# Elidactyl
Elixir API client to Pterodactyl - opensource dedicated game server managment system
## Installation
Add `elidactyl` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:elidactyl, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
config :elidactyl, :pterodactyl_url, "<your_ip_here>"
config :elidactyl, :pterodactyl_auth_token, "<your_auth_token>"
config :elidactyl, Elidactyl.PanelRepo,
username: "root",
password: "<your_password>",
database: "pterodactyl",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
Auth token is generated on this page:
## How to use
# List available servers
iex(1)> Elidactyl.Client.list_all_servers()
allocation: nil,
container: nil,
created_at: nil,
description: "Custom rust server",
egg: nil,
external_id: nil,
feature_limits: %{allocations: 0, databases: 0},
id: nil,
identifier: "4b5a38fa",
limits: %{cpu: 0, disk: 30000, io: 250, memory: 6000, swap: 0},
name: "Rust server",
nest: nil,
node: nil,
pack: nil,
server_owner: true,
suspended: nil,
updated_at: nil,
user: nil,
uuid: "4b5a38fa-c61a-4fbf-bfd5-f21a2f463b37"
## Users
# List all users
iex(2)> Elidactyl.Users.list_users
"2fa": true,
created_at: "2020-03-10T20:37:04+00:00",
email: "r378ut@gmail.com",
external_id: nil,
first_name: "Roman",
id: 1,
language: "en",
last_name: "Berdichevskii",
password: nil,
root_admin: true,
updated_at: "2020-03-14T23:03:54+00:00",
username: "kintull",
uuid: "6f0d5bfc-ea4b-41ee-afb9-616d755c70ac"
# Create user
iex(2)> params =
email: "example@example.com",
first_name: "John",
is_admin: true,
language: "en",
last_name: "Doe",
root_admin: false,
username: "example"
iex(3)> Elidactyl.Users.create_user(params)
"2fa": false,
created_at: "2020-05-30T13:19:42+00:00",
email: "example@example.com",
external_id: nil,
first_name: "John",
id: 18,
language: "en",
last_name: "Doe",
password: nil,
root_admin: false,
updated_at: "2020-05-30T13:19:42+00:00",
username: "example",
uuid: "219e20e3-3975-44b4-ae63-fa79137fdb99"
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