# ElementTuiComponents

ElementTuiComponents: TUI component companion library for ElementTui. This repository is meant to become a collection of useful components build upon the [ElementTui]( library. Elementtui contains the basic building blocks for a TUI, while this library contains more specific layout examples, such as an xygraph, tabbed window etc. Feel free to submit your own components if you think they are of use to others.

Currently, the components are basic examples of what you can do. Feel free to use the components code as your starting code if you want to add features specific to your use case.

A secondary goal of this library is to include experimental features that might be moved into elementtui proper. These live under `lib/experimental`.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `elementtui_components` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:elementtui_components, ">= 0.0.0"}

## Usage

There are some simple examples available on [codeberg]( that should help you get started.

## Example

Example of the tab and xygraph components. See the [examples]( repository for the code.
