
A Github API client for Erlang.


`egithub` is implemented as an Erlang application. This means that in order to use it, you
need to add it to your application's `.app` file or start it with:


Once it has started you can start using any of the API calls.

## Credentials

The GitHub's API offers very few endpoints that don't require any credentials and a lot
that do. For providing credentials you have two options: basic authentication or OAuth.
In both cases, you can just call a function from the `egithub` module to obtain
`Credentials`, that you can later provide to the functions that require it.

Said functions are:

- [`egithub:basic_auth/2`]
- [`egithub:oauth/1`]

For example to get the information of the logged in user you can do the following:

Cred = egithub:basic_auth("username", "password"),
{ok, UserInfo} = egithub:user(Cred).

## Webhooks

This library provides the basic functionality over which you can implement your own GitHub
webhook service. The webhook events that are currently supported are only `ping` and
`pull_request`. These two allow you to process the contents in a PR and write comments to

To accomplish this you need to implement the `egithub_webhook` behavior, which requires a
single `handle_pull_request/3` callback. This function receives the GitHub's credentials
the PR data and the associated files.

After you process the information according to what your webhook is supposed to do, if
successful the function must return the  tuple `{ok, [message()]}`, where `message()` is a
map with information regarding the comment (e.g. `commit_id`, `path`, etc).

To start the whole webhook flow once you receive the request from GitHub on your endpoint
you can call either `egithub_webhook:event/3` or `egithub_webhook:event/6`. The function
with arity 3 will just create the comments returned by your implementation. The second
function will also make calls to the [Statuses
API]( and will report on the current
status of the webhook.

## GitHub's Rate Limits

If you use the GitHub API to create a lot of entities in a short interval, at a certain
point you will hit a limit on the rate of requests you can do. This is [sort of
documented]( in the API's
documentation, although there are no specifics on the amount of requests permitted or the
interval considered.

To work around this limitation, `egithub` has a built-in detection mechanism that handles
the case where an API call returns `403` after doing a valid requests. The request is
queued and retried after a certain amount of time, based on a fibonacci backoff time

By default all API requests are done without this feature, which means you will get a
`403` if you start doing a lot of requests one after the other. If you want to use this
feature you need to provide the value `queue` for the option `post_method`. All functions
in the `egithub` module that accept an `Options` argument, accept this option.

For example, if you wanted to create a large number of comments on an issue, you could use
the `egithub:issue_comment/5` like this:

Cred = egithub:basic_auth("username", "password"),
Repo = "username/reponame",
Issue = 1,
Comment = <<"Hello">>,
Options = #{post_method => queue},
egithub:issue_comment(Cred, Repo, Issue, Comment, Options).

This would create a comment with the text `Hello` for the issue `username/repo#1`.

API Documentation

There is an automatically generated API documentation page in this project's GitHub page


For an example on how to use this library you can check out
[this]( little Erlang application
used to pull a JSON with all of Inaka's repositories in GitHub.

There is also a lot of code that calls the functions in `egithub` in the module

Contact Us
For **questions** or **general comments** regarding the use of this library, please use
our public [hipchat room](

If you find any **bugs** or have a **problem** while using this library, please [open an
issue]( in this repo (or a pull request

And you can check all of our open-source projects at