Matching JSON nodes in Erlang.
What for ?
Kind of regular expression applied to JSON documents.
* Find if a JSON document has some structural properties, and possibly extract some information.
* Useful to extract small data pieces from large JSON documents.
* Efficient filtering of JSON nodes in real time.
Backends for jsone, jsx, jiffy and mochijson2.
Quick start
Obtain ```ejpet```
#### Add it to your project
Add a dependency to ```ejpet``` and possibly to a supported JSON
codec in your project dependency set.
* With ```rebar3```, in ```rebar.config``` file
{deps, [
%% ...
{ejpet, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/nmichel/ejpet.git", {tag, "0.7.0"}},
{jsx, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx.git", {tag, "v2.8.3"}},
%% ...
* With ```mix```, in ```mix.exs``` file
defmodule MyProject.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
# ...
deps: deps()
# ...
defp deps() do
# ...
{:ejpet, "~> 0.7.0"},
{:jsx, "~> 2.8"},
# ...
#### From source
$ git clone git@github.com:nmichel/ejpet.git
$ cd ejpet
$ ./rebar get-deps
$ make && make test
Start Erlang shell
erl -pz ./ebin ./deps/*/ebin
Start (m)using
Read some JSON data
1> {ok, Data} = file:read_file("./test/channels_list.json").
Decode JSON using, say, jsx (provided you have ```jsx``` in your load path)
2> Node = jsx:decode(Data).
{<<"name">>,<<"France 2">>},
<<"Please report : Unknown service type doc : EN 30"...>>},
Ok. Now define what we are looking for, and what we want to get
Find somewhere in a list, an object with
* a {"ip_multicast", ""} pair
* a key "pcr_pid", whatever value captured in variable "pcr",
* a key "pids", which value is either a list or an object into which there are
* an object with
* a key "language" which value matches regex "^fr",
* a key "number", whatever value captured in variable "apid"
* a key "type", whatever value captured in variable "acodec"
* an object with
* a key "type", which value matches regex "Video" captured in variable "vcodec"
* a key "number", whatever value captured in variable "vpid"
3> O = ejpet:compile("[*, {\"ip_multicast\":\"\",
\"pids\":<{\"language\": #\"^fr\",
\"number\": (?<apid>_),
\"type\": (?<acodec>_)},
{\"type\": (?<vcodec>#\"Video\"),
\"number\": (?<vpid>_)}>}, *]", jsx).
Run and seek ...
4> ejpet:run(Node, O).
Here you are !
{"vcodec",[<<"Video (MPEG2)">>]},
{"acodec",[<<"Audio (MPEG1)">>]},
How ?
Express what you want to match using a simple expression language.
Expression syntax
| pattern | match ? | Notes |
| `true` | `true` | |
| `false` | `false` | |
| `null` | `null` | |
| `"string"` | the string `"string"` | UTF-8 encoded string (with escaping) |
| `#"regex"` | any string matching regex `"regex"` | UTF-8 encoded string (no escaping) |
| `number` | the number `number` e.g. (`42`, `3.14159`, `-3395.1264e-22` ) | |
| `{ kv* }` | object for which all kv (key/value) patterns are matched | Order does not matter |
| `[ item* (, *)?]` | list for which all item patterns are matched | Order DOES matter |
| `< value* >` | value set (list, or object values) for which all value patterns are matched | Order does not matter
| `< value* >/g` | same as previous but search for ALL matches. Useful only when capturing | Order does not matter
| `<! value* !>` | same as `< value* >` but search deep. |
| `<! value* !>/g` | same as previous but search for ALL matches. Useful only when capturing |
| `(?<name>expr)` | capture expression `expr` in return value `name` | Every JSON expression may be captured
| `(!<name>type)` | match json object of type `type` against parameter named `name` |
`kv` may be one of the form
* _:pattern
* `"key"`:`_`
* `"key"`:pattern
`item` may be one of the form
* `*, ` pattern
* pattern
`value` is a pattern
`kv`, `item` and `value` are separated by `,`.
In parameter injection `type`may be
* `number`
* `boolean`
* `string`
* `regex`
## Notes
### Numbers
`number` matching may be strict or loose, depending on an option passed are compile-time.
