
%%   <dd>Field list to return. If not specified, the option will default
%%       to `[path]'.</dd>
%% </dl>

-type list_index_opts()  :: [list_index_opt()].

-type list_index_entry() :: #{
  path     => binary(),      stage => [normal|ancestor|ours|theirs],
  conflict => boolean(),       oid => binary(),
  mode     => pos_integer(),  size => non_neg_integer(),
  ctime    => pos_integer(), mtime => pos_integer()

-type cfg_source() :: repository() | default | system | xdg | global | local | app | highest.
%% Configuration source.
%% If the value is an atom, then:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>default</dt><dd>Find default configuration file for this app</dd>
%% <dt>system</dt><dd>System-wide configuration file - /etc/gitconfig on Linux systems</dd>
%% <dt>xdg</dt><dd>XDG compatible configuration file, typically ~/.config/git/config</dd>
%% <dt>global</dt><dd>User-specific global configuration file, typically ~/.gitconfig</dd>
%% <dt>local</dt><dd>Repository specific configuration file; $WORK_DIR/.git/config on non-bare repos</dd>
%% <dt>app</dt><dd>Application specific configuration file; freely defined by applications</dd>
%% <dt>highest</dt><dd>The most specific config file available for the app</dd>
%% </dl>

-type branch_create_opts() :: [overwrite | {target, binary()}].
%% Branch creation options
%% <dl>
%% <dt>overwrite</dt><dd>Force to overwrite the existing branch</dd>
%% <dt>{target, Commit}</dt><dd>Use the target commit (default `<<"HEAD">>')</dd>
%% </dl>

-type tag_opt() :: [{message, binary()} | {pattern, binary()} | {target, binary()} | {lines, integer()}].
%% Tag creation options
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{message, `Msg'}</dt><dd>Message associated with the tag's commit</dd>
%% <dt>{pattern, `Pat'}</dt><dd>Pattern to search matching tags</dd>
%% <dt>{target,  `SHA'}</dt><dd>Target commit SHA to be associated with the tag</dd>
%% <dt>{lines,   `Num'}</dt><dd>Number of lines in the commit to store</dd>
%% </dl>

-type tag_opts() :: [tag_opt()].

-type status_opt() ::
  {untracked, none|normal|recursive} | {paths, [binary()]} |
  branch | ignored | submodules | ignore_submodules.
%% Status function options
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{untracked, `Untracked'}</dt>
%%  `Untracked' can be one of:
%%  <dd>
%%    <du>
%%    <li>`none' - don't include untracked files</li>
%%    <li>`normal' - include untracked files</li>
%%    <li>`recursive' - include untracked files and recurse into untracked directories</li>
%%    </du>
%%  </dd>
%% <dt>{paths, `Paths'}</dt><dd>`Path' is an array of path patterns to match</dd>
%% <dt>branch</dt><dd>Include branch name</dd>
%% <dt>ignored</dt><dd>Include ignored files</dd>
%% <dt>ignore_submodules</dt><dd>Indicates that submodules should be skipped</dd>
%% <dt>submodules</dt><dd>Include submodules (overrides `ignore_submodules')</dd>
%% </dl>

-type status_opts() :: [status_opt()].

-export_type([repository/0, commit_opts/0, cat_file_opt/0, checkout_opts/0, checkout_stats/0]).
-export_type([rev_parse_opts/0, rev_list_opts/0, tag_opts/0, status_opts/0]).
-export_type([list_index_opts/0, list_index_entry/0]).

-define(LIBNAME, ?MODULE).
  erlang:nif_error({not_loaded, [{module, ?MODULE}, {line, ?LINE}]})).


on_load() ->
  SoName  =
    case code:priv_dir(?LIBNAME) of
      {error, bad_name} ->
        case code:which(?MODULE) of
          Filename when is_list(Filename) ->
            Dir = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(Filename)),
            filename:join([Dir, "priv", ?LIBNAME]);
          _ ->
            filename:join("../priv", ?LIBNAME)
      Dir ->
        filename:join(Dir, ?LIBNAME)
  erlang:load_nif(SoName, []).

