# Elbat (formerly known as Table)

This is a fork (*with renaming) of the Table package since upstream seems unmaintaned
The main purpose of `Elbat` is to be able to calculate tabular output also when
having html tags.
If you don't need this small feature, please use the official `Table` package.


ascii tables for cli

## Installation

First, add `elbat` to your dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
        [{:elbat, "~> 0.0.1"}]

Then, update your dependencies:

    $ mix deps.get

## Usage

    iex> IO.write Elbat.table(%{"key"=> "value"})
    | key | value |

    iex> IO.write Elbat.table([%{"style"=> :ascii},
                               %{"style"=> :unicode}], :unicode)
    │ style    │
    │ :ascii   │
    │ :unicode │

    iex> IO.write Elbat.table(%{"key"=> "multiline\nvalue"}, :unicode)
    │ key ╎ multiline │
    │     ╎ value     │