1> ejpet:match(<<"42.0">>, "42").
2> ejpet:match(<<"42.0">>, "42", [{number_strict_match, true}]).
### Strings and Regex
`string` and `regex` are UTF-8 encoded byte streams.
They may contain escaping sequences, as in `"\\b"`, or `"\u00E9"`. When found in a `string` these sequences are interpreted by default (but they may be left as-is with option `string_apply_escape_sequence` set to `false`). Found in `regex` they are not interpreted.
3> ejpet:match(<<"\"\x{00E9}\""/utf8>>, <<"\"\\u00E9\""/utf8>>, [{string_apply_escape_sequence, true}]).
4> ejpet:match(<<"\"\x{00E9}\""/utf8>>, <<"\"\\u00E9\""/utf8>>, [{string_apply_escape_sequence, false}]).
5> ejpet:match(<<"\"\\\\u00E9\""/utf8>>, <<"\"\\u00E9\""/utf8>>, [{string_apply_escape_sequence, false}]).
Codepoint produced by evaluating an escape sequence of the form `\uABCD` is *NOT* checked. One can insert any codepoint, valid or not, in a string or regex.
Every pattern `p` can be captured by simply substituing it by `(?<variable_name>p)`. Captures are returned as a JSON object, where each `variable_name` ìs a key, and the list if captures found for that variable is the value.
This JSON object is build with repect to the backend indicated when compiling the pattern.
**Warning** : if there is no captures to return, the empty JSON object `{}` will be returned. But its actual form depends on the backend.
* jsx: `[{}]`
* jiffy: `{[]}`
* mochijson: `{struct, []}`
* jsone: `#{}`
One may wonder why return captures as a encoded JSON object. There is 2 reasons :
1. captures objects are captured "as is" in the parsed document, i.e. in their encoded form. Using the backend encoding for the result is more coherent;
2. capture JSON object can itself be pattern matched.
Parameters Injection
It is possible to provide some matching values at match-time, through parameter injection forms like `(!<param_name>param_type)`, where `param_type` may be `number`, `string`, `boolean` and `regex`.
At match-time, produced matching functions will look for an entry named `param_name` in the provided parameters list. See `ejpet:run/3` and `ejpet:match/4`.
Note that `string` values should be binaries, and `regex` values MUST be `mp()` opaque objects returned by `re:compile/2`.
backend() = jsx | jiffy | mochijson2 | jsone
epm() = {ejpet, term(), term()}
expr_src() = string()
compile_option() = {string_apply_escape_sequence, boolean()}
| {number_strict_match, boolean()}
json_input() = string() | binary()
json_src() = binary()
json_term() = jsx_term() | jiffy_term() | mochijson2_term()
run_param_name = binary()
run_param_value = boolean() | number() | binary() | re::mp()
run_param = {run_param_name(), run_param_value()}
run_res() = {match_stat(), json_term()}
match_res() = {match_stat(), json_src()}
match_stat() = true | false
ejpet:decode(JSONText, Backend) -> json_term()
JSONText = json_input()
Backend = backend()
ejpet:encode(JSONTerm, Backend) -> json_term()
JSONTerm = json_term()
Backend = backend()
ejpet:compile(Expr, Backend, Options) -> epm()
Expr = expr_src()
Backend = backend()
Options = [Option]
Option = compile_option()
ejpet:compile(Expr, Backend) -> epm()
Same as ejpet:compile(Expr, Backend, [])
ejpet:compile(Expr) -> epm()
Same as ejpet:compile(Expr, jsx, [])
ejpet:backend(EPM) -> backend()
EPM = epm()
ejpet:run(JSONTerm, EPM, Params) -> run_res()
EPM = epm()
JSONTerm = json_term()
Params = [Param]
Param = run_param()
ejpet:run(JSONTerm, EPM) -> run_res()
Same pas ejpet:run(JSONTerm, EPM, [])