%% @doc Init a repository.
%% @see init/2
-spec init(binary()|string()) -> repository().
init(Path) -> init(Path, []).

%% @doc Init a repository.
%% If `Opts' list contains `bare', a Git repository without a working
%% directory is created at the pointed path.
%% Otherwise, the provided path will be considered as the working
%% directory into which the .git directory will be created.
-spec init(binary()|string(), [bare]) -> repository().
init(Path, Opts) ->
  init_nif(to_bin(Path), Opts).

%% @doc Clone a remote repository to the local path
-spec clone(binary()|string(), binary()|string()) -> repository().
clone(URL, Path)    -> clone_nif(to_bin(URL), to_bin(Path)).

%% @doc Open a local git repository
-spec open(binary()|string()) -> repository().
open(Path)          -> open_nif(to_bin(Path)).

%% @doc Fetch from origin
-spec fetch(repository()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
fetch(Repo)         -> fetch_nif(Repo, fetch).

%% @doc Fetch from given remote (e.g. `<<"origin">>')
-spec fetch(repository(), binary()|string()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
fetch(Repo, Remote) -> fetch_nif(Repo, fetch, to_bin(Remote)).

%% @doc Pull from origin
-spec pull(repository()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
pull(Repo)          -> fetch_nif(Repo, pull).

%% @doc Pull from given remote (e.g. `<<"origin">>')
-spec pull(repository(), binary()|string()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
pull(Repo, Remote)  -> fetch_nif(Repo, pull, to_bin(Remote)).

%% @doc Push changes to remote (`"origin"')
-spec push(repository()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
push(Repo)          -> push_nif(Repo, <<"origin">>, []).

%% @doc Push to given remote
-spec push(repository(), binary()|string()) -> ok | {error, binary()}.
push(Repo, Remote)  -> push_nif(Repo, to_bin(Remote), []).

%% @doc Push refs to given remote
-spec push(repository(), binary()|string(), [binary()|string()]) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
push(Repo, Remote, Refs) when is_list(Refs) ->
  push_nif(Repo, to_bin(Remote), [to_bin(M) || M <- Refs]).

%% @doc Provide content or type and size information for repository objects.
-spec cat_file(repository(), binary()|string()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, term()}.
cat_file(Repo, Rev) ->
  cat_file(Repo, Rev, []).

%% @doc Provide content or type and size information for repository objects.
%% Example:
%% ```
%% 1> R = git:open(".").
%% 2> git:cat_file(R, "main", [{abbrev, 5}]).
%% #{type => commit,
%%   author => {<<"John Doh">>,<<"">>,1686195121, -14400},
%%   oid => <<"b85d0">>,
%%   parents => [<<"1fd4b">>]}
%% 7> git:cat_file(R, "b85d0", [{abbrev, 5}]).
%% #{type => tree,
%%   commits =>
%%       [{<<".github">>,<<"tree">>,<<"1e41f">>,16384},
%%        {<<".gitignore">>,<<"blob">>,<<"b893a">>,33188},
%%        {<<".gitmodules">>,<<"blob">>,<<"2550a">>,33188},
%%        {<<".vscode">>,<<"tree">>,<<"c7b1b">>,16384},
%%        {<<"LICENSE">>,<<"blob">>,<<"d6456">>,33188},
%%        {<<"Makefile">>,<<"blob">>,<<"2d635">>,33188},
%%        {<<"">>,<<"blob">>,<<"7b3d0">>,33188},
%%        {<<"c_src">>,<<"tree">>,<<"147f3">>,16384},
%%        {<<"rebar.config">>,<<"blob">>,<<"1f68a">>,33188},
%%        {<<"rebar.lock">>,<<"blob">>,<<"57afc">>,33188},
%%        {<<"src">>,<<"tree">>,<<"1bccb">>,16384}]}
%% 8> git:cat_file(R, "b893a", [{abbrev, 5}]).
%% #{type => blob,
%%   blob => <<"*.swp\n*.dump\n/c_src/*.o\n/c_src/fmt\n/priv/*.so\n/_build\n/doc\n">>}
%% '''
-spec cat_file(repository(), binary()|string(), cat_file_opts()) ->
        {ok, term()} | {error, term()}.
cat_file(Repo, Rev, Opts) ->
  cat_file_nif(Repo, to_bin(Rev), Opts).

