# Erlang NIF wrapper for iconv
An Erlang wrapper for the character set conversion utility [iconv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconv).
## Getting started
### Include as a dependency
Using [rebar3](http://www.rebar3.org/), add the dependency to your `rebar.config` file:
{deps, [
{eiconv, "1.0.0-alpha1"},
%% ...
and run `$ rebar3 compile`.
### Use `eiconv` module
To convert from `utf-8` to `ascii`:
ToConvert = "123",
{ok, Converted} = eiconv:convert("utf-8", "ascii", ToConvert)),
io:format("Converted '~s' to '~s'~n", [ToConvert, Converted])
## `eiconv` API
### Using `convert/3`
{ok, Converted} = eiconv:convert("utf-8", "ascii", "123"))
### Using CD (Conversion Descriptor)
{ok, CD} = eiconv:open("utf8", "ascii"),
{ok, Converted} = eiconv:conv(CD, "123")),
ok = eiconvclose(CD)
## `iconv` API
### Using `convert/3`
Converted = eiconv:convert("utf-8", "ascii", "123"))
(Note it return directly the converted text and not a tuple {ok, Converted})
## Authors
Wrapper provided by Maas-Maarten Zeeman and the [Zotonic](https://github.com/zotonic) team.
* [Maas-Maarten Zeeman](https://github.com/mmzeeman)
* [Arjan Scherpenisse](https://github.com/arjan)
* [Marc Worrell](https://github.com/mworrell)