# Elavon
A native [USBank Elavon Converge](https://developer.elavon.com/#/home/landing) elixir client. This library only supports a fraction of the full Elavon API, however what is written is production ready.
## Installation
Add `elavon` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` and run `mix deps.get`:
def deps do
{:elavon, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
After `elavon` is installed, you'll need to add the appropriate configuration:
config :elavon,
environment: :sandbox,
transaction_module: Elavon.Transaction.HTTP,
ssl_merchant_id: System.get_env("ELAVON_MERCHANT_ID"),
ssl_user_id: System.get_env("ELAVON_USER_ID"),
ssl_pin: System.get_env("ELAVON_PIN"),
custom_fields: [:Site, :EDate, :SDate]
The environment defaults to `:sandbox`, but you'll want to change it to `:production` in your `prod.exs` file.
The transaction module is configurable so that you can create a mock module for testing if necessary. For example:
# Create Elavon.Transaction.Mock module
defmodule Elavon.Transaction.Mock do
def sale(params, opts) do
# return a mocked response
# Update test.exs config file:
config :elavon,
transaction_module: Elavon.Transaction.Mock
The custom fields configuration option allows you to specify any custom fields you've defined on your account, which you'd like to be returned as part of the transaction response.
## Usage
The test cards are not listed in the documentation and they may change in future. Here are the current mastercard and visa test card numbers:
**VISA**: 4124939999999990
**MASTERCARD**: 5406004444444443
params = %{
ssl_card_number: 4124939999999990,
ssl_cvv2cvc2_indicator: 1,
ssl_cvv2cvc2: 123,
ssl_amount: 10.00,
ssl_exp_date: 1220,
ssl_invoice_number: to_string(Enum.take_random(?a..?z, 20))
case Elavon.sale(params) do
{:ok, %Elavon.Transaction{} = transaction} -> do_something_with_transaction(transaction)
{:error, %Elavon.Exception{} = error} -> report_error(error)
{:error, %HTTPoison{id: nil, reason: :timeout}} -> handle_timeout()
## Premium Support
Elavon, as an open source project, is free to use and always will be. [Infinite Red](https://infinite.red) offers premium Elavon support and general web &
mobile app design/development services. Get in touch [here](https://infinite.red/contact) or email us at [hello@infinite.red](mailto:hello@infinite.red).