%% @doc Same as `checkout(Repo, Revision, [])'.
-spec checkout(repository(), binary()|string()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
checkout(Repo, Rev) -> checkout_nif(Repo, to_bin(Rev), []).

%% @doc Provide content or type and size information for repository objects.
%% If `Opts' contains `verbose' (and optionally `perf'), then the return is a
%% map with checkout stats.
-spec checkout(repository(), binary(), checkout_opts()) -> ok | checkout_stats() | {error, term()}.
checkout(Repo, Revision, Opts) ->
  checkout_nif(Repo, to_bin(Revision), Opts).

%% @doc Add all pending changes
-spec add_all(repository()) -> add_result().
add_all(Repo) when is_reference(Repo) ->
  add_nif(Repo, [<<".">>], []).

%% @doc Add files matching `PathSpecs' to index
%% @see add/3
-spec add(repository(), binary()|string()|[binary()|string()]) -> add_result().
add(Repo, [C|_] = PathSpec) when is_integer(C), C >= 32, C < 256 ->
  add_nif(Repo, [to_bin(PathSpec)], []);
add(Repo, PathSpecs) when is_list(PathSpecs) ->
  add(Repo, PathSpecs, []);
add(Repo, PathSpec) when is_binary(PathSpec) ->
  add_nif(Repo, [PathSpec], []).

%% @doc Add files matching `PathSpecs' to index with options
-spec add(repository(), [binary()|string()], add_opts()) -> add_result().
add(Repo, [C|_] = PathSpecs, Opts) when is_integer(C), C >= 32, C < 256 ->
  add_nif(Repo, [to_bin(PathSpecs)], Opts);
add(Repo, PathSpec, Opts) when is_binary(PathSpec)->
  add_nif(Repo, [PathSpec], Opts);
add(Repo, PathSpecs, Opts) when is_list(PathSpecs)->
  add_nif(Repo, [to_bin(B) || B <- PathSpecs], Opts).

%% @doc Commit changes to a repository
-spec commit(repository(), binary()|string()) ->
        {ok, OID::binary()} | {error, binary()|atom()}.
commit(_Repo, Comment) ->
  commit_nif(_Repo, to_bin(Comment)).

%% @doc Reverse parse a reference.
%% See []
%% for the formats of a `Spec'.
%% Opts is a list of:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{abbrev, `NumChars'}</dt>
%%   <dd>NumChars truncates the commit hash (must be less then 40)</dd>
%% </dl>
%% When a reference refers to a single object, an ok tuple with a binary
%% string of the commit hash is returned.  When it refers to a range
%% (e.g. `HEAD..HEAD~2`), a map is returned with `from' and `to' keys.
%% When using a Symmetric Difference Notation `...' (i.e. `HEAD...HEAD~4'),
%% a map with three keys `from', `to', and `merge_base' is returned.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% 2> git:rev_parse(R,<<"HEAD~4">>, [{abbrev, 7}]).
%% {ok,<<"6d6f662">>}
%% 3> git:rev_parse(R,<<"HEAD..HEAD~4">>, [{abbrev, 7}]).
%% git:rev_parse(R,<<"HEAD..HEAD~4">>, [{abbrev, 7}]).
%% #{from => <<"f791f01">>,to => <<"6d6f662">>}
%% 4> git:rev_parse(R,<<"HEAD...HEAD~4">>).
%% git:rev_parse(R,<<"HEAD...HEAD~4">>, [{abbrev, 7}]).
%% #{from => <<"f791f01">>,merge_base => <<"6d6f662">>, to => <<"6d6f662">>}
%% '''
-spec rev_parse(repository(), binary()|string(), rev_parse_opts()) ->
        {ok, binary()} | map() | {error, binary()|atom()}.
rev_parse(Repo, Spec, Opts) ->
  rev_parse_nif(Repo, to_bin(Spec), Opts).

