# ElectrumClient
Elixir library simplifying calls to an Electrum RPC Server
## Donations
This library is being built in the wild according to these principles
- Free to use
- Developer friendly
- Modular
Arguably, the most important part is that it is `unbiased`.
If you want to keep it that way, and want to promote its active development, please send donations
here: `bc1qcqg6flp09esqx6cl5h45epftyyc952j7au7h7w`
Thank you!
## Installation
def deps do
{:electrum_client, "~> 0.1.29"}
## Example usage
Works both on `mainnet` or `testnet`, depends on the electrum server's configuration.
Example calling a `testnet` server at `` on port `60001` to get a list of
UTXO from the `67a5662abf889b5a28ffa821c1f85fd3ef9313756b881351d91a3671f3f52858` script hash.
ElectrumClient.start_link("", 60001)
## Local configuration
It is possible ton configure your own electrum server automatically when iex starts.
Create a `.iex.local.exs` file containing the follwing contents, assuming your electrum
server is at ``, answering to port `60001`:
ElectrumClient.start_link("", 60001)
## Get a bitcoin address balance
Send an address to `get_balance` and get a number of confirmed and unconfirmed sats
%{confirmed: 1318882, unconfirmed: 0}
## List a bitcoin address UTXOs
To get a list of unspent transaction outputs related to an address, send the address
to `list_unspent`
height: 2347375,
transaction_id: "dde058767aa566f2aba736320796771922efa6cb6e75f1cba3d47e4bfd5ae0d8",
value: 1318882,
vxid: 1
## Broadcast a transaction
Send an encoded transaction to `broadcast_transaction` and you'll get a transaction id back
{:ok, "ba9e74b6359c5ff49bb5a1dc0979ce85db8ee45aa90fbf170ff72dec0aad542f"}
## Get a transaction's details
Send a transaction id to `get_transaction` to get a map containing all the transaction's details
ElectrumClient.get_transaction "05517750a78fb8c38346b1bf5908d71abe728811b643105be6595e11a9392373"
version: 1,
inputs: [
txid: "420c552d7821da5da61be91dffe984537f460dc668f0766f6c2e1c7a10287610",
vout: 0,
script_sig: [%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Data{value: <<0x30440220571a1484112982604f16f2d1a49c862e2093cedfaf3042af42d7b587c220fbff022055435f538623f09572b87770cf93d7183d1bcb7503895682672f8f98134b320e01::568>>},
%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Data{value: <<0x02f942091e070d59e2f86e17b77e4f96539752f19f360dbf87ef15ea1f0fe8a4e2::264>>}],
sequence: 4294967295
outputs: [
value: 4000,
script_pub_key: [%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Stack.Dup{},
%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Data{value: <<0x09d6cbc4a478c8f1cbde9085b10fb84519591afb::160>>},
%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Crypto.CheckSig{script: <<0x76a91409d6cbc4a478c8f1cbde9085b10fb84519591afb88ac::200>>}]
value: 5000,
script_pub_key: [%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Stack.Dup{},
%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Data{value: <<0xe8046c97f9c1c38ff6c15e4d7696385309d54388::160>>},
%BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Crypto.CheckSig{script: <<0x76a914e8046c97f9c1c38ff6c15e4d7696385309d5438888ac::200>>}]
locktime: 0