ejpet:match(JSONText, Expr, Options, Params) -> match_res()
JSONText = json_input()
Expr = expr_src() | epm()
Options = [Option]
Option = compile_option()
Params = [Param]
Param = run_param()
ejpet:match(JSONText, Expr, Options) -> match_res()
Same as ejpet:match(JSONText, Expr, Options, [])
ejpet:match(JSONText, Expr) -> match_res()
Same as ejpet:match(JSONText, Expr, [], [])
ejpet:get_status(Res) -> match_stat()
Res = run_res() | match_res()
get_captures(Res) -> json_term()
Res = run_res() | match_res()
get_capture(Res, Name) -> {ok, json_term()} | not_found
Same as get_captures(Res, Name, jsx)
get_capture(Res, Name, Backend) -> {ok, json_term()} | not_found
Res = run_res()
Name = string() | binary()
Backend = backend()
empty_capture_set() -> json_term()
Same as empty_capture_set(jsx)
empty_capture_set(Backend) -> json_term()
Backend = backend()
# Examples
## Basics
| Expression | Match | No match | Code snippet |
| `42` | `42` | `"42"`, `[42]`, `{"key": 42}` | `ejpet:match(<<"42">>, "42").` |
| `"42"` | `"42"` | `42`, `["42"]`, `{"key": "42"}` | `ejpet:match(<<"\"42\"">>, "\"42\"").` |
| `true` | `true` | `"true"`, `[true]` | `ejpet:match(<<"true">>, "true").` |
| `false` | `false` | `"false"`, `[false]` | `ejpet:match(<<"false">>, "false").` |
| `null` | `null` | `"null"`, `[null]` | `ejpet:match(<<"null">>, "null").` |
| `#"foo"` | `"foobar"`, `"barfoo"` | `"barfo"` | `ejpet:match(<<"\"foobar\"">>, "#\"foo\"").` |
| `#"^foo"` | `"foobar"` | `"barfoo"` | `ejpet:match(<<"\"foobar\"">>, "#\"^foo\"").` |
| `#"bar$"` | `"foobar"` | `"barfoo"` | `ejpet:match(<<"\"foobar\"">>, "#\"bar$\"").` |
## Objects
| Expression | Match | No match | Code snippet |
| `{_:42}` | `{"bar": 42}`, `{"bar": 47, "foo": 42}` | `{"bar": 47}`, `{"foo": "42"}` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"foo\": 42}">>, "{_:42}").` |
| `{"foo":_}` | `{"foo": 42}`, `{"bar": 42, "foo": {}}` | `{"bar": "foo"}` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"foo\": 42}">>, "{\"foo\":_}").` |
| `{"foo":42}` | `{"foo": 42}`, `{"bar": "42", "foo": 42}` | `{"bar": 42, "foo": "42"}` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"foo\": 42}">>, "{\"foo\":42}").`|
| `{_:{"foo": 42}, "bar": {_:#"bar"}}` | `{"neh": {"foo": 42}, "bar": {"nimp": "foobar"}}` | `{"neh": {"notfoo": 42}, "bar": {"nimp": "foobar"}}` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"neh\": {\"foo\": 42}, \"bar\": {\"nimp\": \"foobar\"}}">>, "{_:{\"foo\": 42}, \"bar\": {_:#\"bar\"}}").`|
## Lists
| Expression | Match | No match | Code snippet |
| `["42"]` | `["42"]` | `{"bar": "42"}`, `{"foo": 42}`, `[42]`, `["42", "42"]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[\"42\"]">>, "[\"42\"]").` |
| `[*, "42"]` | `["42"]`, `["42", "42"]`, `[true, "42"]` | `{"bar": "42"}`, `{"foo": 42}`, `[42]`, `["42", true]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[true, \"42\"]">>, "[*, \"42\"]").` |
| `[*, "42", *]` | `["42"]`, `["42", "42"]`, `[true, "42"]`, `["42", true]`, `[{}, "42", true]` | `{"bar": "42"}`, `{"foo": 42}`, `[42]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[true, \"42\", {}]">>, "[*, \"42\", *]").` |
| `[[42]]` | `[[42]]` | `[42]`, `[[42], 42]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[[42]]">>, "[[42]]").` |
| `[*, [42]]` | `[[42]]`, `["42", [42]]` | `[[42], 42]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[\"42\", [42]]">>, "[*, [42]]").` |
| `[[42], *]` | `[[42]]`, `[[42], 42]` | `["42", [42]]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[[42], \"42\"]">>, "[[42], *]").` |