%% @doc Same as `rev_parse(Repo, Spec, [])'.
-spec rev_parse(repository(), binary()|string()) ->
        {ok, binary()} | map() | {error, binary()|atom()}.
rev_parse(Repo, Spec) ->
  rev_parse(Repo, Spec, []).

%% @doc Return the list of OIDs for the given specs.
%% Opts is a list of:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>topo_order | date_order | reverse</dt>
%%   <dd>Control sorting order</dd>
%% <dt>{limit, `Limit'}</dt>
%%   <dd>Limit is an integer that limits the number of refs returned</dd>
%% <dt>{abbrev, `NumChars'}</dt>
%%   <dd>NumChars truncates the commit hash (must be less then 40)</dd>
%% </dl>
%% Example:
%% ```
%% 9> git:rev_list(R, ["HEAD"], [{limit, 4}, {abbrev, 7}]).
%% [<<"f791f01">>,<<"1b74c46">>,<<"c40374d">>,<<"12968bd">>]
%% '''
-spec rev_list(repository(), ['not'|'Elixir.Not'|binary()], rev_list_opts()) ->
        #{commit_opt() => term()}.
rev_list(Repo, Specs, Opts) when is_list(Specs) ->
  F = fun
    ('not')               -> 'not';
    ('Elixir.Not')        -> 'not';
    (I) when is_list(I)   -> list_to_binary(I);
    (I) when is_binary(I) -> I
  L = [F(I) || I <-
        case Specs of
          _ when is_binary(Specs) -> [Specs];
          [C|_] when is_integer(C), C >= 40, C < 256 -> [list_to_binary(Specs)];
          _ when is_list(Specs)   -> Specs
  rev_list_nif(Repo, L, Opts).

%% @doc Lookup commit details identified by OID
-spec commit_lookup(repository(), binary()|string(), [commit_opt()]) ->
        #{commit_opt() => term()}.
commit_lookup(Repo, OID, Opts) ->
  commit_lookup_nif(Repo, to_bin(OID), Opts).

%% @doc Get git configuration value
%% Example:
%% ```
%% 1> R = git:clone(<<"">>, "/tmp/egit").
%% #Ref<0.170091758.2335834136.12133>
%% 2> git:config_get(R, "").
%% {ok,<<"John Doh">>}
%% '''
-spec config_get(cfg_source(), binary()|string()) ->
         {ok, binary()} | {error, binary()|atom()}.
config_get(Src, Key) ->
  config_get_nif(Src, to_bin(Key)).

%% @doc Set git configuration value
%% Example:
%% ```
%% 1> R = git:clone(<<"">>, "/tmp/egit").
%% #Ref<0.170091758.2335834136.12133>
%% 2> git:config_set(R, "", "Test User").
%% ok
%% '''
-spec config_set(cfg_source(), binary()|string(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()|atom()}.
config_set(Src, Key, Val) ->
  config_set_nif(Src, to_bin(Key), to_bin(Val)).

%% @doc Create a branch
%% @see git:branch_create/3
branch_create(Repo, Name) ->
  branch_create(Repo, Name, []).

