# ElementTui

An Elixir library to create terminal user interfaces (tui), using [termbox2]( under the hood. Elementtui provides the basic building blocks for a TUI. There is a companion library available with more complicated [components]( Code examples are available in a separate [repository](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `elementtui` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:elementtui, "~> 0.5"}

## Usage

There are some simple examples available on [codeberg]( that should help you get started. Also see the documentation on [hexdocs](

Minimal `hello world` example:

  fn _, ev -> case ev do
      {:key,  _, _, ?q} ->
        {:halt, nil}

      _ ->
        ElementTui.Element.text("Hello World")
        |> ElementTui.render(5, 5, 100, 1)


        {:cont, nil}
  timeout: 1000

Note that when starting your own project you need to make sure elixir/erlang does not listen for input, by setting [-noinput]( in the `mix.exs` file. 

## Examples

For the code to create these examples see [codeberg/elementtui_examples](

### Performance example 


### Popup example


### Component example

Example of the tab and xygraph components. See the [examples]( repository for the code.


### Rtttex

[rtttex]( is a full fledged tui build using the elementtui library.