# Elector

![example workflow](

## Description
Elector is an Erlang application that automatically detects all nodes inside the distributed Erlang cluster and chooses the leader node.
The elections are started automatically when the Elector application is started or when a node joins or leaves the cluster.
Elector also allows you to run pre- and post-election hooks that will be triggered when the election process is started and finished.

The default election strategy is to choose the node with the highest runtime.

Elector supports the following configurations:
- `election_delay` - The delay in milliseconds before the new election starts. This value is used automatic election is triggered either by node join/leave or startup. Default value is 1 second(1000).
- `sync_start` - If true the election will start synchronously on start up. Set it `false` if start up should be async. Default is `true`.
- `strategy_module` - The module that is used for the election strategy
implementation. Default is `runtime_high_strategy` which chooses the node with the highest runtime.
Available options are: `runtime_high_strategy` and `runtime_low_strategy`. Feel free to write your own strategy module that implements the `strategy_behaviour` module.
`pre_election_hooks` - A list of hooks/function calls that will be triggered exactly before the node is starting the election. Expects
a list of tuples with the following format: `{Module, Function, Args}`. Default is `[]`.
`post_election_hooks` - A list of hooks/function calls that will be triggered exactly after the election process. Expects
a list of tuples with the following format: `{Module, Function, Args}`. Default is `[]`.
- `startup_hooks_enabled`- If true the `pre_election_hooks` and `post_election_hooks` will be triggered on startup. Default is `true`.
- `quorum_size` - The number of nodes(including the local node) that should be available in the cluster before the election process is started. Default is `1`. Do not set it to `0` as it will disable the election process, leave 1 if you want to run the election process even if there is only one node in the cluster.

## Guides

### Installation for Elixir application
- Add `{:elector, "~> 2.0"}` under the deps in the `mix.exs` file: 
defp deps do
        {:elector, "~> 2.0"}
- Add `elector` under the extra_applications in the `mix.exs` file:
def application do
        extra_applications: [:elector],
        mod: {MyApp, []}

### Installation for Erlang application
- Add `elector` to the deps in the `rebar.config` file: `{deps, [{"elector", "0.2.0"}]}.`.
- Add `elector` to the `applications` list in the `` file: `{applications, [elector]}.`
- Another option is to start the top level supervisor manually.

### Start election manually
Elixir: `:elector.elect_sync()` or `:elector.elect()`
Erlang: `elector:elect_sync()` or `elector:elect()`

### Get current leader
> alias :elector, as Elector
> Elector.get_leader()
{:ok, :example_node}

> elector:get_leader().
{ok, example_node}

See the `elector` module for more.

## For contributors:

### Setup the elector locally and run the application:
- `docker-compose up -d`
- `docker exec -it elector_elector_1 sh`
- `rebar3 compile`
- `erl -sname local -setcookie cookievalue -pa ./_build/default/lib/elector/ebin -eval "application:start(elector)"`

### Run tests:
- `rebar3 compile && ct_run -dir test -logdir test_logs -pa ./_build/default/lib/elector/ebin -setcookie cookievalue`

### Generate documentation:
- `erl -noshell -run edoc_run files '["src/elector.erl"]' '[{dir, "doc"}]'`
- `rebar3 edoc`