%% @doc Create a branch
%% Example:
%% ```
%% 1> R = git:clone(<<"">>, "/tmp/egit").
%% #Ref<0.170091758.2335834136.12133>
%% 2> git:branch_create(R, "tmp").
%% ok
%% '''
-spec branch_create(repository(), binary()|string(), branch_create_opts()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
branch_create(Repo, Name, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
  branch_nif(Repo, create, to_bin(Name), Opts).

%% @doc Rename a branch
%% @see branch_rename/4
branch_rename(Repo, OldName, NewName) ->
  branch_rename(Repo, OldName, NewName, []).

%% @doc Rename a branch
-spec branch_rename(repository(), binary()|string(), binary()|string(), [overwrite]) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
branch_rename(Repo, OldName, NewName, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
  branch_nif(Repo, rename, to_bin(OldName), [{new_name, to_bin(NewName)} | Opts]).

%% @doc Delete a branch
-spec branch_delete(repository(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
branch_delete(Repo, Name) ->
  branch_nif(Repo, delete, to_bin(Name)).

%% @doc List branches
-spec list_branches(repository(), list_branch_opts()) -> [{local|remote, binary()}].
list_branches(Repo, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_list(Opts) ->

%% @doc Add a remote
-spec remote_add(repository(), binary()|string(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
remote_add(Repo, Name, URL) ->
  remote_nif(Repo, {add, URL}, to_bin(Name), []).

%% @doc Rename a remote
-spec remote_rename(repository(), binary()|string(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
remote_rename(Repo, OldName, NewName) ->
  remote_nif(Repo, {rename, to_bin(NewName)}, to_bin(OldName), []).

%% @doc Delete a remote
-spec remote_delete(repository(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
remote_delete(Repo, Name) ->
  remote_nif(Repo, delete, to_bin(Name), []).

%% @doc Delete a remote
-spec remote_set_url(repository(), binary()|string(), binary()|string()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()}.
remote_set_url(Repo, Name, URL) ->
  remote_set_url(Repo, Name, URL, []).

%% @doc Add a remote.
%% If `Opts' contains `push', then the repository is pushed ot the remote `URL'.
remote_set_url(Repo, Name, URL, Opts) ->
  remote_nif(Repo, {seturl, to_bin(URL)}, to_bin(Name), Opts).

%% @doc List remotes
-spec list_remotes(repository()) -> [{binary(), binary()}].
list_remotes(Repo) when is_reference(Repo) ->

%% @doc List branches
%% @see list_branches/2
list_branches(Repo) ->
  list_branches(Repo, []).

%% @doc List index
%% @see list_index/2
list_index(Repo) ->
  list_index(Repo, []).

%% @doc List index.
-spec list_index(repository(), list_index_opts()) -> [list_index_entry()].
list_index(Repo, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_list(Opts) ->

%% @doc Create a tag
-spec tag_create(repository(), string()|binary()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()|atom()}.
tag_create(Repo, Tag) ->
  tag_create(Repo, Tag, nil, []).

%% @doc Create a tag
-spec tag_create(repository(), string()|binary(), nil|string()|binary()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()|atom()}.
tag_create(Repo, Tag, Msg) ->
  tag_create(Repo, Tag, Msg, []).

%% @doc Create a tag
-spec tag_create(repository(), string()|binary(), nil|string()|binary(), tag_opts()) ->
        ok | {error, binary()|atom()}.
tag_create(Repo, Tag, Msg, Opts) when Msg==nil; Msg==undefined ->
  tag_nif(Repo, create, to_bin(Tag), Opts);
tag_create(Repo, Tag, Msg, Opts0) when is_list(Msg); is_binary(Msg) ->
  Opts = [case X of
            {I, M} when is_list(M) -> {I, to_bin(M)};
            {_, _} -> X;
            I when is_atom(I) -> X
          end || X <- [{message, Msg} | Opts0]],
  tag_nif(Repo, create, to_bin(Tag), Opts).

