# el_soconos
An elixir package for controlling a Sonos sound system. This is a simple wrapper around the excellent [soco](http://python-soco.com) python package. el_soconos does not install this package, it assumes you have a working python installation and the SoCo library installed.
el_soconos is a work in progress. It is not a complete implementation of the Soco API, but rather has been filled out to perform a few simple functions. Feature requests will be accepted, pull requests will be welcomed.
## Installation
Add el_soconos to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:el_soconos, "~> 1.0.0"}]
## Configuration
There is currently no configuration necessary for el_soconos.
## Usage
### Querying the Sonos system
el_soconos reports on the Sonos network through elixir's Registry module, so an elixir later than version 1.4 is required.
Register for and receive these notifications like so:
{:ok, _} = Registry.register(ElSoconos, "el_soconos_update", [])
def handle_info({:el_soconos_update, data}, state) do
Map.merge(state, %{sonos: data})
Initiate a data scan with the following code:
The data will be returned in a map with the following keys:
favorites: [
uri: "pndrradio:32399648508186355",
title: "The Rolling Stones Radio",
meta: <various data>
groups: [
%ElSoconos.Group {
uid: "RINCON_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:49",
coordinator_ip: ""
playlists: [
uri: "S://DiskStation/music/playlists/test.m3u",
title: "test.m3u"
speakers: [
group_coordinator_ip: ""
group_uid: "RINCON_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:49"
ip: ""
mode: "NORMAL"
name: "Office"
uid: "RINCON_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
volume: 30
You can query for the individual objects through the ElSoconos interface:
a_grp = ElSoconos.get_group(group_uid)
a_fav = ElSoconos.get_favorite(favorite_uri)
a_spkr = ElSoconos.get_speaker(speaker_uid)
### Controlling the Sonos system
Sources (either favorites or playlists) must be played through a group. Each speaker is in its own group it seems.
A single speaker cannot be used instead of a group, but the speaker struct contains a field group_uid, which can then be used to fetch the Group.
a_group = ElSoconos.get_group(a_speaker.group_uid)
ElSoconos.play(a_group, a_favorite)
ElSoconos.play(a_group, a_playlist)
ElSoconos.set_volume(a_group, 70)
ElSoconos.set_volume(a_speaker, 20)