## Value sets (lists or object value set)
| Expression | Match | No match | Code snippet |
| `<42>` | `[42]`, `{"key": 42}` | `42`, `"42"` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"key\": 42}">>, "<42>").` |
| `<"42">` | `["42"]`, `{"bar": "42"}`, `[42, "42"]`, `["42", 42]` | `[42]`, `{"bar": 47}`, `{"foo": 42}` | `ejpet:match(<<"{\"bar\": \"42\"}">>, "<\"42\">").` |
| `<!"42"!>` | `["42"]`, `[true, "42"]`, `["foo", ["42", true], {}]`, `[{}, {"foo": "42"}, true]`, `{"bar": "42"}`, `{"bar": {"foo": "42"}}` | `"42"`, `{"foo": 42}`, `[42]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[true, [null, {\"foo\": \"42\"}, \"bar\"], {}]">>, "<!\"42\"!>").` |
| `<!<!"42"!>!>` | `[["42"]]`, `[{}, {"foo": "42"}, true]`, `{"bar": {"foo": "42"}}` | `["42"]`, `{"bar": "42"}` | `ejpet:match(<<"[{\"foo\":\"42\"}]">>, "<!<!\"42\"!>!>").` |
## Captures
| Expression | Test | Capture(s) | Code snippet |
| `<!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>` | `[{"foo": null}, {"foo": 42, "bar": {}}]` | subnode: `[{"foo":42,"bar":{}}]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[{\"foo\": null}, {\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": {}}]">>, "<!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>").`
| `(?<all><!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>)` | `[{"foo": null}, {"foo": 42, "bar": {}}]` | all: `[[{"foo":null},{"foo":42,"bar":{}}]]`,subnode: `[{"foo":42,"bar":{}}]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[{\"foo\": null}, {\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": {}}]">>, "(?<all><!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>)").`
## Global captures
| Expression | Test | Capture(s) | Code snippet |
|`<(?<node>{\"codec\":_, \"lang\":(?<lang>_)})>/g`|`[{"codec": "audio", "lang": "fr"}, {"codec": "video", "lang": "en"}, {"codec": "foo", "lang": "it"}]`|node: `[{"codec":"audio","lang":"fr"}, {"codec":"video","lang":"en"}, {"codec":"foo","lang":"it"}]` lang: `["fr", "en", "it"]`| `ejpet:match(<<"[{\"codec\": \"audio\", \"lang\": \"fr\"}, {\"codec\":\"video\", \"lang\": \"en\"}, {\"codec\": \"foo\", \"lang\": \"it\"}]">>, <<"<(?<node>{\"codec\":_, \"lang\":(?<lang>_)})>/g">>)`
## Injections
| Expression | Test | parameters | Capture(s) | Code snippet |
| `<(?<subnode>(!<what>number))>` | `[41, 42, 43]` | `[{<<"what">>, 42}]` | subnode: `[42]` | `ejpet:match(<<"[41, 42, 43]">>, "<(?<subnode>(!<what>number))>", [], [{<<"what">>, 42}]).`
# Notes
In arrays above, captured values are expressed as "abstract JSON node", for illustration purpose.
As explained previously, actual capture result depends on the API function used, and may be:
* serialized JSON nodes (as in the "Code snippet" column), with `ejpet:match()`
1> ejpet:match(<<"[{\"foo\": null}, {\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": {}}]">>, "(?<all><!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>)").
* (jsx | jiffy | mochijson2) JSON value, depending on the backend, for easier further processing, with `ejpet:run()`
1> JSX = ejpet:compile("(?<all><!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>)", jsx, []).
2> ejpet:run((ejpet:backend(JSX)):decode(<<"[{\"foo\": null}, {\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": {}}]">>), JSX).
39> Mochi = ejpet:compile("(?<all><!(?<subnode>{_:42})!>)", mochijson2, []).
40> ejpet:run((ejpet:backend(Mochi)):decode(<<"[{\"foo\": null}, {\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": {}}]">>), Mochi).