%% @doc Delete a tag
-spec tag_delete(repository(), string()|binary()) -> ok | {error, binary()|atom()}.
tag_delete(Repo, Tag) ->
  tag_nif(Repo, delete, to_bin(Tag), []).

%% @doc List all tags
-spec list_tags(repository()) ->
        [binary()|{binary(), binary()}] | {error, binary()|atom()}.
list_tags(Repo) ->
  tag_nif(Repo, list, <<"">>, []).

%% @doc List all tags
-spec list_tags(repository(), string()|binary()) ->
        [binary()|{binary(), binary()}] | {error, binary()|atom()}.
list_tags(Repo, Pattern) ->
  tag_nif(Repo, list, <<"">>, [{pattern, to_bin(Pattern)}]).

%% @doc Get repository status
-spec status(repository()) -> map() | {error, term()}.
status(Repo) ->
  status(Repo, []).

%% @doc Get repository status
-spec status(repository(), status_opts()) -> map() | {error, term()}.
status(Repo, Opts) ->
  status_nif(Repo, Opts).

%% @doc Get repository reset.
%% The reset `Type' is one of:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>soft</dt><dd>The HEAD will be moved to the commit</dd>
%% <dt>mixed</dt>
%%   <dd>Do a SOFT reset, plus the index will be replaced with the content of
%%       the commit tree</dd>
%% <dt>hard</dt>
%%   <dd>Do a MIXED reset and the working directory will be replaced with the
%%       content of the index. Untracked and ignored files will be left alone.
%%   </dd>
%% </dl>
-spec reset(repository(), soft|mixed|hard, string()|binary()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
reset(Repo, Type, Ref) ->
  reset_nif(Repo, Type, to_bin(Ref)).

-spec reset(repository(), soft|mixed|hard) -> ok | {error, term()}.
reset(Repo, Type) ->
  reset(Repo, Type, "HEAD").

%% Internal functions

to_bin(B) when is_binary(B) -> B;
to_bin(B) when is_list(B)   -> list_to_binary(B).

init_nif(Path, Opts) when is_binary(Path), is_list(Opts) ->

clone_nif(URL, Path) when is_binary(URL), is_binary(Path) ->

open_nif(Path) when is_binary(Path) ->

fetch_nif(Repo, _Op) when is_reference(Repo) ->

fetch_nif(Repo, _Op, Remote) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Remote) ->

push_nif(Repo, Remote, Refs) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Remote), is_list(Refs) ->

add_nif(Repo, PathSpecs, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_list(PathSpecs), is_list(Opts) ->

cat_file_nif(Repo, Rev, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Rev), is_list(Opts) ->

checkout_nif(Repo, Revision, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Revision), is_list(Opts) ->

commit_nif(Repo, Comment) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Comment) ->

commit_lookup_nif(Repo, OID, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(OID), is_list(Opts) ->

rev_parse_nif(Repo, Spec, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Spec), is_list(Opts) ->

rev_list_nif(Repo, Specs, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_list(Specs), is_list(Opts) ->

config_get_nif(Src, Key) when is_reference(Src) orelse is_atom(Src), is_binary(Key) ->

config_set_nif(Src, Key, Val) when is_reference(Src) orelse is_atom(Src), is_binary(Key), is_binary(Val) ->

remote_nif(Repo, _Op, Name, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_binary(Name), is_list(Opts) ->

branch_nif(Repo, Op, Name) when is_reference(Repo), is_atom(Op), is_binary(Name) ->

branch_nif(Repo, Op, OldName, NewNameOrOpt)
  when is_reference(Repo), is_atom(Op)
     , is_binary(OldName), is_binary(NewNameOrOpt) orelse is_list(NewNameOrOpt) ->

tag_nif(Repo, Op, Tag, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_atom(Op), is_binary(Tag), is_list(Opts) ->

status_nif(Repo, Opts) when is_reference(Repo), is_list(Opts) ->

reset_nif(Repo, Type, Ref) when is_reference(Repo), is_atom(Type), is_binary(Ref) ->


init_test_() ->
    ?_assertMatch(B when is_reference(B), git:init("/tmp/egit_repo")),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, file:del_dir_r("/tmp/egit_repo")),
    ?_assertMatch(B when is_reference(B), git:init("/tmp/egit_repo", [bare])),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, file:del_dir_r("/tmp/egit_repo"))

clone_test_() ->
  R = git:clone(<<"">>, <<"/tmp/egit">>),
    ?_assertMatch({ok, _}, git:rev_parse(R, <<"HEAD">>))

fetch_test_() ->
  R = git:open(<<"/tmp/egit">>),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:fetch(R))

pull_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:fetch(R))

checkout_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:checkout(R, <<"main">>))

commit_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
  {ok, OID0} = git:rev_parse(R, "HEAD"),
    fun() ->
      ?assertEqual([], os:cmd("echo \"\n\" >> /tmp/egit/")),
        #{mode => dry_run, files => [<<"">>]},
        git:add(R, ".", [dry_run])),
        #{mode => added, files => [<<"">>]},
        git:add(R, ["."])),
      ?assertEqual(nil, git:add(R, ".")),
      {ok, OID0} = git:rev_parse(R, "HEAD"),
      Res        = git:commit(R, "Test commit"),
      ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Res),
      {ok, OID}  = Res,
      ?assertEqual({ok, nil}, git:commit(R, "Test commit")),
      ?assertEqual({ok, OID}, git:rev_parse(R, "HEAD"))

rev_parse_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
  {ok, OID0} = git:rev_parse(R, "HEAD"),
    ?_assertMatch(#{to := _,   from := OID0}, git:rev_parse(R, <<"HEAD..HEAD~1">>)),
    ?_assertMatch(#{to := OID, from := OID0, merge_base := OID}, git:rev_parse(R, <<"HEAD...HEAD~1">>)),
    ?_assertMatch({error, _}, git:rev_parse(R, <<"HEAD~x">>)),
    fun() ->
      case git:rev_list(R, ["HEAD"], [{limit, 3}, {abbrev, 7}]) of
        [A,B,C] when is_binary(A), is_binary(B), is_binary(C),
                      byte_size(A)==7, byte_size(B)==7, byte_size(C)==7 ->
        _Res ->

cat_file_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
      (#{type    := commit,
         author  := {User, _, Time, Offset},
         oid     := OID,
         parents := [OID1]})
        when is_binary(User) andalso is_integer(Time) andalso is_integer(Offset)
             andalso is_binary(OID) andalso is_binary(OID1),
      git:cat_file(R, <<"main">>, [{abbrev, 5}])

      #{type    := tree,
        commits :=
      git:cat_file(R, "b85d0", [{abbrev, 5}])

      #{type => blob,
        data => <<"*.swp\n*.dump\n/c_src/*.o\n/c_src/fmt\n/priv/*.so\n/_build\n/doc\n">>},
      git:cat_file(R, "b893a", [{abbrev, 5}])

config_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertMatch({ok, _}, git:config_get(R,       "")),
    ?_assertMatch({ok, _}, git:config_get(highest, "")),
    ?_assertMatch({ok, _}, git:config_get(default, "")),
    ?_assertMatch({ok, _}, git:config_get(global,  ""))

branch_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertMatch(ok, git:branch_create(R, "tmp", [])),
    ?_assert(has_branch(R, "tmp")),
    ?_assertMatch(ok, git:branch_rename(R, "tmp", "tmp2", [overwrite])),
    ?_assert(has_branch(R, "tmp2")),
    ?_assertNot(has_branch(R, "tmp")),
    ?_assertMatch(ok, git:branch_delete(R, "tmp2")),
    ?_assertNot(has_branch(R, "tmp2"))

list_index_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
  L = git:list_index(R),
  M = git:list_index(R, [{fields, all}]),
    ?_assert(length(L) >= 24),
    ?_assertMatch([_], [I || I = #{path := <<"">>} <- git:list_index(R, [{fields, [path]}])]),
    ?_assertMatch(M, git:list_index(R, [{fields, [path,stage,conflict,oid,mode,size,ctime,mtime]}])),
    ?_assertEqual(length(L), length(M))

remote_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertEqual([{<<"origin">>,<<"">>,[push,fetch]}], git:list_remotes(R)),
      {error,<<"Could not rename remote: remote 'upstream' does not exist", _/binary>>},
      git:remote_rename(R, "upstream", "upstream2")),
      git:remote_add(R, "upstream", <<"">>)),
      {error,<<"Could not create remote: remote 'upstream' already exists", _/binary>>},
      git:remote_add(R, "upstream", <<"">>)),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:remote_set_url(R, "upstream", "")),
      [{<<"origin">>,  <<"">>, [push,fetch]},
       {<<"upstream">>,<<"">>, [push,fetch]}],
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:remote_rename(R,  "upstream", "upstream2")),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:remote_delete(R,  "upstream2")),
    ?_assertEqual([{<<"origin">>,<<"">>,[push,fetch]}], git:list_remotes(R))

tag_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
     ?_assertEqual(ok, git:tag_create(R, "v0.0.1", "This is a test\n", [{target, "f791f01"}])),
     ?_assertEqual(ok, git:tag_create(R, "v0.0.2")),
     ?_assertEqual([<<"v0.0.1">>, <<"v0.0.2">>], [T || T <- git:list_tags(R), lists:member(T, [<<"v0.0.1">>, <<"v0.0.2">>])]),
     ?_assertEqual(ok, git:tag_delete(R, "v0.0.1")),
     ?_assertEqual(ok, git:tag_delete(R, "v0.0.2")),
     ?_assertEqual([], [T || T <- git:list_tags(R), lists:member(T, [<<"v0.0.1">>, <<"v0.0.2">>])])

status_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertEqual(#{}, git:status(R)),
    ?_assertEqual(#{branch => <<"main">>}, git:status(R, [branch])),
      #{submodules => [{<<"c_src/fmt">>,<<"">>}]},
      git:status(R, [submodules])),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, file:write_file(<<"/tmp/egit/test.txt">>, <<"Test\n">>)),
    ?_assertEqual(#{},                              git:status(R, [{untracked, none}])),
    ?_assertEqual(#{untracked => [<<"test.txt">>]}, git:status(R, [{untracked, normal}])),
    ?_assertEqual(#{untracked => [<<"test.txt">>]}, git:status(R, [{untracked, recursive}])),
    ?_assertEqual(#{untracked => [<<"test.txt">>]}, git:status(R)),
    ?_assertEqual(#{mode => added, files => [<<"test.txt">>]}, git:add(R, "test.txt")),
    ?_assertEqual(#{index => [{new, <<"test.txt">>}]}, git:status(R)),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, file:delete("/tmp/egit/test.txt"))

reset_test_() ->
  R = git:open("/tmp/egit"),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:reset(R, hard)),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, file:write_file(<<"/tmp/egit/test.txt">>, <<"Test\n">>)),
    ?_assertEqual(#{mode => added, files => [<<"test.txt">>]}, git:add(R, "test.txt")),
    ?_assertEqual(#{index => [{new, <<"test.txt">>}]}, git:status(R)),
    ?_assertEqual(ok, git:reset(R, hard)),
    ?_assertEqual(#{}, git:status(R)),
    ?_assertMatch(_, file:delete("/tmp/egit/test.txt"))

last_test() ->
  %% Delete the directory if test cases succeeded

has_branch(R, Name) ->
  Nm = to_bin(Name),
  [B || {local, B} <- git:list_branches(R), B == Nm] /= [].
